Michelle Obama critisized for telling students that drinking water is good for them..


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
"Drink just one more glass of water a day, and you can make a real difference in your health, for your energy and the way that you feel.” She cited “scientific evidence” that says our bodies perform better when they are “hydrated” than when they are even “just a little bit dehydrated.” And perhaps most importantly, Obama said, “The truth is, we all have a choice about what we drink and when we choose water, we’re choosing to be at our very best.” Michelle Obama told students in Watertown, Wisconsin.

Rush Limbaugh called it “just more command-and-control” from the Obama White House.

Conservative anti-Obamacare Dr. Stanley Goldfarb of the University of Pennsylvania, who said, “There really isn’t data to support this. I think, unfortunately, frankly, they’re not basing this on really hard science"


What these extremeist Right Wingers need to know is that a governing power should govern their nation with more words and less force. Having a speech and asking restaurants to lower their soda size should be determined a good thing. Using force, is not. More extremeists making Conservatives look idiotic.
So whats the context of this.....

I (Rush) think there's an all-out assault on soda pop, soft drinks. That's why, by the way, if you've noticed, all the soft drink companies now have their own version of bottled water. Coca-Cola has their own version of bottled water, and I'm sure Pepsi does. I don't know what the brand is, but they're expanding into bottled water. You know how much bottled water actually comes out of somebody's tap? You would be amazed. I can't remember. I had the story not long ago about all of the deception in that industry. You know, I've always been amazed. The price of bottled water is far more expensive if you measure it by the gallon. When you go to the store and buy it, it's far more expensive than a gallon of gasoline.
The guys that produce the water don't have to do anything. They don't have to drill for it, they don't have to explore for it, they don't have to get permission from the government to go do things wherever they want. They don't scour the world. They don't have to go down 5,000 feet below the ocean floor to get it. They just turn on somebody's tap, and they claim it comes from some spring. I always thought if I was in the oil business, I'd really be ticked off that the bottled water guys are able to charge that much.
I get grief for what I charge versus what it costs me to go find the oil and have it refined and turned into gasoline. Pull quote from the story. "everal public health experts contacted by Politico said they had concerns about the way the White House was framing the campaign. Those experts said the health benefits of increased water consumption are murky and there are no widely accepted criteria for how much water individuals should drink each day.

(is 8 glasses still the recommendation ?)

"'There really isn't data to support this,' said Dr. Stanley Goldfarb of the University of Pennsylvania. 'I think, unfortunately, frankly, they're not basing this on really hard science. It's not a very scientific approach they've taken. … To make it a major public health effort, I think I would say it's bizarre,'" and this guy is a kidney specialist. He took issue with the White House claims that drinking more water would boost energy. The idea that drinking water increases energy? Absurd. Water doesn't create energy.

And implying Goldfarb made the claim because he is "anti-Obamacare"....
I don't listen to him and was curious to see how this came about.....
Just FYI...no excuse intended...everyone has their opinions, huh ? Limbaugh can certainly make a mountain out of mole-hill with the best of 'em....he stretchin' here
So whats the context of this.....

I (Rush) think there's an all-out assault on soda pop, soft drinks. That's why, by the way, if you've noticed, all the soft drink companies now have their own version of bottled water. Coca-Cola has their own version of bottled water, and I'm sure Pepsi does. I don't know what the brand is, but they're expanding into bottled water. You know how much bottled water actually comes out of somebody's tap? You would be amazed. I can't remember. I had the story not long ago about all of the deception in that industry. You know, I've always been amazed. The price of bottled water is far more expensive if you measure it by the gallon. When you go to the store and buy it, it's far more expensive than a gallon of gasoline.
The guys that produce the water don't have to do anything. They don't have to drill for it, they don't have to explore for it, they don't have to get permission from the government to go do things wherever they want. They don't scour the world. They don't have to go down 5,000 feet below the ocean floor to get it. They just turn on somebody's tap, and they claim it comes from some spring. I always thought if I was in the oil business, I'd really be ticked off that the bottled water guys are able to charge that much.
I get grief for what I charge versus what it costs me to go find the oil and have it refined and turned into gasoline. Pull quote from the story. "everal public health experts contacted by Politico said they had concerns about the way the White House was framing the campaign. Those experts said the health benefits of increased water consumption are murky and there are no widely accepted criteria for how much water individuals should drink each day.

