Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver SICKO!!!! Lincoln Project is finished

Is an employee the same thing as a co-founder

When it comes to a criminal complaint, of course they are. Where a pedophile works is meaningless unless the alleged behavior was occurring in the workplace, in this case that workplace being the Lincoln Project. Sorry you got yet another hard on without a happy ending.
Twenty-one young men accuse Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver of sending them inappropriate messages offering political career advice in exchange for sex - including one who was just 14

Trump Hating Queer PEDOPHILE.

Lincoln Project is finished. The pending lawsuits will crush them

Donald Trump is a pedophile. One day Ivanka will speak out about it. Right now she just wants Daddy to keep paying her off.

U mean like this

Diary of Joe Biden’s daughter: ‘showers with my dad’ ‘probably not appropriate’

Do you think Biden's daughter had a lot more to suck on than Ivanka did?

Eric may have had to work for Daddy Trump at an early age.
