I know there is no point but one more time...
Yes, there are people working at low wage jobs who are kids who don't need to support a family.
But there are people working at low wage jobs who DO need to support a family. They had skills that got them better jobs in the past - but we're in a recession, have you noticed? A lot of jobs are gone. People are without work for years. Better to work a low wage job than not work at all. They still need to support the family that they started in better times.
And there are people - mainly women - who chose to stay home with their kids. When, through job loss, medical crisis, death, or divorce these people now have to go work -employers won't hire them because they haven't worked, so they are stuck in low wage jobs. I thought conservatives liked to have one parent stay home with the kids?
A woman I know had a business she ran with her husband. He abused her; after one thing and another, the business was gone, he was in jail, she was an emotional wreck, and McDonald's was about all she could handle.
But you have choices, those of you against raising the minimum wage.
You can reform education so that poor kids in lousy school systems and lousy neighborhoods get more skills so they can get better jobs. This will take money, by the way.
You can fully fund the safety net, so that adults with families who are stuck in low wage jobs can still get food stamps, health care, rent subsidies so their families can scrape along.
You can fund re-entry programs for people who chose to stay home with their kids who now have to work so they can get the skills they need. This would mean paying for education, covering their rent until the class is done, helping to place them with employers possibly by subsidizing their pay for the first few months.
I like all those choices; shall we do all of those things?
Or shall we raise the minimum wage?