Misconception about Obamacare...


Well-known member
Ive noticed that a huge amount of educated people have a big misconception of what Obamacare is...

A very educated business owner told me she was concerned because she did not know how to convert her employees Insurance Company from Humana to Obamacare and was afraid she was going to get in trouble if she did not figure it out soon.

She has three employees and provides them and there families with a policy, the employees pay a small portion of the premium. She did not believe me when I told her that she was going to be able to keep the setup she has. She literally thought she was going to have to leave her insurance company and sign up with a new "company" that was called Obamacare.

I have other examples of the ignorance but I have to run to lunch, Ill post when I return.
its going to fix things.....

It already as fixed things for many uninsured, they are now insured.

There are things that aren't working, but they aware of these problems and there are solutions. It is a matter of fine tuning the tweaks.
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It lready as fixed things for many uninsured, they are nw insured.

There are things that aren't working, but they aware of these problems and there are solutions. It is a matter of fine tuning the tweaks.

I here people are getting their hours cut back to 29 hours a week, and people are losing their great ins that they're getting for free from their company, and are now either being penalized because they can't afford it, or having to pay for ins that isn't nearly as good as what they had.
I here people are getting their hours cut back to 29 hours a week, and people are losing their great ins that they're getting for free from their company, and are now either being penalized because they can't afford it, or having to pay for ins that isn't nearly as good as what they had.

that is also why the gains in the jobs numbers have been predominantly PT and not FT.
It lready as fixed things for many uninsured, they are nw insured.
we both know that the things the right is complaining about are the things that don't go into effect until January, 2014......moving the goalposts will not save your argument.....
You want the repeal of the whole thing, you are the ignorant one.

/shrugs.....I have no problem with students remaining on their parents policies.....I also have no problem with prohibiting insurance companies denying coverage for pre-existing conditions......if you claim I want to repeal those you are either ignorant or dishonest.....which is it?.......
/shrugs.....I have no problem with students remaining on their parents policies.....I also have no problem with prohibiting insurance companies denying coverage for pre-existing conditions......if you claim I want to repeal those you are either ignorant or dishonest.....which is it?.......


1) Your first link talks about data from mid 2012... My statement was the jobs changes for 2013 thus far. Different time periods. My link shows the jobs picture for the time period stated.

2) Your second link is nothing but nonsense from the WH in that it is making a case for restaurants, not the jobs market on the whole.
yet the bills the house republicans keep trotting out repeal ALL of the ACA... and folks like PiMP support THOSE efforts. Clearly, they support eliminating those provisions they claim to be supportive of. How the fuck does that work?

spec·u·la·tion *(spky-lshn)
a. Contemplation or consideration of a subject; meditation.
b. A conclusion, opinion, or theory reached by conjecture.
c. Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition.
a. Engagement in risky business transactions on the chance of quick or considerable profit.
b. A commercial or financial transaction involving speculation.
spec·u·la·tion *(spky-lshn)
a. Contemplation or consideration of a subject; meditation.
b. A conclusion, opinion, or theory reached by conjecture.
c. Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition.
a. Engagement in risky business transactions on the chance of quick or considerable profit.
b. A commercial or financial transaction involving speculation.
