Make no mistake redneck rambos, the feds are gonna track your treasonous asses down

Of the more than 300 arrested so far, D'Antuono said at least 65 have been charged with assaulting officers. But he said "some of the most violent offenders have yet to be identified," including the 10 featured in the newly released videos.

These clowns like to talk shit 24/7, whining constantly that their 2d amendment rights are being violated, and their dumbest are pissing in the Capitol and looking to hang the VP and members of Congress

get your fat asses out there on the streets, the FBI would love to meet you and bubba would love to meat you
Asshole seditionist Fairlamb, who has leukemia, has been in custody in New Jersey since his arrest last month and recently suffered a heart attack while in jail in Hudson County, his attorney, Harley Breite, said Friday.

A federal judge in New Jersey initially ordered Fairlamb released on $50,000 bond last month with electronic monitoring, but detained him after prosecutors objected. Breite said Friday he is working to schedule another hearing to try to get Fairlamb released as he awaits a potential trial in Washington.

An affidavit filed in the case last month showed a photo of someone authorities identified as Fairlamb allegedly punching a police officer in the head. A different photo allegedly showed Fairlamb picking up a collapsible baton that had fallen on the ground and putting it under his arm.

The crime of carrying a dangerous weapon while illegally entering a restricted building to disrupt government business is punishable by up to 10 years in prison, according to court documents filed by the government last month.

what none of you JPP loud mouths want to comment?
no balls?
Asshole seditionist Fairlamb, who has leukemia, has been in custody in New Jersey since his arrest last month and recently suffered a heart attack while in jail in Hudson County, his attorney, Harley Breite, said Friday.

A federal judge in New Jersey initially ordered Fairlamb released on $50,000 bond last month with electronic monitoring, but detained him after prosecutors objected. Breite said Friday he is working to schedule another hearing to try to get Fairlamb released as he awaits a potential trial in Washington.

An affidavit filed in the case last month showed a photo of someone authorities identified as Fairlamb allegedly punching a police officer in the head. A different photo allegedly showed Fairlamb picking up a collapsible baton that had fallen on the ground and putting it under his arm.

The crime of carrying a dangerous weapon while illegally entering a restricted building to disrupt government business is punishable by up to 10 years in prison, according to court documents filed by the government last month.

what none of you JPP loud mouths want to comment?
no balls?

Not like it hasn’t been beat to death for months lol.

Where are the video clips of all these wild eyed white supremacists running loose around the country? Based on the *hype* they should be falling out of trees.
I think you might have scared off some of our resident traitors, I wonder of they are hiding under their bed or in the car headed for the Mexican Border. Either way they will be found.:cool:
They probably will, because they're a fake partisan law enforcement body.

They fabricated evidence against Trump and General Flynn. They ignored the nation being burned and looted. They ignored repeated election fraud on an industrial level. They sit on their hands while the military makes thinly veiled threats against a critical journalist.

But they will respond in a conga line of black SUVs with sirens wailing if a NASCAR driver decides the pull cord on his garage door looks like noose.

They are quite simply this nation's gestapo, with no allegiance to the law, only to whichever Democrat is pulling the strings.
Not like it hasn’t been beat to death for months lol.

Where are the video clips of all these wild eyed white supremacists running loose around the country? Based on the *hype* they should be falling out of trees.

Be careful what you wish for, there are tons of videos, that could be taken as a challenge. Besides: Thinking most are too out of shape to climb a tree.....
I think you might have scared off some of our resident traitors, I wonder of they are hiding under their bed or in the car headed for the Mexican Border. Either way they will be found.:cool:

I love to occasionally call them out, gutless little keyboard rangers talking shit and whining about someone taking their peashooters year after year

not ONCE has a singe POS teabilly responded, run like little kids
Not like it hasn’t been beat to death for months lol.

Where are the video clips of all these wild eyed white supremacists running loose around the country? Based on the *hype* they should be falling out of trees.

most of those seditionists ARE from 'around the country' imbecile

why weren't you there gasbag?
Of the more than 300 arrested so far, D'Antuono said at least 65 have been charged with assaulting officers. But he said "some of the most violent offenders have yet to be identified," including the 10 featured in the newly released videos.

These clowns like to talk shit 24/7, whining constantly that their 2d amendment rights are being violated, and their dumbest are pissing in the Capitol and looking to hang the VP and members of Congress

get your fat asses out there on the streets, the FBI would love to meet you and bubba would love to meat you

I wonder if Trump is going to come to their aid, seeing that he instigated them.
I wonder if Trump is going to come to their aid, seeing that he instigated them.

their daddy can't save them now, not even high-priced criminal lawyers could lift a finger

I like to remind these keyboard rambo's in actuality they're sniveling little cowards
They probably will, because they're a fake partisan law enforcement body.

They fabricated evidence against Trump and General Flynn. They ignored the nation being burned and looted. They ignored repeated election fraud on an industrial level. They sit on their hands while the military makes thinly veiled threats against a critical journalist.

But they will respond in a conga line of black SUVs with sirens wailing if a NASCAR driver decides the pull cord on his garage door looks like noose.

They are quite simply this nation's gestapo, with no allegiance to the law, only to whichever Democrat is pulling the strings.

All that right wing toxic tea that you've been drinking for all does years has taken a serious toll on your mind, which is apparent by the incoherent rambbling that you're spewing out.
All that right wing toxic tea that you've been drinking for all does years has taken a serious toll on your mind, which is apparent by the incoherent rambbling that you're spewing out.

Take a deep breath and read it again.

It's all true and you know it.
I wonder if Trump is going to come to their aid, seeing that he instigated them.

Trump does not give a shit about the traitors that attacked the Capital or any of his followers, they are just pawns for him to use and while he is at it take their money.

The day cannot get here soon enough that the POS has that massive stroke, hopefully on Live TV.
Trump does not give a shit about the traitors that attacked the Capital or any of his followers, they are just pawns for him to use and while he is at it take their money.

The day cannot get here soon enough that the POS has that massive stroke, hopefully on Live TV.

That would cleanse his deplorable stench from this planet.
It is all BS and you are too Stupid To know it......

How we start at the beginning?

U.S. prosecutors Thursday called for a prison term of up to six months for a former FBI lawyer who altered an email the bureau relied on to seek court authorization to surveil former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page during the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.