
Its his right ...just as it was Teddy Roosevelts or for that matter .. Ralph Naders ...
Agreed. Some Democrats will be upset at what they see as disloyalty, of course, but that's no skin off my nose.

I think that enough Dems will blame him, though, that he stands little chance of taking the general election. The latest polls say that Lamont will win in November and I believe that will stand.
Whats to blame ? It just proves lieberman is not a real democrat, He just posed as one to get elected. The republicans will lose a friend on the Democrat side.
Lieberman not a real democrat? LOL He was the VP canidate just a few years ago, is rated higher on the lib scale than most democrats and yet they kicked him aside! LOL
joe was one my fav dems... would have voted for em in 2000, if it went for gore in the way
Whats to blame ? It just proves lieberman is not a real democrat, He just posed as one to get elected. The republicans will lose a friend on the Democrat side.

i dissagree, he is a real dem... what makes you think that he's not ?
His voting record, for starters.

So, in 18 years, how has he shown that he's not a liberal democrat? He took the wrong side of the aisle on the war, and I have no love lost for him, but his voting record leans substantially left.
Whats to blame ? It just proves lieberman is not a real democrat, He just posed as one to get elected. The republicans will lose a friend on the Democrat side.

He certainly is not a democrat on the single most important issue to democratic voters. That is why he had a primary opponent and that is why he lost the primary.

The republicans love to paint opposition to the war in Iraq as "cutting and running", but there are many in America who believe - as I do - that the war in Iraq has been a total disaster and has HURT our efforts in our struggle against the forces of islamic extremism. I have no desire to "cut and run" from that struggle whatsoever. I can't wait for us to stop pissing money and lives away in Iraq and start fighting the folks who attacked us and start dealing with the underlying social justice and economic issues that breed the sort of hatred that swells the ranks of our enemies.
So, in 18 years, how has he shown that he's not a liberal democrat? He took the wrong side of the aisle on the war, and I have no love lost for him, but his voting record leans substantially left.

then why are the biggest donors of his indendent run republicans.
maineman ... Ive been thinking about this a lot over the past few days, this anti war sentiment in the elections ...
Coming to terms with my own feelings over the past year or so .. alright.. Im about ready to pull with you guys and say yes .. immediate withdrawal and anyone of you cats on Capitol Hill who arnt listening to "We the People" the 60% or so who want this crazyness to stop .. you are going to pay for it in November ... I want out of Iraq too ... and I want it to happen now...
Are you willing to put all fresh new faces in Congress and hold those responsible regardless of Party affiliaition? I am. But I also want to make it very clear... that this does not mean the end of the War on Terror ... this threat is very real ... and we need to keep our eyes wide open. So there is a delicate balance here .. as far as who we choose to take on this responsibility.
then why are the biggest donors of his indendent run republicans.

Dawg .. his record speaks for itself ... aside from his support of Bush on the War ...Lieberman has been very Liberal. Perceptions; his war stance and his Jewish Orthodoxy ... give the impression that he is much more centered than he really is ...