Letter from my Representative


New member
I recieved another letter from my republican representative two in a week, I feel special after 2 yrs min of nothing. In the letter he cutely explains how social security checks may not go out on Nov 1st if the shutdown continues. This from a guy who has voted straight teatard since getting in office who when running said just the opposite.
After telling me he will help to bone all seniors on SS by his teatard vote he invited all any responses. So my response was this.
Youre an idiot, youre a worthless piece of shit who has not cast a single vote to help middleclass america out of this malais all you have voted for is far right stick it in the ass of working and poor america and you consistently voted AGAINST ending corporate welfare and voted for more tax cuts all in a district that has a huge percentage of retirees.
You have not only lost my vote, I will work feverishly to take as many more votes from you as I possibly can.
If SS checks do not go out on Nov 1st you can believe you and the rest of the far right idiots in the house will pay a very dear price. The gop will lose 10 to 15% of their total voting base from past elections.
BigMoney you being unable to say anything that will dispute my post, you resort to calling me a liar which you couldnt know. Thats ok, I know I dont lie and thats all I need. So theres no need for me to respond with anything else to your post. You have a damn good day :)
Heres an excerpt bigmoney, I wont post the entire letter its quite long and I dont believe that would be ethical, so heres two paragraphs for you

Dear Friends,

With everything going on this week, I want to take a moment to give you the background you need on two things: First, I want to try to explain exactly what the debt ceiling is, what the deadline of October 17th means, and what the practical implications are – for better or worse. Second, I want to give you the best insight I can as to where things stand in the negotiations.

First, the debt ceiling. Here’s what you need to know…
In either case, after Thursday, the Treasury will not be able to cover any of the government’s bills with credit. On the surface, that sounds like a great thing – no more debt. That’s fantastic. To people on the other side, not raising the debt ceiling sounds like it will usher in Armageddon. The truth is almost certainly somewhere in the middle – the debt will stop growing (that’s great), but not all of our bills (even the ones we all really like) will necessarily get paid on time (and roughly a third, not at all)

For the year, Medicare & Medicaid plus Social Security (and other pension obligations), plus defense, plus VA, plus interest adds up to more than 75% of our budget. Absent a resolution on the debt ceiling, we can’t cover all of those payments (never mind anything else). So setting aside the question of [completely] shutting down the FBI, the Department of Transportation, food stamps, and so on, we’ll have to make some decisions about what to pay (and not pay) to get us down from 75% to the 70% number which we can cover with cash this month. That’s the math on month-to-month basis.
BigMoney you being unable to say anything that will dispute my post, you resort to calling me a liar which you couldnt know. Thats ok, I know I dont lie and thats all I need. So theres no need for me to respond with anything else to your post. You have a damn good day :)

Checks for seniors, those with disabilities and survivors will go out as usual.


I wont call you a liar Big, but I shall call you an asshole and I dont need fancy gifs to get my point across not only are you not bigmoney your not worth two cents with your petty name calling.
In the event of a government shutdown, Social Security payments to beneficiaries will continue with no change in payment dates.


More Democrat Party fearmongering - let's see this alleged "letter".

Social Security currently has a surplus of $2.7 trillion. This year it is on track to take in $38.8 billion more in revenue than it will pay out, according to the forecast of the program's trustees. These funds sit in something called the Social Security Trust Fund (SSTF).

The Social Security trustees could exercise their right to cash in as many Social Security bonds as they need to make benefit payments for the foreseeable future. Every dollar of principal (but not interest) that the federal government pays back to Social Security would reduce the government's total indebtedness, making room to borrow more from the general public to fund Social Security redemptions. The total amount of federal debt would be unchanged, and wouldn't reduce funds available for other government operations.

Nancy Altman, co-director of the Strengthen Social Security advocacy coalition and an expert on Social Security law and history, argues that Lew and Obama have a duty to keep Social Security out of the fight.

"Social Security is different from paying a military contractor, or food inspectors," Altman says. "Those things are paid from the general fund, where there's a deficit. Social Security is a real pension program backed by very substantial assets, and the president has an obligation to act as a fiduciary and protect that."
