The Force is With Me
The Biden Democratic Liberal Leftist Socialist government is in Texas rescuing Texans severely impacted by the failures a snow-related energy disaster that every other state in the nationwas able to handle far better.
Biden has communicated and positively responded to the Governor of Texas and authorized FEMA and multiple federal agencies, like the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services and to assist wherever needed. Biden has also responded by signing the Federal Diaster Order and instructed FEMA to assist homeowners in getting their homes repaired. He has assisted in getting food, water, and gasoline to a state he didn’t win in the election.
Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whom republicans LOVE to hate, has put together a fund dedicated to help Texans during this time of crisis, which has raised more than 2 million dollars and rising already.
African-Americans, such as Beyonce, Jay-Z, P Diddy and others are fundraising for Texans.
Fortunately for Texans, people and communities that republicans and many Texans LOVE to hate have ignored all that and have stepped up and stepped in to help.
Biden has communicated and positively responded to the Governor of Texas and authorized FEMA and multiple federal agencies, like the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services and to assist wherever needed. Biden has also responded by signing the Federal Diaster Order and instructed FEMA to assist homeowners in getting their homes repaired. He has assisted in getting food, water, and gasoline to a state he didn’t win in the election.
Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whom republicans LOVE to hate, has put together a fund dedicated to help Texans during this time of crisis, which has raised more than 2 million dollars and rising already.
African-Americans, such as Beyonce, Jay-Z, P Diddy and others are fundraising for Texans.
Fortunately for Texans, people and communities that republicans and many Texans LOVE to hate have ignored all that and have stepped up and stepped in to help.