Majority of Americans polled don't want Obamacare

Big Money

New member

Republicans in Congress are doing what they were elected to do, but liberals don't like it for some reason.

Most voters still don't like the national health care law and expect it to increase, not reduce, health care costs.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 53% view it unfavorably.

As has been the case since the law's passage by Congress in March 2010, the passion remains on the side of its opponents:

The new findings include 18% with a Very Favorable opinion of the law, but more than twice as many (38%) view it Very Unfavorably.
"The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on September 14-15, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports."

"Likely voters" is not equal to majority of Americans.
"The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on September 14-15, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports."

"Likely voters" is not equal to majority of Americans.

The thing about the Affordable Care Act is most people don't understand it, but like the individual provisions that have been implemented thus far, such as college aged children on parents policies and pre-existing conditions. It is lowering insurance costs in some areas, like New York. Certain governors have implemented it after public pressure.
The thing about the Affordable Care Act is most people don't understand it, but like the individual provisions that have been implemented thus far, such as college aged children on parents policies and pre-existing conditions. It is lowering insurance costs in some areas, like New York. Certain governors have implemented it after public pressure.

That's exactly what Gallup said. It all depends on what the questions are.

"A recent New York Times/CBS News poll on the law found a related pattern of responses from the public. The poll found that Americans -- out of all the provisions of the law tested -- were most negative about the individual mandate, defined as the provision of the law that “requires nearly all Americans to have health insurance coverage by 2014." In fact, the other three provisions of the law as tested in the New York Times/CBS News poll were quite positively received -- including the 68% who said they liked the provision that allowed young people to ride on their parents’ health insurance for a longer period of time, and the 85% who liked the provision that health insurance companies cannot turn one away from being insured as a result of pre-existing conditions."
There are probably a good number of the poor and lower middle class that don't want Obamacare because it will take away their free meal ticket they've been using in the Emergency rooms. Which of course costs everyone more in the end than would a properly run system that tries to distribute the cost of health care more reasonably.

However, the benefits of Obamacare will very quickly bring home the good results for everyone and then the fight against it will be lost. Those supporting the big money insurance companies and other super rich interests know their game is about up!

Americans will be joining the civilized world sooner or later!

Republicans in Congress are doing what they were elected to do, but liberals don't like it for some reason.

Most voters still don't like the national health care law and expect it to increase, not reduce, health care costs.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 53% view it unfavorably.

Rasmussen? Okay. How did that work out for Romney?

Second, just do this test, you can even try at your local church or whatever. Describe Obamacare to people without calling it Obamacare, they overwhelmingly approve of it. This has been done with hidden cameras and proven time and time again.

Here's the thing, most people on this Earth want access to affordable health care services. Too bad the disingenuous sacks of shit called the GOP have poisoned everyone's minds against it. And the main stream media just goes along with it.

Americans are exceptional. Exceptionally bad at providing basic services to their people. How do we rate in child mortality in the developed world? One of you right wing geniuses should look that up. USA!! USA!! USA!!
Rasmussen? Okay. How did that work out for Romney?

Second, just do this test, you can even try at your local church or whatever. Describe Obamacare to people without calling it Obamacare, they overwhelming approve of it. This has been done with hidden cameras and proven time and time again.

Here's the thing, most people on this Earth want access to affordable health care services. Too bad the disingenuous sacks of shit called the GOP have poisoned everyone's minds against it. And the main stream media just goes along with it.

Americans are exceptional. Exceptionally bad at providing basic services to their people. How do we rate in child mortality in the developed world? One of you right wing geniuses should look that up. USA!! USA!! USA!!

Your child mortality rate is really bad. About on par with some third world countries. ON the plus side, there's little doubt that Obamacare will be a huge success with the people when the benefits start coming home to them. It will be enough to negate the weak politics of the baggers who are against it for reasons that are against their own best interests.
Rasmussen? Okay. How did that work out for Romney?

Second, just do this test, you can even try at your local church or whatever. Describe Obamacare to people without calling it Obamacare, they overwhelmingly approve of it. This has been done with hidden cameras and proven time and time again.

Here's the thing, most people on this Earth want access to affordable health care services. Too bad the disingenuous sacks of shit called the GOP have poisoned everyone's minds against it. And the main stream media just goes along with it.

Americans are exceptional. Exceptionally bad at providing basic services to their people. How do we rate in child mortality in the developed world? One of you right wing geniuses should look that up. USA!! USA!! USA!!

How can you prove the child mortality rate since so many babies are killed in the womb via Aboretion, KNUMBNUTS!!!!!!!
Is America's abortion rate higher than in other countries? If so then why? I would suggest that it certainly adds to the problem but that speaks badly for the US system again. Women who are having abortions are doing so for reasons that appear to be good reasons to them.

Why is there no emphasis on changing that aspect of American society? That could be a step in dealing with the high infant mortality rate!

Do Christians really care enough to try to save babies or are they more intent on punishing women? Aren't results important to Americans? Socially responsible government yields results.
You are the one using it, more reasonable people claim it is because other countries don't include premature babies in their stats.

Americans can always find some excuse for their poor performance, regardless of whether it's infant mortality rates or something else which proves their system inferior.

It's the flagwaving that has to stop before the system can be fixed.
So question their methodology.

Let me know how that works for you.

I've questioned it for years and agree with this criticism.

"After the 2010 midterm elections, Silver concluded that Rasmussen's polls were the least accurate of the major pollsters in 2010, having an average error of 5.8 points and a pro-Republican bias of 3.9 points according to Silver's model.[SUP][64][/SUP] He singled out as an example the Hawaii Senate race, in which Rasmussen, in a poll completed three weeks before the election, showed incumbent Daniel Inouye only 13 points ahead, whereas in actuality he won by a 53% margin[SUP][80][/SUP] – a difference of 40 points from Rasmussen's poll, or "the largest error ever recorded in a general election in FiveThirtyEight’s database, which includes all polls conducted since 1998."[SUP][64][/SUP]