Liberal Circle Jerk Time: Koch Ind. No Longer Interested In Buying Tribune Papers


Koch Industries no longer interested in buying Tribune papers

Charles and David Koch, prominent donors to libertarian and Republican politicians, are no longer interested in buying the Tribune Co.’s newspapers, according to reports.

The idea that Koch Industries, where Charles is chairman and chief executive and David is an executive vice president, would acquire Tribune’s newspapers was floated about six months ago.

At the time, the notion sparked a firestorm of opposition among liberal advocacy groups, who feared the conservative billionaires would be a threat to Democratic Party issues and independent journalism.

The Tribune Co. owns several prominent newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune.
According to The New York Times, a spokesman for the Koch brothers confirmed a report by the conservative news website The Daily Caller that said Koch Industries had determined that the acquisition was “not economically viable,” but she left the door open to other purchases in the media industry.

“Koch continues to have an interest in the media business, and we’re exploring a broad range of opportunities where we think we can add value,” the spokeswoman said in a statement, the Times reported.

Why throw money at a dead horse....