Man in clown makeup dangled child from railroad overpass


A woman called police after she saw a man in clown makeup dragging screaming children into the woods east of the 4800 block of 13th Court about 2 a.m. Sunday.

Police found three people behind a section of tall bushes. Antonio J. Brown, 33, of Kenosha, wearing the clown makeup, was one of them. With him were two children, age 13 and 8. The children were holding each other and crying uncontrollably, according to court records.


Police believed Brown to be highly intoxicated.

The children said Brown, their mother’s boyfriend, had come back from a Halloween party in Racine about 1 a.m. and invited them to go for a walk on the train tracks. They had done that a few weeks before and thought it was fun.

But this time, the 13-year-old child told police, Brown was drunk and was making the two children drink, too. The older child said he was forced to drink so much that he threw up.

They climbed onto the train tracks from a hill on the northwest side of the 50th Street viaduct, according to the criminal complaint, and that when the younger child got scared and wanted to go home, Brown got mad.

The children tried to run away, but Brown caught up with thim. The older child said Brown hung him upside down from the 50th Street overpass saying, "If you try that again, I'm going to drop you."

They kept going, the child told police, and Brown climbed on top of trains parked on the tracks and was hopping back and forth from one to the other. When the younger child refused to climb up, the complaint states, Brown grabbed him by the hair and tried to pull him up the train ladder.

Brown later dangled the younger child from the train, holding his neck and ankle, and threatened to kill him, the complaint states.

They started to walk home after they heard a female voice ask if they were OK, and the children said Brown forced them to say they were OK.

Brown is charged with two counts of physical abuse of a child and two counts of second-degree recklessly endangering safety. He faces up to 16 years in prison if convicted. Brown is being held in the Kenosha County Jail on a $10,000 cash bond.
