Lib Controlled MainStream Media lied about AR-15 being used in DC Shooting


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This is what makes me upset with Liberals and I do believe in many Liberal causes, more than I even want to admit on here. Libs continually scheme and lie to get there so called Liberal Agenda out there. The latest is the Big Lie about Aaron Alexis using an AR-15 assault rifle during his shooting rampage at the Washington DC Shipyard, it was all a bunch of lies to promote new gun grabbing laws being discussed now by Congress. The problem is that they continued to lie even after the FBI stated that Alexus never used an AR-15 rifle during the shootings. Why do Libs always have to lie, and I am not talking only about this one incident, they lie about everything, even about yours is proof that they lied............................................

"Media, politicians and activists had to backpedal Tuesday after an FBI spokesperson said there is no evidence that Aaron Alexis, the gunman who murdered 12 people in the Navy Yard shooting Monday, used an AR-15 in the massacre.

“We do not have any information at this time that [Alexis] had an AR-15 in his possession,” said FBI assistant director Victoria Parlave at a press conference on Tuesday. Parlave said that it is now believed that Alexis, 34, possessed a shotgun when he entered the Navy Yard.

Parlave also said that Alexis had “legitimate access” to the military installation.

Alexis, a former Navy reservist, may have had access to a handgun after the shooting began, said Parlave.

Many outlets reported the initial claim that Alexis used an AR-15 in the attack.

The New York Daily News ran a front page headline which read “Same Gun Different Slay” in reference to the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting and the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school.

The Daily News front page contained another error — it used a picture of the crime scene which turned out to be a unrelated to the shooting.

The website BuzzFeed posted a now-corrected article featuring several pictures of the AR-15 citing the gun as being used in the Navy Yard shooting.

MSNBC’s Alex Wagner continued to use a graphic of the Navy Yard shooter wielding the large AR-15 in a report on Tuesday, hours after CNN issued a report that federal officials were backing away from the AR-15 claim.

On Monday a federal law enforcement official told USA Today Alexis was “armed with an AR-15, which is a light-weight semi-automatic rifle, as well as a shotgun and a handgun.”

The Los Angeles Times also reported that Alexis was engaged in a “running gun battle” with Navy security guards while carrying the AR-15.

The Washington Post editorial board asked how Alexis acquired “his weapons (an AR-15 assault rifle, a shotgun and a semiautomatic pistol were reportedly found on him).”

The New York Times cited the false claim as well. “Three weapons were found on Mr. Alexis: an AR-15 assault rifle, a shotgun and a semiautomatic pistol, a senior law enforcement officer said,” the Times reported.

CNN talk show host Piers Morgan reiterated the false report on his show Monday evening saying that the Navy Yard “was still infiltrated by a man with a legally purchased AR-15, who just committed the same kind of atrocity as we saw at Sandy Hook, and Aurora.”

Politicians also mimicked Monday’s error.

California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein released a statement on Monday which read, “This is one more event to add to the litany of massacres that occur when a deranged person or grievance killer is able to obtain multiple weapons — including a military-style assault rifle — and kill many people in a short amount of time. When will enough be enough?”

“A gunman appeared with an assault rifle, and several other weapons,” said Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin in a speech on the Senate floor Tuesday morning.
This is what makes me upset with Liberals and I do believe in many Liberal causes, more than I even want to admit on here. Libs continually scheme and lie to get there so called Liberal Agenda out there. The latest is the Big Lie about Aaron Alexis using an AR-15 assault rifle during his shooting rampage at the Washington DC Shipyard, it was all a bunch of lies to promote new gun grabbing laws being discussed now by Congress. The problem is that they continued to lie even after the FBI stated that Alexus never used an AR-15 rifle during the shootings. Why do Libs always have to lie, and I am not talking only about this one incident, they lie about everything, even about yours is proof that they lied............................................

"Media, politicians and activists had to backpedal Tuesday after an FBI spokesperson said there is no evidence that Aaron Alexis, the gunman who murdered 12 people in the Navy Yard shooting Monday, used an AR-15 in the massacre.

“We do not have any information at this time that [Alexis] had an AR-15 in his possession,” said FBI assistant director Victoria Parlave at a press conference on Tuesday. Parlave said that it is now believed that Alexis, 34, possessed a shotgun when he entered the Navy Yard.

Parlave also said that Alexis had “legitimate access” to the military installation.

Alexis, a former Navy reservist, may have had access to a handgun after the shooting began, said Parlave.

Many outlets reported the initial claim that Alexis used an AR-15 in the attack.

