

Ahorrado por Gracia
As recently as a couple of years ago, I failed to understand how to love God. How can one experience "warm, fuzzy feelings" towards an invisible being? It baffled me. Then, as I began reading more of the Scriptures, and gradually grew in my faith as a result, I came to the conclusion that love is not about feeling as much as it is about DOING.

As Jesus Christ said: "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

What was responsible for my initial, false impression of love?

Well, consider this. Our society places a great deal of emphasis on "feelings" in regards to love. This is also the society in which the divorce rate exceeds 50%. How exactly can two people truly love each other, and yet so casually throw aside their marriage vows? The answer is simple: our society does not know what love is truly about. Only the Scriptures, the Words of God, contain true insight into the nature of love.

Again, to quote the Savior: "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching."

Here it is demonstrated that love goes hand-in-hand with obedience. If we truly love the Lord, we will do as He commands us to do; that is to say, we will unconditionally follow His Will.

Now in regards to marriage. For a husband to truly love his wife, he must sacrifice himself for her well-being. He must surrender his self-ambition, and if needed, his own life, for the well-being and safety of the more fragile sex.

"Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it." (Ephesians 5:25)

Likewise, for a wife to truly love her husband, she must respect her husband, and submit unto him just as she submits to God.

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord." (Ephesians 5:22)

So you see, by applying the Scriptures, a more complete picture of love is revealed. Love is not about "warm fuzzy feelings." Love is about sacrifice, and love is obedience.

Once I reached this conclusion, I realized that loving God is actually quite simple: all that is required is doing what He asks us to do. To make matters simpler, He has provided the Holy Ghost to strengthen us, day by day, month by month, year after year. The Holy Ghost will never forsake us.

By His own love for mankind, God has enabled us to love Him, and to command that same love towards others as well. :)

Since we've been on a R&R kick lately ...As John Lennon once said ...

Love is real, real is love,
Love is feeling, feeling love,
Love is wanting to be loved.
Love is touch, touch is love,
Love is reaching, reaching love,
Love is asking to be loved.
Love is you,
You and me,
Love is knowing,
We can be.
Love is free, free is love,
Love is living, living love,
Love is needing to be loved.
One problem with this, Brent.

Your initial premise is on weak ground. You state that Jesus said ""If ye love me, keep my commandments." Where do you get this reference from? Obviously the bible? This is an extremely dubious source, written many years later by people who had never met Jesus. So it is the gospel's author that states this, not Jesus.

Your next err is the source of the commandments you use, filtered many time through many edits and sourced from many authors.

Would you really base your perspective on foundations of sand?
Brent, I understand you take your beliefs seriously but it is amusing seeing someone attempt to work out how to love a fictional character.

An exercise in futility, like a classics fan attempting working out how you can love Aphrodite?
Brent, I see a lot of sexless years ahead for you.

I'd keep this to myself if you have any hopes of finally losing your virginity.
Brent, I see a lot of sexless years ahead for you.

I'd keep this to myself if you have any hopes of finally losing your virginity.

Brent either needs to get laid or smoke some weed....
Brent needs to swallow the barrel of a 9mm

He's just misguided. If only he would think for himself rather than allowing priests to do it for him...
he's a hypocritical mean spirited hateful immature prick. He talks the talk, but never walks the walk. He is a waste of good oxygen as far as I am concerned. The planet would be better off if he were fertilizer.
Is it just me or do you ever think that Brent's really a Satanist here to put you off religion all together?
It could be his goal LadyT. But I think he is just messed up in the head pretty bad. He needs to get counseling. And not from a religion, but a medical professional.
Naah, not yet anyway. He may take up that matter one day himself though if he does not get his head screwed on right.
he's a hypocritical mean spirited hateful immature prick. He talks the talk, but never walks the walk. He is a waste of good oxygen as far as I am concerned. The planet would be better off if he were fertilizer.

He's a confused and misguided young man who clings desperately to absolutist positions because they are absolute, they offer simple black and whites.
Yes anyold. Brent has an all too common logic system in place. the only conclusions he can reach is this or that. If you are not this you are that.
This type of mentality is one of the factors that cuased this country to be submitted to Bush for 8 yrs. Unless of course he is assinated, impeached or resigns.
It must be so sad to have a white or black mind with no shades of grey or colour variation. Their minds must be a pretty bleak place.
You don't just think he's a sad individual who gets his kicks by seeking a great deal of attention, on internet message boards, from people willing to believe in his 'characters'?
No Charver I think he is genuinely messed up in the head. He probably does have a love hate relationship with the attention he gets though.
I'm maybe too cynical, in general, but i hardly ever believe anyone is who, or what, they say on the interweb. Maybe once i may have, but that was before the 'webcam' incident.