Meddling judge changes baby's name


New member
Now I don't think "Messiah" is a good name to dump on a baby - but shouldn't it be the parents' choice?

A judge in the US has ordered a baby's first name to be changed from Messiah to Martin, arguing that the only true messiah is Jesus Christ, reports say.

The judge in Cocke County said the name Messiah could cause the boy difficulties if he grew up in a predominantly Christian area.

"It could put him at odds with a lot of people and at this point he has had no choice in what his name is," Judge Ballew said.

She was able to make the order because the parents were already in a child support hearing in a dispute over what their son's last name should be.

Instead the judge ruled that the baby was to be named Martin DeShawn McCullough, which includes both parents' last name.

"The word Messiah is a title and it's a title that has only been earned by one person and that one person is Jesus Christ," she said.

Messiah came in at number 387 in the list of the most popular of baby names in the US in 2012, up from 633 in 2011.
This story made me angry but also made me laugh. How ironic the activist judge is seemingly a fundie... OK, that's a bit hyperbolic, but LOL anyway

Hannity head just exploded
Somehow I imagine he would find a way to ignore the judicial activism on this one. I refuse to watch faux programming so I'll never know, but perhaps a foxnews viewer could tell us what the inanity.. er, I mean hannity says about this subject
Anyone thinking that child services should immediately start looking into this family?

Why? Because she liked the sound of the word messiah and thought it would make a good name?
Can you lay out the reasons you think that deserves the remedy you suggest? Maybe I missed something. I read about this earlier and didn't RTFA
There's no law in the US that restricts the ability of parents to make names. There are names out there that are way weirder than 'messiah'. If her argument is seriously that it can't be done because 'Jesus is the messiah', then Fuck her. Christianity is not the state religion, it has no place in judicial rulings.
This story made me angry but also made me laugh. How ironic the activist judge is seemingly a fundie... OK, that's a bit hyperbolic, but LOL anyway

Hannity head just exploded
Somehow I imagine he would find a way to ignore the judicial activism on this one. I refuse to watch faux programming so I'll never know, but perhaps a foxnews viewer could tell us what the inanity.. er, I mean hannity says about this subject

Ask No Party. All he does is sit around watching Fox News all day long.
You know, there are currently a million or so gentlemen named Trevor, Clive or Keith, punching walls, striking fists on tables and weeping uncontrollably after reading this judgement.
You know, there are currently a million or so gentlemen named Trevor, Clive or Keith, punching walls, striking fists on tables and weeping uncontrollably after reading this judgement.

Don't forget all.the Lances. And at least two or three gandolphs.
We don't have approved names lists in the US, that wouldn't fit our culture of freedom, and in any case the cultural diversity here would make compiling such a list of names almost impossible. There are some laws against vulgarity and confusing names depending on the state, but "Messiah" isn't vulgar. Again, there are names out there way dumber than "Messiah", there are kids named after STD's, named "Merry Christmas", hell, Prince legally changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol. If her logic is really what was stated, that she disagrees with it because it happens to conflict with her religions interpretation of who holds the title "Messiah", then that has nothing to do with the law and she should be impeached.
I suggested that my sister name the fetus that she's going to squeeze out in a few months "Wu Zetian", after the first empress of China. Instead, she chose "Clover [her husbands last name]". Pfftt. Fucking boring.

You call yourself a feminist and you're going to take your husbands last name? If I ever get married, I am going to refuse to allow my kids or wife to take my name, if they want a single name, I'll take hers, or we can make up a new one. It's not going to be my last name, under any circumstances. Why? Out of pure spite. I despise my patrimonial lineage, they are the worst group of human beings to ever curse the face of the Earth, I refuse to give them such honor. As well, I despise the society that arbitrarily favors males in choosing unified marital names.
I suggested that my sister name the fetus that she's going to squeeze out in a few months "Wu Zetian", after the first empress of China. Instead, she chose "Clover [her husbands last name]". Pfftt. Fucking boring.

You call yourself a feminist and you're going to take your husbands last name? If I ever get married, I am going to refuse to allow my kids or wife to take my name, if they want a single name, I'll take hers, or we can make up a new one. It's not going to be my last name, under any circumstances. Why? Out of pure spite. I despise my patrimonial lineage, they are the worst group of human beings to ever curse the face of the Earth, I refuse to give them such honor. As well, I despise the society that arbitrarily favors males in choosing unified marital names.

Change your name to Temuchin.