LULZ even MSNBC admits Obamacare registration sucks

Thanks for posting the fair and balanced reporting from MSNBC.

Meanwhile, over at Bullshit Mountain:

Maybe The Comedy Channel could have done a better job of getting those websites up and running....Obama is incompetent.
LULZ at libs tossing up a Jon Stewart clip in a desperate attempt to cover for the Obamacare fuck-up.
Ha ha!

I'd say that you spamming around 15 Obamacare threads a day is a tad more desperate than me posting one little video. :)
Ha ha! I'd say that you spamming around 15 Obamacare threads a day is a tad more desperate than me posting one little video. :)

I'd say you have much butthurt because your God-King has fucked up his masterpiece.

Now, that's fucking funny. :lol: