Massive investment in social studies and civics education proposed to address eroding


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“Civics and history education has eroded in the U.S. over the past fifty years, and opportunities to learn these subjects are inequitably distributed,” the report states. “Dangerously low proportions of the public understand and trust our democratic institutions. Majorities are functionally illiterate on our constitutional principles and forms. The relative neglect of civic education in the past *half-century—a period of wrenching change—is one important cause of our civic and political dysfunction.”
“Civics and history education has eroded in the U.S. over the past fifty years, and opportunities to learn these subjects are inequitably distributed,” the report states. “Dangerously low proportions of the public understand and trust our democratic institutions. Majorities are functionally illiterate on our constitutional principles and forms. The relative neglect of civic education in the past *half-century—a period of wrenching change—is one important cause of our civic and political dysfunction.”

Who really is at fault?
“Civics and history education has eroded in the U.S. over the past fifty years, and opportunities to learn these subjects are inequitably distributed,” the report states. “Dangerously low proportions of the public understand and trust our democratic institutions. Majorities are functionally illiterate on our constitutional principles and forms. The relative neglect of civic education in the past *half-century—a period of wrenching change—is one important cause of our civic and political dysfunction.”

Claiming the emergency need to "teach" people to trust their government and Mind Molders ,,,,their minders,,,,,is an admission to running a brain washing program.
Less memorizing of dates

The report calls for an inquiry-based approach that would focus less on memorizing dates of wars and names of presidents and more on exploring in depth the questions and developments, good and bad, that have created the America we live in today and plan to live in well beyond the nation’s 250th anniversary in 2026. What students need, the report argues, is not a laundry list of facts, but a process that produces a better understanding of how the country’s history shaped its present.
That's not a fair question? Why would I trust a woke site? I've seen the damage in the real world, in my local school district. WaPo is definitely a woke lefty site so why should I care about their analysis?

I do not care what you think. Go fucking whine somewhere else.
I do not care what you think. Go fucking whine somewhere else.

Of course you don't. WaPo is a shit source though so keep running with it boyo because using it at this point is just virtue signalling. Explaining yourself would have been a lot better but you chose not to. Buh bye MSM boi.
“We obviously think education for informed and engaged citizens is fundamental to national security and as important to the country as economic preparedness and competitiveness,” Carrese said. “For the civic fabric of the country, the situation couldn’t be more grave than it is right now.”
Of course you don't. WaPo is a shit source though so keep running with it boyo because using it at this point is just virtue signalling. Explaining yourself would have been a lot better but you chose not to. Buh bye MSM boi.

get lost. sick of you asshole trolls
get lost. sick of you asshole trolls

Are you now? I hate to break it to you but you're in the wrong place if that's true.

I read your little article, what suggestion did you like best? What's going to fix the Civics education and Constitutional knowledge in this great nation of ours? I might suggest that their real problem is that too many Americans still understand civics and the Constitution.