(is 8 glasses still the recommendation ?)

"'There really isn't data to support this,' said Dr. Stanley Goldfarb of the University of Pennsylvania. 'I think, unfortunately, frankly, they're not basing this on really hard science. It's not a very scientific approach they've taken. … To make it a major public health effort, I think I would say it's bizarre,'" and this guy is a kidney specialist. He took issue with the White House claims that drinking more water would boost energy. The idea that drinking water increases energy? Absurd. Water doesn't create energy.

And implying Goldfarb made the claim because he is "anti-Obamacare"....
I don't listen to him and was curious to see how this came about.....
Just FYI...no excuse intended...everyone has their opinions, huh ? Limbaugh can certainly make a mountain out of mole-hill with the best of 'em....he stretchin' here

To my knowledge, Michelle Obama never stated we should drink 9 instead of 8 glasses of water a day. She stated people should drink one more glass of water a day.

Only the Corporate Hugging Right Wing would jump to a conclusion that stating "drink more water" is an attack on soda. Dumb as fuck. If your only drive and perspective is more Corporate power, then you might find yourself fighting for less water talk.

This talk of, not force of water is mostly due to the high temps in the nation for whatever reason you want to believe, it's a fact, it's hot. "75 percent of the American population fall short of the 10 daily cups prescribed by the Institute of Medicine – which, in medical terms, means that most people in the U.S are functioning in a chronic state of dehydration." Raising awareness for water drinking is the job of EVERY American.

And when you find yourself fighting that "There is no proof water is good for you" you might want to step back, look at what you are saying and try to use your brain instead of being sheeple and repeating everything you hear from For Profit media.
I think this pretty much solidifies my theory that Fox News and other extremeist Right Wing media focus more on Corporate profits than politics or what is best for America. Everything they are fighting for has a Corporation behind it that will profit if they win the fight. You can just watch their commercials and see who they target.

It has almost nothing to do with being Conservative at all..
To my knowledge, Michelle Obama never stated we should drink 9 instead of 8 glasses of water a day. She stated people should drink one more glass of water a day.
I didn't see anyone make that claim, did you?

Only the Corporate Hugging Right Wing would jump to a conclusion that stating "drink more water" is an attack on soda. Dumb as fuck. If your only drive and perspective is more Corporate power, then you might find yourself fighting for less water talk.

Yeah, Rush the the rights version of huffington...outrageous ain't it

This talk of, not force of water is mostly due to the high temps in the nation for whatever reason you want to believe, it's a fact, it's hot. "75 percent of the American population fall short of the 10 daily cups prescribed by the Institute of Medicine – which, in medical terms, means that most people in the U.S are functioning in a chronic state of dehydration." Raising awareness for water drinking is the job of EVERY American.

So its up to 10 now...wow, guess I'm still old school...........and most are in a chronic state of dehydration ?...wow again, I didn't now that

And when you find yourself fighting that "There is no proof water is good for you" you might want to step back, look at what you are saying and try to use your brain instead of being sheeple and repeating everything you hear from For Profit media.

Did someone say 'water is no good for you' ??? I think its pretty common knowledge that you can't live without water

I think this pretty much solidifies my theory that Fox News and other extremeist Right Wing media focus more on Corporate profits than politics or what is best for America. Everything they are fighting for has a Corporation behind it that will profit if they win the fight. You can just watch their commercials and see who they target.

And now FOX NEWS is into this ?....how the hell did that happen ? You realize that Limbaugh was implying MO was doing this for big Corps....how the hell did you
get that turned around from this thread?

It has almost nothing to do with being Conservative at all..

