March 4 a Fail, now the Opioid Crowd Goes for March 20

Hahahaha! Hopefully some of our resident Qpids will show up and explain this in their own words.

"As federal law enforcement agencies braced for QAnon conspiracy theorists to engage in potential acts of violence on Thursday, leading affiliates of the far-right extremist movement seemed to amend formerly held beliefs about the significance of March 4.

"QAnon, a viral set of online conspiracy theories pushed predominantly by followers of former president Donald Trump, gained widespread notoriety ahead of the most recent general election. Supporters believe a range of false conspiracies, whose overarching theme alleges that distinguished Democrats belong to a secret, global network of sex traffickers and Satan worshipers that Trump was appointed to disband."
The Revolution is starting to look like the Keystone Kops. They must be beside themselves that they have not been able to drum up any right wing violence yet......they are certainly hard at work on that required project. They cant criminalize the militias and the Right till they get some violence.
Maybe it will occur to these goof balls that unarmed insurrections don’t end well for the insurrectors lol.

Or maybe we have yet to see an actual insurrection attempt.
This was a link within the OP link. Come get your hilarity!

While this prediction is certain not to come true, this will not matter for QAnon. There are many examples of QAnon predictions, which evolved from cryptic posts on controversial messageboard site 4Chan and later 8Kun by a shadowy figure known only as "Q," failing to come to fruition.

Among some of the thousands of posts from Q, who claimed to have high-level security clearance within the U.S. government, are those stating there will be a large number of suicides from high-profile Trump critics in February 2018, as well as claims that the U.S. would drop a "Mother of All Bombs" on North Korea.

There have also repeated claims of mass arrests in connection to a secret network of satanic pedophiles, including leading Democratic figures.
so the left were duped by the fake news, suckers believing media agitators trying to scare you all.

lol. at least you all van keep the guard away from thier families due to your paranoia.