Michael Moore On LAX Shooting: 'Guns Don't Kill People, Americans Kill People'



"....."They have mentally ill people in those countries. In Canada hunting is a bigger sport than hockey. There's a lot of guns in Canada, but why don't they kill each other?" Moore continued. "I think the NRA, they've got it half right when they say 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people.' But I change it to guns don't kill people, Americans kill people, cause we're really the only ones that do it on this level and this scale."

Hush, truth. Repeal the 2nd amendment. Ban all guns- poet.

"....."They have mentally ill people in those countries. In Canada hunting is a bigger sport than hockey. There's a lot of guns in Canada, but why don't they kill each other?" Moore continued. "I think the NRA, they've got it half right when they say 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people.' But I change it to guns don't kill people, Americans kill people, cause we're really the only ones that do it on this level and this scale."

Hush, truth. Repeal the 2nd amendment. Ban all guns- poet.

So the cure is get rid of all Americans?

Good solution. /sarcasm

"....."They have mentally ill people in those countries. In Canada hunting is a bigger sport than hockey. There's a lot of guns in Canada, but why don't they kill each other?" Moore continued. "I think the NRA, they've got it half right when they say 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people.' But I change it to guns don't kill people, Americans kill people, cause we're really the only ones that do it on this level and this scale."

Hush, truth. Repeal the 2nd amendment. Ban all guns- poet.
Fool, you are out of control and you speak with a forked tongue, so we need to take your guns away because of your mental instability.

Also Fool, you need to get some anger management counseling. By the way Fool, there will NEVER be any Reparations for ya'all, Reparations have always been on your hidden agenda, deny it if you will, butt no way, no how! We win
What, reparations are what Obama has been paying!
It's just being called food stamps, phone subsidy, insurance subsidy
What, reparations are what Obama has been paying!
It's just being called food stamps, phone subsidy, insurance subsidy
I always knew that by following me around like you do, that you would eventually show signs of human intelligence..LOL...what you just said about Food Stamps, ObamaPhone and ObamaCare are the Reparations payback using the backdoor. Way to go Dude, keep this up and I will even post something about your return to reality, from never never land.
After more than a decade of activism, Moore finally admits that there are guns in Canada and that people enjoy hunting up there. Gun nuts can learn, apparently...
After more than a decade of activism, Moore finally admits that there are guns in Canada and that people enjoy hunting up there. Gun nuts can learn, apparently...

They're also massively expanding their gun rights. They might actually surpass America in terms of freedom.
Fool, you are out of control and you speak with a forked tongue, so we need to take your guns away because of your mental instability.

Also Fool, you need to get some anger management counseling. By the way Fool, there will NEVER be any Reparations for ya'all, Reparations have always been on your hidden agenda, deny it if you will, butt no way, no how! We win

Uh, my ID says "poet", not fool. I am not you. I don't do guns. I don't own a gun, and never would. Reparations???? LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Reparations amount to "blood money", and I wouldn't dishonor my ancestors by accepting it. There is not enough gold in Fort Knox, to pay the debt owed, so I, personally, forgive it. You don't know me, so stop pretending that you do. I don't have any hidden agendas. I will call you the lowest bitch, and would bitchslap you until you fell out, were you here. Hidden agendas, indeed. Bitch, I'm not afraid of your ass and don't buy into white privilege. You don't have any money, living paycheck to paycheck, working for Arby's. So, have a seat, and shut the fuck up, until I send for you.
I always knew that by following me around like you do, that you would eventually show signs of human intelligence..LOL...what you just said about Food Stamps, ObamaPhone and ObamaCare are the Reparations payback using the backdoor. Way to go Dude, keep this up and I will even post something about your return to reality, from never never land.

Bitch, white people are getting the welfare you accuse black and brown people of getting. You stupid bitch.
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Not interested in your comments. Get out of my thread.
mental illness

hey all you idiot cons in this thread do you understand anyfuckingthing?

we do not treat our mentally ill

Canada has comprehensive healthcare.

their nutters don't wander the streets

You have to have healthcare that is available for all to be like Canada and STOP this insane killing here

we let them wander the streets
Because you fucking idiots who own guns often think with your dicks instead of your heads an 11 year old boy who was walking a stray dog we had found and was doing nothing but being a great kid had to learn what it felt like to walk down the street and fear someone was about to shoot him in the back for NO FUCKING REASON.

Your horrible fucking people who think your lack of self esteem makes it OK for you to threaten people.

having a gun makes people less human

I have seen it in nearly every person I knew who bragged about being a fucking gun owner.

Your full of fear and think people need to FEAR you or you wont be safe.