Man caught on video in brutal hotel beating turns himself in, NOPD says


Elvin Terrell, the 35-year-old man wanted in connection with the brutal beating of a woman in the lobby of a New Orleans hotel and desertion of a 6-year-old child on Friday, has turned himself in to authorities, NOPD spokesman Frank Robertson said Saturday.

"About 5:30 p.m. Terrell walked into Orleans Parish Prison and turned himself in," Robertson said. "He has been charged with one count of domestic second-degree battery, one count of domestic kidnapping, child desertion, child endangering and cruelty to a juvenile."

Police issued a warrant for Terrell's arrest after investigators obtained security video showing a man beating a woman until she lost consciousness in the lobby of the Holiday Inn on Loyola Avenue. The security video also showed that after the fight, the man dragged the unconscious woman to a car and drove away.


Detectives later found a 6-year-old boy in a room that had been rented by one of the people involved in the incident, according to police. The child was not injured and is in protective custody.

Authorities have yet to make contact with the child's mother, Robertson said.,AAAAPmbRMTE~,BWCCSzT6s9kk8xlYY9rVrKw3SC5F9_7L

Is this a societal problem or is it just an isolated incident? It seems that if it was an isolated incident 'you' sort of people wouldn't find it important enough to post a thread for it.

So in fact the truth is, it's a societal problem that 'you' Americans are gleefully holding up with giddy glee because you think that your racist hate display is somehow going to irk the other side. Whatever side you imagine that to be.

Probably the side that doesn't try to pain black people as evil and representative of all the problems in your deteriorating country.