Libby Trial: Scooter says White House set him up to be Fall Guy


Will work for Scooby snacks
Libby says he’s being set up to take the fall for Rove.

“Attorneys for former White House aide Scooter Libby said Tuesday that Bush administration officials tried to blame him for the leak of a CIA operative’s name to cover up for Bush political adviser Karl Rove’s own disclosures. … ‘They’re trying to set me up. They want me to be the sacrificial lamb,’ [Libby’s attorney] said, recalling the conversation between Libby and Cheney. "I will not be sacrificed so Karl Rove can be protected.",,-6365671,00.html
Fitzgerald says in the days leading up to his grand jury testamony Libby destroyed a memo that indicated Cheney told him who V. Plame was.

Libby says the WH set him up to be fall guy for Rove.

No matter what side you belive looks bad for the White House.
Well if you lie with dogs you're bound to get dirty.

I hope he throws Bush and Cheney under the bus.
This thread does bring up another question. Will rove run off voters from whomevers campaign he winds up working on ?