Medias Bias? you Betcha



TV network stories blame Republicans, 21-0, for shutdown, not Democrats

Topics: Washington Secrets Barack Obama Obamacare Republican Party Democratic Party MSNBC ABC CBS NBC Government shutdown
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The nation’s big three news networks are falling right into place for President Obama and the Democrats, blaming the Republican Party for the government shutdown by a whopping 21-0 story count.

According to a survey by the conservative media watchdog Media Research Center, in 39 stories during the two weeks leading up to the shutdown, CBS, ABC and NBC blamed the failure to cut a budget deal on the Republicans 21 times, both parties four times, and Democrats zero times. In 14 stories, nobody was to blame.

Some examples of how the story is being played on the networks:

– "CBS Evening News" correspondent Nancy Cordes on Sept. 18: “Speaker Boehner was forced into the risky strategy by his right flank ... [a strategy] one Senate Republican described to us today as suicide.”
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– ABC’s Diane Sawyer: “The president expressed outrage that one faction in one house of Congress is ready to bring the entire federal government to a halt.”

– "Face The Nation" host Bob Schieffer: “Will the moderate and more establishment Republicans continue to go along with the ultraconservatives? ... We’re headed to a shutdown unless the moderates in the House revolt.”

Should there be surprise about the media’s siding with Obama and the Democrats in their Obamacare budget coverage? Just listen to Time’s Mark Halperin on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," as quoted by the MRC: “The press is largely sympathetic to their arguments that it’s the House Republicans’ fault.”

Rich Noyes, the MRC's research director, sized the situation up this way: “The media's biased coverage, both in this shutdown and in past ones, may be one reason why a resolution seems so elusive right now. It's hard to imagine the Obama administration and their fellow Democrats taking this tough a line -- harsh name calling, absolutely no negotiations -- if they didn't expect their friends in the liberal media to direct all of the blame toward conservatives and Republicans. And so far, our research shows Democrats are getting exactly the kind of media coverage they hoped for.”
Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at
Don't be ridiculous. The republicans are being blamed because they are the ones who did it.

The gov't shutdown is not about the budget. It is about Obamacare. The GOP tried how many times to repeal it? And continually failed.

They attached the repeal of Obamacare to the budget bill. They did this knowing that the senate and the president would not sign off on it. They did it hoping the american people would blame the dems.

My biggest issue is this "We didn't do it!" crap from the GOP. If you think repealing Obamacare is worth shutting down the gov't for, then own up to it. Don't try and hide. And don't blame the dems when you KNEW this would be the result.
If the media is in the left pockets then why don't they report on all of the long history of the republican partys cheating in elections?

that would kill the republican party dead in one election cycle
This is the kind of moron Fox News churns out. Media Bias is correct. Fox News, Infowars and other extremeist for profit hatemonger media pick up a weak minded audience that like to thrive on rage. These people will NEVER research whether or not something is actually true that is fed to them. They will eat every word and won't notice they are being lied to every day and could learn better by a simple internet search or two.

I can't believe how many Americans fall for this emotional rage driven hatemonger media. They are easy to spot. You can basically see it on their face at the store. It's a complete brainwash.

why doesn't the media report on all the elections cases for decades in which the republican party was proven to have tried or succeeded in keeping legal voters from voting to win elections?

If the media did it in ONE major election the republican party would be DEAD.

That proves right there the media is not left leaning

TV network stories blame Republicans, 21-0, for shutdown, not Democrats

Topics: Washington Secrets Barack Obama Obamacare Republican Party Democratic Party MSNBC ABC CBS NBC Government shutdown
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The nation’s big three news networks are falling right into place for President Obama and the Democrats, blaming the Republican Party for the government shutdown by a whopping 21-0 story count.

According to a survey by the conservative media watchdog Media Research Center, in 39 stories during the two weeks leading up to the shutdown, CBS, ABC and NBC blamed the failure to cut a budget deal on the Republicans 21 times, both parties four times, and Democrats zero times. In 14 stories, nobody was to blame.

