Michael Moore pays medical bill for wife of Rabid Anti-Moore blogger


Will work for Scooby snacks

This guy, Jim Kenefick, is a rightwinger who runs an anti-michael moore website, dedicated to shredding and attacking Michael Moore.

This wingnut attacks Moore on his new Healthcare movie. Meanwhile, the wingnut's wife is sick, and they can't afford their own medical premiums. He even posts pleas on his website, asking for money to take care of his sick wife.

Michael Moore gives the guy an anonoymous donation of 12 thousand dollars, which pays for the wifes insurance premiums. The guy evidently even uses some of moore's donation to keep his anti-moore website up and running.

And after Michael Moore donates money to his wife, the guy still gives an interview, calling Moore dishonest and deceitful.

Can you feel the rightwing love?

Poor No Moore

When the founder of the Web’s most popular anti-Michael Moore Web site ran into financial trouble because of medical bills, a very unlikely guardian angel came to the rescue - Michael Moore.


This guy, Jim Kenefick, is a rightwinger who runs an anti-michael moore website, dedicated to shredding and attacking Michael Moore.

This wingnut attacks Moore on his new Healthcare movie. Meanwhile, the wingnut's wife is sick, and they can't afford their own medical premiums. He even posts pleas on his website, asking for money to take care of his sick wife.

Michael Moore gives the guy an anonoymous donation of 12 thousand dollars, which pays for the wifes insurance premiums. The guy evidently even uses some of moore's donation to keep his anti-moore website up and running.

And after Michael Moore donates money to his wife, the guy still gives an interview, calling Moore dishonest and deceitful.

Can you feel the rightwing love?

Michael Moore is very nice to do this...:pke:
damn they even look alike.

Great bit of thinking by Moore, he gets to help a couple of people and make a point at the same time.

Smart guy.
damn they even look alike.

Great bit of thinking by Moore, he gets to help a couple of people and make a point at the same time.

Smart guy.
It is an interesting and very smart move by Moore.

I'm actually looking forward to this new flick. Was before this. This actually turned me off a bit, but it will stick with his fans.

He thanks M. Moore quite a few times on his site, but says, "I still don't like your style."
Really says a lot, I think, about on which side of the spectrum Jesus would sit.

Would Jesus lambaste an opponent or would Jesus lend a caring hand to his enemy?

This guy, Jim Kenefick, is a rightwinger who runs an anti-michael moore website, dedicated to shredding and attacking Michael Moore.

This wingnut attacks Moore on his new Healthcare movie. Meanwhile, the wingnut's wife is sick, and they can't afford their own medical premiums. He even posts pleas on his website, asking for money to take care of his sick wife.

Michael Moore gives the guy an anonoymous donation of 12 thousand dollars, which pays for the wifes insurance premiums. The guy evidently even uses some of moore's donation to keep his anti-moore website up and running.

And after Michael Moore donates money to his wife, the guy still gives an interview, calling Moore dishonest and deceitful.

Can you feel the rightwing love?

I'm curious what makes this guy a wingnut? Is it because he disagrees with Michael Moore?
I'm curious what makes this guy a wingnut? Is it because he disagrees with Michael Moore?

Have you been paying attention the last six years? ;)

Anyone still supporting and voting for the NeoCon and TheoCon agenda needs to have their head examined.
Or at least see a therapist about why they are mired in a mindset which prevents them from moving on in life.
Have you been paying attention the last six years? ;)

Anyone still supporting and voting for the NeoCon and TheoCon agenda needs to have their head examined.

So you are saying that anyone who disagrees with Michael Moore is a nut. I find that an interesting position to hold but that's cool.
actually, Cawacko, I should correct that. I'm actually calling this guy an asshole.

He makes a career out of shredding Michael Moore and Moore's universal healthcare ideas. But, then when he runs out of money to pay for his wife's healthcare, he goes on his website begging people for money. Then, when Michael Moore pays for his wife's healthcare, the dude still gives an interview to a national magazine calling Moore deceitful and dishonest. Sure, he thanked Moore. But, he still calls Moore deceitful and dishonest.

Its' fine if he disagress with Moore. I've got no problem with that. But, If somebody bailed his wife out, I would think he could use less inflammatory words than deceitful and dishonest to describe your saviour ;) . Don't you think he could have just he disagrees with Moore, and that Moore isn't presenting the whole picture - rather than calling Moore "deceitful" and "dishonest"? ;)

Michael Moore is actually a conservative...draining the libs money belt...uh dudes and dudettes he is a friend of Mel Gibson,a card carrying member of the NRA....soo he was not offended by this blog...as he also is in line with the comments...he just helped out a political friend...lol;)
It is certainly ironic that a chap who campaigns against universal healthcare has to beg on his website to fund the medical needs of his wife.

Talk about your politics coming back to bite you on the arse...