March 19, 2003


Well-known member
On the day the Iraq War began President Bush promised the following about the war:

• That every effort would be made to spare the lives of innocent civilians,

• The campaign will be "broad and concerted" and will use "decisive force."

• No outcome but victory will be accepted,

• America's freedom will be defended, and freedom will be brought to others.

I'm interested, who supported the invasion on that day? Why?
On the day the Iraq War began President Bush promised the following about the war:

• That every effort would be made to spare the lives of innocent civilians,

• The campaign will be "broad and concerted" and will use "decisive force."

• No outcome but victory will be accepted,

• America's freedom will be defended, and freedom will be brought to others.

I'm interested, who supported the invasion on that day? Why?

Really? You have no idea on this board who did and didn't support the Iraq War or why people supported going?

And obviously the most important thing to you involving Syria and potential U.S. involvement is not what's actually going on over there but is finding out which people on the right you believe to be hypocrites for supporting the invasion of Iraq and not Syria.

You're doing God's work Jarod.
Really? You have no idea on this board who did and didn't support the Iraq War or why people supported going?

And obviously the most important thing to you involving Syria and potential U.S. involvement is not what's actually going on over there but is finding out which people on the right you believe to be hypocrites for supporting the invasion of Iraq and not Syria.

You're doing God's work Jarod.

come on now, be nice, this is only the 4327th time he has brought up Bush or Iraq with regards to Syria.
I supported it because I accepted the neocon line about spreading democracy, and viewed an "island hopping" campaign as in the works. Interestingly, Syria played into this.
Really? You have no idea on this board who did and didn't support the Iraq War or why people supported going?

And obviously the most important thing to you involving Syria and potential U.S. involvement is not what's actually going on over there but is finding out which people on the right you believe to be hypocrites for supporting the invasion of Iraq and not Syria.

You're doing God's work Jarod.

You know what Cawacko, I don't know you read the thread, but I was very interested in finding out which posters on the left support an intervention in Syria. It's kind of good to know IMO.
You know what Cawacko, I don't know you read the thread, but I was very interested in finding out which posters on the left support an intervention in Syria. It's kind of good to know IMO.

Darla I did read the thread, I saw you asked the question and I saw you challenged fellow liberals who you generally agree with on this issue.
I'm interested, who supported the invasion on that day?

Here are your brave warrior Dems, those who voted Yes, covered in testosterone (or confusion) and glory.

YEAs — 77
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Breaux (D-LA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carnahan (D-MO)
Carper (D-DE)
Cleland (D-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Daschle (D-SD)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Edwards (D-NC)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA) Hollings (D-SC)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Miller (D-GA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Schumer (D-NY)
Torricelli (D-NJ)
The deal w/ Iraq is that inspections were working. There was no reason to go to war - and ground troops is a BIG differentiator when it comes to the level of commitment.
Does Obama get a pass for his warmongering?

Obama lost my vote years ago. I hate more things he's done than I like.

With Syria, it's unclear what they have in mind right now, and it doesn't look like they are planning on acting without the international community. I share some of the outrage being expressed about the atrocities being committed in Syria, though.
An answer to Jarod's OP ... not me. I was behind him on Afghanistan, but after a lot of soul searching and conversations with Lorax, no, I couldn't support Iraq.
support Iraq?? why?? - what possible good would it do to nationbuild that country?
If it could even be "nationbuilded" (counter-insurgency)

Support AfPak?W hy?? - what possible good would it do to nationbuild that country?
If it could even be "nationbuilded" (counter-insurgency)

Syrian incursion/ "kinetic action"?? Why What possible good can it do the US?

Libya?? Why what possible good could it do the US??

Did I miss any??