And then you conclude this ?....that don't compute either.

This is even better than I hoped for,...now you can all see how stuff gets turned upside down, conclusions made from thin air and accusations made or
idea implied that were never made.....and entities brought into the fray that have absolutely nothing to do with the issue being discussed....

Good job Anti-Party....you were great.
Wow. This thread should have died quickly - of course drinking more water (up to a point of overhydration is good for you); of course the conservatives were dumb to act like this was the White House dictating something; of course people on this forum would just roll their eyes and move on.

But trust Nova to walk the right-wing line....
Wow. This thread should have died quickly - of course drinking more water (up to a point of overhydration is good for you); of course the conservatives were dumb to act like this was the White House dictating something; of course people on this forum would just roll their eyes and move on.

But trust Nova to walk the right-wing line....

I am proud to stand with you on his list by the way! Darla made it as well, but, he has a crush on christiefan, so even though she is a liberal, he gives her a pass.
I am proud to stand with you on his list by the way! Darla made it as well, but, he has a crush on christiefan, so even though she is a liberal, he gives her a pass.

christiefan is a girl too? Are you Rana? It doesn't matter but I feel left out of a discussion.
Boys and girls, if you drink water, juice, pop, coffee, tea, milk, of your choice you are likely hydrated fine. If you go all alchy, you need some major help with electrolytes, grab some gatorade, pedialyte, Smartwater.
Boys and girls, if you drink water, juice, pop, coffee, tea, milk, of your choice you are likely hydrated fine. If you go all alchy, you need some major help with electrolytes, grab some gatorade, pedialyte, Smartwater.

Now that was out of bounds. What's with the attack on the Right Wing? Some of them are decent people. Of course Rush will have fewer listeners if people are sober. Annie is now trying to control the American people to ensure a Left Wing vote. *fun*
Could this be related? OMG!


Whole Foods is like Vegas. You go there to feel good but you leave broke, disoriented, and with the newfound knowledge that you have a vaginal disease.

Unlike Vegas, Whole Foods' clientele are all about mindfulness and compassion... until they get to the parking lot. Then it's war. As I pull up this morning, I see a pregnant lady on the crosswalk holding a baby and groceries. This driver swerves around her and honks. As he speeds off I catch his bumper sticker, which says 'NAMASTE'. Poor lady didn't even hear him approaching because he was driving a Prius. He crept up on her like a panther.

As the great, sliding glass doors part I am immediately smacked in the face by a wall of cool, moist air that smells of strawberries and orchids. I leave behind the concrete jungle and enter a cornucopia of organic bliss; the land of hemp milk and honey. Seriously, think about Heaven and then think about Whole Foods; they're basically the same.

The first thing I see is the great wall of kombucha -- 42 different kinds of rotten tea. Fun fact: the word kombucha is Japanese for 'I gizzed in your tea.' Anyone who's ever swallowed the glob of mucus at the end of the bottle knows exactly what I'm talking about. I believe this thing is called "The Mother," which makes it that much creepier.

Next I see the gluten-free section filled with crackers and bread made from various wheat-substitutes such as cardboard and sawdust. I skip this aisle because I'm not rich enough to have dietary restrictions. Ever notice that you don't meet poor people with special diet needs? A gluten intolerant house cleaner? A cab driver with Candida? Candida is what I call a rich, white person problem. You know you've really made it in this world when you get Candida. My personal theory is that Candida is something you get from too much hot yoga. All I'm saying is if I were a yeast, I would want to live in your yoga pants.

*in a Colbert style message*

Watch out for the Obama's boys and girls. Their focus is population control. Their current movement is to "drink water" but don't just do what a dictator tells you to do. You can become intoxicated with water, which is clearly the Liberal agenda. Water intoxication (also known as overhydration or hyponatremia) is a physical condition that results from an abnormal balance of electrolytes in the body. When an overabundance of water causes an imbalance between water and electrolytes in the body, cells start to swell up. This creates a very dangerous situation as swollen cells in the brain lead to intracranial pressure. As this pressure worsens, the blood flow to the brain can be interrupted, leading to dysfunction in the central nervous system, seizures, coma or even death.