The New York Daily News ran a front page headline which read “Same Gun Different Slay” in reference to the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting and the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school.

The Daily News front page contained another error — it used a picture of the crime scene which turned out to be a unrelated to the shooting.

The website BuzzFeed posted a now-corrected article featuring several pictures of the AR-15 citing the gun as being used in the Navy Yard shooting.

MSNBC’s Alex Wagner continued to use a graphic of the Navy Yard shooter wielding the large AR-15 in a report on Tuesday, hours after CNN issued a report that federal officials were backing away from the AR-15 claim.

On Monday a federal law enforcement official told USA Today Alexis was “armed with an AR-15, which is a light-weight semi-automatic rifle, as well as a shotgun and a handgun.”

The Los Angeles Times also reported that Alexis was engaged in a “running gun battle” with Navy security guards while carrying the AR-15.

The Washington Post editorial board asked how Alexis acquired “his weapons (an AR-15 assault rifle, a shotgun and a semiautomatic pistol were reportedly found on him).”

The New York Times cited the false claim as well. “Three weapons were found on Mr. Alexis: an AR-15 assault rifle, a shotgun and a semiautomatic pistol, a senior law enforcement officer said,” the Times reported.

CNN talk show host Piers Morgan reiterated the false report on his show Monday evening saying that the Navy Yard “was still infiltrated by a man with a legally purchased AR-15, who just committed the same kind of atrocity as we saw at Sandy Hook, and Aurora.”

Politicians also mimicked Monday’s error.

California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein released a statement on Monday which read, “This is one more event to add to the litany of massacres that occur when a deranged person or grievance killer is able to obtain multiple weapons — including a military-style assault rifle — and kill many people in a short amount of time. When will enough be enough?”

“A gunman appeared with an assault rifle, and several other weapons,” said Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin in a speech on the Senate floor Tuesday morning.

So are you stating the shooter doesn't own an AR-15? Or are you stating that it wasn't used in the attack?
So are you stating the shooter doesn't own an AR-15? Or are you stating that it wasn't used in the attack?
"Aaron Alexis legally purchased the shotgun he used to kill 12 people, the FBI said Tuesday.

FBI Assistant Director Valerie Parlave also told reporters that Alexis only had the shotgun -- not an assault rifle, as many news outlets reported -- when he walked into Building 197 at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday morning. But it may not be the only gun he used.

"We have no information that he had an AR-15 assault rifle in his possession," she said at a press conference. "He may have gained access to a handgun ... after he began shooting."
Just another thought... in this Brave New Post-Trayvon World, our ever vigilant news media has decided to forgo racial descriptions of wanted perpetrators in an effort to conform to emerging standards of political correctness.

In this particular case the perpetrator is dead, so no need to hide it. How long before we find out the racial composition of the victim pool?

If we ultimately discover that every victim was white, how does that square with the media telling us repeatedly that his motives were unknown?

Had a white man gunned down 20 blacks, the speculation of hate crime would have lead off every news story.
witnesses said that that is what they thought they were being shot at with.

why do you call misinformation in a crime in progeress lies?

because your a fucking lying piece of shit
ear witnesses are bad but blind people should be able to shoot by ear?

your memes are bumping into each other again
witnesses said that that is what they thought they were being shot at with.

why do you call misinformation in a crime in progeress lies?

because your a fucking lying piece of shit
Why are you so rude, Vinny, you sound so desperate and even depressed, did I pop your Lib balloon? Maybe you need to have your mouth washed out with soap, like they used to do with bratty foul mouthed kids. A suggestion; Why don't you follow me around and read all my posts, in that way, you will re-educate yourself, since your teachers failed you miserably. Your Lib biased media do what they do, promote the Lib agenda, to the point of lying, and I proved it here with this post. Naturally you and your Lib cohors are pissed off, especially when they have been pissed on and missed butt sheet on and hit.......TOUCHÉ
As long as they were lying about the guns used, I am surprised they did not whiten up his picture and make him look like a white Hispanic.
This is what makes me upset with Liberals and I do believe in many Liberal causes, more than I even want to admit on here. Libs continually scheme and lie to get there so called Liberal Agenda out there. The latest is the Big Lie about Aaron Alexis using an AR-15 assault rifle during his shooting rampage at the Washington DC Shipyard, it was all a bunch of lies to promote new gun grabbing laws being discussed now by Congress. The problem is that they continued to lie even after the FBI stated that Alexus never used an AR-15 rifle during the shootings. Why do Libs always have to lie, and I am not talking only about this one incident, they lie about everything, even about yours is proof that they lied............................................

