MI lawmaker wants Obamacare premium increases disclosed

Big Money

New member
Rep. Mike Shirkey said he's been inundated with calls from friends, colleagues and constituents reporting significant changes to their health insurance premiums.

While the Affordable Care Act is lowering insurance premiums for some people, others are surprised to find out their plans will cost more starting next year.

So Shirkey, a Republican from Clarklake, introduced House Bill 4816 to require health insurers in Michigan to provide policyholders with written estimates of the amount of any premium increase attributable to Obamacare.

"It's important because of the dramatic changes and the frustrations people are feeling as a result of the Affordable Care Act, it's important they have a very clear understanding for reasons in changes in their insurance premiums," said Shirkey.

Crain's Detroit Business reported that Democrats have called it a political move since the bill, as written, doesn't call for insurers to point out cost savings or benefits.

Some consumers throughout Michigan and the U.S. are receiving notices from their health insurers informing them that their current health plans will be discontinued next year because they don't conform to new requirements.

Starting in 2014, all individual and small group health plans must offer 10 "essential health benefits," including mental health, prescription drugs, maternity and newborn care and other services.

Some people will see significantly higher premiums starting in 2014 to pay for additional mandated services, taxes, fees and other aspects of the law.

Shirkey said his bill is necessary to combat "misinformation" that has come from President Barack Obama.

The President has been criticized for repeatedly telling Americans that they could keep their existing health plans, when in fact many people's plans are being discontinued because of the law.

CBS News estimates more than two million people nationwide are losing their current coverage next year, and the Detroit Free Press reports at least 146,000 in Michigan (probably more) won't get to keep their current plans in 2014.

More than a third of people who are covered by an employer will get to keep their existing plans for now because they're grandfathered in, but that figure is declining each year, according to Kaiser Family Foundation.

Shirkey wants all associated cost increases outlined for consumers.

He said he's working with health insurers and hopes to find a middle ground that's not a burden on the companies.

While the Affordable Care Act is lowering insurance premiums for some people, others are surprised to find out their plans will cost more starting next year.

This is what the democrats wanted. People with pre-existing conditions will save, the healthy will pay more. The poor are given subsidies to help them afford the increase if they are healthy. If someone is poor and unhealthy, they get a subsidy and their insurance is already lower than it would have been in the past. A double win.

To recap:
Healthy? You are going to pay more than you would have paid in the past.
Have chronic conditions? You are one of the ACA winners.
While the Affordable Care Act is lowering insurance premiums for some people, others are surprised to find out their plans will cost more starting next year.

I want full disclosure on how many people have lower premiums because of cost savings and how many have lower premiums because taxpayers are paying part of the bill......