The Obama's tried to sweep this under the rug when stating, "The choice is yours" but we all know what that meant.. . .... .

This is Anti-Party saving Americans from drinking too much water. A real American hero.
*in a Colbert style message*

Watch out for the Obama's boys and girls. Their focus is population control. Their current movement is to "drink water" but don't just do what a dictator tells you to do. You can become intoxicated with water, which is clearly the Liberal agenda. Water intoxication (also known as overhydration or hyponatremia) is a physical condition that results from an abnormal balance of electrolytes in the body. When an overabundance of water causes an imbalance between water and electrolytes in the body, cells start to swell up. This creates a very dangerous situation as swollen cells in the brain lead to intracranial pressure. As this pressure worsens, the blood flow to the brain can be interrupted, leading to dysfunction in the central nervous system, seizures, coma or even death.

The Obama's tried to sweep this under the rug when stating, "The choice is yours" but we all know what that meant.. . .... .

This is Anti-Party saving Americans from drinking too much water. A real American hero.

HMM, See my 'Whole Foods' post before this.
Water is fine; but whiskey is better and I can prove it.

Take a glass of water and the same size glass full of whiskey.
Put a worm in each glass.
The worm in the glass of water will live; but the worm in the glass of whiskey will die.

This proves that if you drink whiskey, you'll never have worms. :)
So whats the context of this.....

I (Rush) think there's an all-out assault on soda pop, soft drinks. That's why, by the way, if you've noticed, all the soft drink companies now have their own version of bottled water. Coca-Cola has their own version of bottled water, and I'm sure Pepsi does. I don't know what the brand is, but they're expanding into bottled water. You know how much bottled water actually comes out of somebody's tap? You would be amazed. I can't remember. I had the story not long ago about all of the deception in that industry. You know, I've always been amazed. The price of bottled water is far more expensive if you measure it by the gallon. When you go to the store and buy it, it's far more expensive than a gallon of gasoline.
The guys that produce the water don't have to do anything. They don't have to drill for it, they don't have to explore for it, they don't have to get permission from the government to go do things wherever they want. They don't scour the world. They don't have to go down 5,000 feet below the ocean floor to get it. They just turn on somebody's tap, and they claim it comes from some spring. I always thought if I was in the oil business, I'd really be ticked off that the bottled water guys are able to charge that much.
I get grief for what I charge versus what it costs me to go find the oil and have it refined and turned into gasoline. Pull quote from the story. "everal public health experts contacted by Politico said they had concerns about the way the White House was framing the campaign. Those experts said the health benefits of increased water consumption are murky and there are no widely accepted criteria for how much water individuals should drink each day.

(is 8 glasses still the recommendation ?)

"'There really isn't data to support this,' said Dr. Stanley Goldfarb of the University of Pennsylvania. 'I think, unfortunately, frankly, they're not basing this on really hard science. It's not a very scientific approach they've taken. … To make it a major public health effort, I think I would say it's bizarre,'" and this guy is a kidney specialist. He took issue with the White House claims that drinking more water would boost energy. The idea that drinking water increases energy? Absurd. Water doesn't create energy.

And implying Goldfarb made the claim because he is "anti-Obamacare"....
I don't listen to him and was curious to see how this came about.....
Just FYI...no excuse intended...everyone has their opinions, huh ? Limbaugh can certainly make a mountain out of mole-hill with the best of 'em....he stretchin' here

The average person drinks 2.5, cups of water a day, so one more glass of water on average would be 3.5 which is still below the once accepted 8 glasses. The data is still new, so, we will see if all doctors accept it and prescribe drinking only when thirsty.
I live in Alaska, I drink straight from the tap, it is cold and it has basically no taste, just refreshing water! When I travel out of Alaska, water has a taste, like some are metallic, rusty, lol.