Some examples of how the story is being played on the networks:

– "CBS Evening News" correspondent Nancy Cordes on Sept. 18: “Speaker Boehner was forced into the risky strategy by his right flank ... [a strategy] one Senate Republican described to us today as suicide.”
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– ABC’s Diane Sawyer: “The president expressed outrage that one faction in one house of Congress is ready to bring the entire federal government to a halt.”

– "Face The Nation" host Bob Schieffer: “Will the moderate and more establishment Republicans continue to go along with the ultraconservatives? ... We’re headed to a shutdown unless the moderates in the House revolt.”

Should there be surprise about the media’s siding with Obama and the Democrats in their Obamacare budget coverage? Just listen to Time’s Mark Halperin on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," as quoted by the MRC: “The press is largely sympathetic to their arguments that it’s the House Republicans’ fault.”

Rich Noyes, the MRC's research director, sized the situation up this way: “The media's biased coverage, both in this shutdown and in past ones, may be one reason why a resolution seems so elusive right now. It's hard to imagine the Obama administration and their fellow Democrats taking this tough a line -- harsh name calling, absolutely no negotiations -- if they didn't expect their friends in the liberal media to direct all of the blame toward conservatives and Republicans. And so far, our research shows Democrats are getting exactly the kind of media coverage they hoped for.”
Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at

Yes there is media bias, the media is nationalistic and capitalistic, just like the two major political parties. The media is blaming the Republicans for this because they caused it. More than that the media knows that from a capitalistic point of view that this shut down is bad for business. Since they are all big businesses, anything that is bad for business is bad for them. So they are against it from purely capitalistic point of view. In addition, this hurts the nations image and might do much for its credit rating either. So for all these reason's big business including the media is against it. It has nothing to do with the blather contained in your article.
And now that the gutless little coward has gotten his ass handed to him over and over, he's done what most Righties do when confronted.

He's run away like a scared little girl.
If the Media wanted the republican party dead all they would have to do is report their true history which is in the court records.
There is no doubt, the majority of the US media is left biased. It's not a surprise when it's so obvious that the right has strayed off the path of sanity so far since the baggers arrived.
then why doesn't this left leaning media report about all the decades of court documents on cases where the republican party was in trouble for cheating voters out of their votes?

Dude if the American people knew those facts alone the republican party would be DEAD
Part of me wants the experiment of piecemeal budget approval to continue... just to see which jobs are the most irrelevant. I don't think either party wants the public to view each piece on its own though. They may end up cutting the government in half by mistake.
Don't be ridiculous. The republicans are being blamed because they are the ones who did it.

The gov't shutdown is not about the budget. It is about Obamacare. The GOP tried how many times to repeal it? And continually failed.

They attached the repeal of Obamacare to the budget bill. They did this knowing that the senate and the president would not sign off on it. They did it hoping the american people would blame the dems.

My biggest issue is this "We didn't do it!" crap from the GOP. If you think repealing Obamacare is worth shutting down the gov't for, then own up to it. Don't try and hide. And don't blame the dems when you KNEW this would be the result.

well that is certainly a liberal point of view which I expect from you, doesn't address the issue at hand, which is the leftist media outlets, which bow at the feet of their liberal masters.
If the media is in the left pockets then why don't they report on all of the long history of the republican partys cheating in elections?

that would kill the republican party dead in one election cycle

because it would be a lie, everyone know how dems rig elections so dead people can vote, use scare tactics by placing the black panthers at polling places, have more turn out than registration. But other than that you cannot deny the truth that is the democrat machine of leftist news services, and those like you whom bow at their masters feet.
This is the kind of moron Fox News churns out. Media Bias is correct. Fox News, Infowars and other extremeist for profit hatemonger media pick up a weak minded audience that like to thrive on rage. These people will NEVER research whether or not something is actually true that is fed to them. They will eat every word and won't notice they are being lied to every day and could learn better by a simple internet search or two.

I can't believe how many Americans fall for this emotional rage driven hatemonger media. They are easy to spot. You can basically see it on their face at the store. It's a complete brainwash.

Stories full of facts bother you don't they puppet! We have the tea party who fight against the staus quo in Washington, you have nothing but sheep who baah at their masters feet. You have no people who fight against the liberal socialist full force assault on America, the handouts are to good