"Media, politicians and activists had to backpedal Tuesday after an FBI spokesperson said there is no evidence that Aaron Alexis, the gunman who murdered 12 people in the Navy Yard shooting Monday, used an AR-15 in the massacre.

“We do not have any information at this time that [Alexis] had an AR-15 in his possession,” said FBI assistant director Victoria Parlave at a press conference on Tuesday. Parlave said that it is now believed that Alexis, 34, possessed a shotgun when he entered the Navy Yard.

Parlave also said that Alexis had “legitimate access” to the military installation.

Alexis, a former Navy reservist, may have had access to a handgun after the shooting began, said Parlave.

Many outlets reported the initial claim that Alexis used an AR-15 in the attack.

The New York Daily News ran a front page headline which read “Same Gun Different Slay” in reference to the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting and the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school.

The Daily News front page contained another error — it used a picture of the crime scene which turned out to be a unrelated to the shooting.

The website BuzzFeed posted a now-corrected article featuring several pictures of the AR-15 citing the gun as being used in the Navy Yard shooting.

MSNBC’s Alex Wagner continued to use a graphic of the Navy Yard shooter wielding the large AR-15 in a report on Tuesday, hours after CNN issued a report that federal officials were backing away from the AR-15 claim.

On Monday a federal law enforcement official told USA Today Alexis was “armed with an AR-15, which is a light-weight semi-automatic rifle, as well as a shotgun and a handgun.”

The Los Angeles Times also reported that Alexis was engaged in a “running gun battle” with Navy security guards while carrying the AR-15.

The Washington Post editorial board asked how Alexis acquired “his weapons (an AR-15 assault rifle, a shotgun and a semiautomatic pistol were reportedly found on him).”

The New York Times cited the false claim as well. “Three weapons were found on Mr. Alexis: an AR-15 assault rifle, a shotgun and a semiautomatic pistol, a senior law enforcement officer said,” the Times reported.

CNN talk show host Piers Morgan reiterated the false report on his show Monday evening saying that the Navy Yard “was still infiltrated by a man with a legally purchased AR-15, who just committed the same kind of atrocity as we saw at Sandy Hook, and Aurora.”

Politicians also mimicked Monday’s error.

California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein released a statement on Monday which read, “This is one more event to add to the litany of massacres that occur when a deranged person or grievance killer is able to obtain multiple weapons — including a military-style assault rifle — and kill many people in a short amount of time. When will enough be enough?”

“A gunman appeared with an assault rifle, and several other weapons,” said Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin in a speech on the Senate floor Tuesday morning.
Bill O'Reily, tonight, talked about exactly what I posted here, about how the Left wing media lied about there being an AR-15, to promote their anti-gun agenda. I posted this yesterday, do ya think that O'Reily reads my sheet on JPP?
Hi Free, I am going to visit my Son in Mesa or he is coming to visit me, not sure which yet. If I go, I am loading and packing my Astra A100 9mm at the Flying J on the AZ side from Blythe. I always stop there for gas and Maple Bar Donuts. My Son told me awhile back that there is no conceiled carry permit required in AZ, so I called the AZ Highway Partrol and they said that I could carry conceiled with no permit. I think the catch is that if a Cop stops you, you have to tell him that you are packing or you get into trouble. Arizona is the best place to live and one day, Im moving there. The heat here is only about on the average 5 degrees less that Mesa. It gets colder here, like it has been as low as 15 degrees in the morning, and as high as 115 during July.
Hi Free, I am going to visit my Son in Mesa or he is coming to visit me, not sure which yet. If I go, I am loading and packing my Astra A100 9mm at the Flying J on the AZ side from Blythe. I always stop there for gas and Maple Bar Donuts. My Son told me awhile back that there is no conceiled carry permit required in AZ, so I called the AZ Highway Partrol and they said that I could carry conceiled with no permit. I think the catch is that if a Cop stops you, you have to tell him that you are packing or you get into trouble. Arizona is the best place to live and one day, Im moving there. The heat here is only about on the average 5 degrees less that Mesa. It gets colder here, like it has been as low as 15 degrees in the morning, and as high as 115 during July.

Yeah; if they stop you, you need to tell them that you're carrying (concealed).
Got pulled over on my bike one day and the cop asked if he could take possession of my firearm (open carry), for his and my safety.
I asked what it was he intended to do to me, that would put my safety in jeopardy?
He didn't know what to say. :)