limits to thread starts


100% recycled karma
I'm looking at Current Events / a poster has started so many threads the forum is not getting any replies.

Can we not have a limit on daily/weekly thread starts?
I'm looking at Current Events / a poster has started so many threads the forum is not getting any replies.

Can we not have a limit on daily/weekly thread starts?


I imagine the mods will say "just don't comment on those"

But somehow that doesn't seem to be stopping him

Then again, he's an evil spambot; takes more than shunning to stop him

I imagine the mods will say "just don't comment on those"

But somehow that doesn't seem to be stopping him

Then again, he's an evil spambot; takes more than shunning to stop him
It's wrecking the board, I mean spamming threads is one thing -
hard to stop that - but just limiting the sheer amount of thread starts, stops the "bumping" of decent threads into oblivion.

Hey! thanks for POSTING SOMETHING I can REPLY to!!!!
some of the persons threads still get responses. peoples posting styles are different. some like to start threads, others like to jump into existing ones. While a thread cap I don't think is a bad idea in of itself, I can't imagine it would be less than say.. 5 per forum per day or something like that, which is sort of around what this person is doing right now anyway more or less.

some of the persons threads still get responses. peoples posting styles are different. some like to start threads, others like to jump into existing ones. While a thread cap I don't think is a bad idea in of itself, I can't imagine it would be less than say.. 5 per forum per day or something like that, which is sort of around what this person is doing right now anyway more or less.
that is a ridiculous amout of threads to start. 5 PER FORUM per DAY??

How about 20 in a week?? even that is giagntically bigmoneyenourmous? I mean i live on this place, and I prolly don't start but less then 10 a week.

Less is more..if ya get my drift.. food for thought - this ain't working too well.
now now. See? this is why I don't want to call anyone out.

You are a smart person - I read your posts. think of it this way "less is more" - I mean i'm a compulsive poster, addicted to the keyboards.

Just try to be a part of the board, it's more fun that way, and you get THANKS!! *karma points*

try it. no need to get allteary eyes, this is constructive criticism, nothing more.

I'll give you a Thanks! Isn't that just way cool??
that is a ridiculous amout of threads to start. 5 PER FORUM per DAY??

How about 20 in a week?? even that is giagntically bigmoneyenourmous? I mean i live on this place, and I prolly don't start but less then 10 a week.

Less is more..if ya get my drift.. food for thought - this ain't working too well.

Why are you picking on Deshy?
It's wrecking the board, I mean spamming threads is one thing -
hard to stop that - but just limiting the sheer amount of thread starts, stops the "bumping" of decent threads into oblivion.

Hey! thanks for POSTING SOMETHING I can REPLY to!!!!

Oh damn, I forgot I was supposed to throw curses at you and then divert onto a totally different topic.... sorry! (grin)

It sucks having to wade through his bogus threads to get to stuff worth answering.
Oh damn, I forgot I was supposed to throw curses at you and then divert onto a totally different topic.... sorry! (grin) It sucks having to wade through his bogus threads to get to stuff worth answering.

Lazy much, Tekkygal?

You know you devour every word I post.

If you don't like our freedom, go post on Howies' board.
Oh damn, I forgot I was supposed to throw curses at you and then divert onto a totally different topic.... sorry! (grin)

It sucks having to wade through his bogus threads to get to stuff worth answering.

and we get back "can't really do anything about it" , as you predicted.

Gonna try something else, i am SICK of moving from board to board.... just got comfy here *fluffs up his pillow*
So I'm on here way too much - just looked... my first page of "started threads" - which is 25 (slightly misleading since they aren't in date order but close) - that goes back to Sept 5.

So in a month, I've started 25 threads.

Who needs to do 5 per forum per day????
some of the persons threads still get responses. peoples posting styles are different. some like to start threads, others like to jump into existing ones. While a thread cap I don't think is a bad idea in of itself, I can't imagine it would be less than say.. 5 per forum per day or something like that, which is sort of around what this person is doing right now anyway more or less.

Notice the libs want nothing to do with freedom of speech, unless it's speech they agree with?
So I'm on here way too much - just looked... my first page of "started threads" - which is 25 (slightly misleading since they aren't in date order but close) - that goes back to Sept 5.

So in a month, I've started 25 threads.

Who needs to do 5 per forum per day????
exactly. Think the MODS just decided to hand the ball off, and go back to....
We have new teabagger trolls
They always leave in a month
You just have to shame and ridicule their lack of formal education
because. this is a board about discussions..if anyone just continuously starts threads, it BUMPS DOWN other threads.

The general idea is to CONTRIBUTE to a discussion, and then if one has an idea for as new thread - start it.

"less is more"" wrap your Patrician head around that concept for a few minutes and see where it goes..

Now don't make this difficult... lol..