McDonalds Math; $5hr raise for all 1 million employee's and get $45billion in profit

First off, I hate that McDonalds is the focus of the issue today and wish it was a place like Wal-Mart.

People keep stating that McDonalds would have to raise prices to give it's employee's a raise. So I did a little math. McDonalds has around 1 million workers worldwide. McDonalds made $55billion in profit last year. So if McDonalds gave all of its workers a $5 raise, all 1 million of them, then McDonalds would have made $45billion in profit. Rough'in it.

What is it going to take for corporations that the workers are part of the team making those profits..

The CEO made 8.75 million in one year. Are you seriously suggesting he could have lived on, let's say, 7 million? and the other execs could have given up a bit of their pay? Why, how could they afford the 5 homes, the 10 cars, the caviar, or whatever it is they spent their money on? They would have had to live on the streets! Starved to death! Forced to live on a McD's hamburger (if they could afford it when taking home 7 million, of course)

Oh, so much better to have their employees taking on a second job, using food stamps, using the ER, so the CEO and other top execs aren't forced - FORCED - to curtail their lifestyle!

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The CEO made 8.75 million in one year. Are you seriously suggesting he could have lived on, let's say, 7 million?

that's not up to you. maybe the ceo wants to buy a new yacht. He shouldn't need to sacrifice his enjoyment for some 15 year old burger flipper. Mcdonalds isn't meant to be a career.
First off, I hate that McDonalds is the focus of the issue today and wish it was a place like Wal-Mart.

People keep stating that McDonalds would have to raise prices to give it's employee's a raise. So I did a little math. McDonalds has around 1 million workers worldwide. McDonalds made $55billion in profit last year. So if McDonalds gave all of its workers a $5 raise, all 1 million of them, then McDonalds would have made $45billion in profit. Rough'in it.

What is it going to take for corporations that the workers are part of the team making those profits..

how do you minus 5 million from 55 billion and get 45 billion?
that's not up to you. maybe the ceo wants to buy a new yacht. He shouldn't need to sacrifice his enjoyment for some 15 year old burger flipper. Mcdonalds isn't meant to be a career.

"it's not up to you" (the people)..............up until the people unionize lol. And guess what we are talking about! Ding ding!
The CEO made 8.75 million in one year. Are you seriously suggesting he could have lived on, let's say, 7 million? and the other execs could have given up a bit of their pay? Why, how could they afford the 5 homes, the 10 cars, the caviar, or whatever it is they spent their money on? They would have had to live on the streets! Starved to death! Forced to live on a McD's hamburger (if they could afford it when taking home 7 million, of course)

Oh, so much better to have their employees taking on a second job, using food stamps, using the ER, so the CEO and other top execs aren't forced - FORCED - to curtail their lifestyle!


You like me still want the CEO to be rich. But we also want to spread that wealth around to the people making it happen. It's not just the CEO making and selling all this food. People are saying the workers are terrible at their job. No business can make $55billion in profit if the workers are terrible. Most of the time you can get a full meal in minutes at any McDonalds. I guarantee the CEO probably hasn't even been in the building. Without the manual labor, McDonalds can't make any profit.
I know lots of people with very high paying jobs that sit around on the computer all day only accomplishing a task or two. From my memories of fast food, you never got a break. "If you have time to lean, you have time to clean"

I don't remember anyone lazy and if they were, they got fired.

Would I do it again? Nope. I thought it was a learning experience. Never work that hard for so little money. Today I tend to think that they should have compensated me fairly for working so hard. It shouldn't just be the managers that get high pay, there are only a few spots. And when you pay people fairly for their work, they don't feel the need to unionize.
Re: McDonalds Math; $5hr raise for all 1 million employee's and get $45billion in

I'm not a liberal but yea, I was preoccupied and I'm wrong. It was 5.5 and not 55.

I'll have to do new math. But the point will be the same.

How is that? You seemed to think a $5 raise would cost $10 billion. Not sure how you got there but it does not appear they can afford that.
An hour....................

I missed a dot when speed reading (same topic I was wrong about last time, mainly because I don't care that much)

People are going to remember this one forever........."HE MISSED A DOT, OH YEA, HE MISSED A DOT, OH YEA, HE WAS WORKING AND READING OH YEA, WE'RE SO SMART, OH YEA"

I admitted earlier that I was pre-occupied when doing the math and asked if I could be corrected if I was wrong. I said I would admit it if I was wrong. The only idiots in politics are the ones who can't admit when they make a mistake, like the Right Bangers. I simply didn't see the dot between the 5's.
I can't wait till robot burger flippers are invented. Pretty soon they'll be able to automate the whole thing. Then we can fire them all. :)