Let's talk values


Hey, JPPeeps:

Just some simple questions for everyone, because I think it might spark some interesting conversations.

1) What do you think is the single greatest problem in America today?

2) What are you most direly afraid will happen within your lifetime?

3) Do you have kids?

4) Do you plan to have kids?

5) What single entity is most responsible for the state of the world economy? Why?

6) What are the three things most wrong with American values today?

For me:

1) Corporations and government are beyond 'in bed' with eachother; they have commingled into an unholy union that can no longer be surgically separated; they must be razed to the ground and rebuilt from zero up.

2) My greatest fear is that nothing will prove powerful enough to upset the status quo and everything will continue exactly like it has been since 1979.

3) Yes.

4) Yes.

5) Bill Clinton, for not vetoing the repeal of Glass-Stegall.

6) a) People have fully fallen for the two-party trap and it's impossible to get a third perspective to have any traction with the public.

6) b) Libertarians still exist despite the mountains of evidence that, like communism, it only works on paper.

6) c) See my signature.

Hey, JPPeeps:

Just some simple questions for everyone, because I think it might spark some interesting conversations.

1) What do you think is the single greatest problem in America today?
Perpetual war
2) What are you most direly afraid will happen within your lifetime?
War comes here
3) Do you have kids?
4) Do you plan to have kids?
2 grandkids
5) What single entity is most responsible for the state of the world economy? Why?
The fed
6) What are the three things most wrong with American values today?
NRA, dea, ATF

For me:

1) Corporations and government are beyond 'in bed' with eachother; they have commingled into an unholy union that can no longer be surgically separated; they must be razed to the ground and rebuilt from zero up.
Wash your mouth out with soap hippy
2) My greatest fear is that nothing will prove powerful enough to upset the status quo and everything will continue exactly like it has been since 1979.
Money talks
3) Yes.

4) Yes.

5) Bill Clinton, for not vetoing the repeal of Glass-Stegall.
6) a) People have fully fallen for the two-party trap and it's impossible to get a third perspective to have any traction with the public.
Love more parties
6) b) Libertarians still exist despite the mountains of evidence that, like communism, it only works on paper.
Hey are passive republicans
6) c) See my signature.

Hey, JPPeeps:

Just some simple questions for everyone, because I think it might spark some interesting conversations.

1) What do you think is the single greatest problem in America today?
The entitlement culture

2) What are you most direly afraid will happen within your lifetime?
3) Do you have kids?
4) Do you plan to have kids?
5) What single entity is most responsible for the state of the world economy? Why?
A down business cycle exacerbated by the determination of the left to turn it into the death of capitalism. They think their time has come. Maybe it has.

6) What are the three things most wrong with American values today?
1) The Kardashian clan
2) A curious mix of a lack of humility and a dearth of pride in being Americans. It seems to be a national sport nowadays to gang up on our own nation.
3) God has left the building. We have evicted him. We can do it much better ourselves.
Then again, the whole "values" thing might just be a sign of impending entropy. Nothing we can do about inevitable decay.
How do you reconcile hating the two-party system with wanting libertarianism to go away, Essence?

1) Same thing that was America's greatest problem back in 1828.

2) National debt will hit $100 Trillion

3) No

4) I would like to adopt someday

5) John Maynard Keynes

6) Selfishness, Impulsiveness, and bad judgment
Libertarianism isn't the only third party. I'm all in favor of the Green, American Freedom, Socialist, Constitution, Unity, or even the Modern Whig parties -- or hell, all of them -- getting on the ticket.

The problem with Libertarianism is that it's deeply, powerfully flawed. Go to the library and check out a book called Trust Us, We're Experts. It's not even a political book -- it's a book about advertising. But when you get to the end, you'll understand that Libertarianism cannot ever work in the modern media environment.
I'll bite.

1) What do you think is the single greatest problem in America today?
Our culture, which encourages mutual masturbation and is increasingly too fast for the application for silly things like 'logic'. In addition it is controlled not by us, but our media.

2) What are you most direly afraid will happen within your lifetime?
The escalation of MAD would be pretty nasty.

3) Do you have kids?

4) Do you plan to have kids?

5) What single entity is most responsible for the state of the world economy? Why?
UN. It is in here that the most recent struggle for power has taken place.

6) What are the three things most wrong with American values today?
Equality without merit
Fast-paced lifestyle/media
Tolerance without correction
Libertarianism isn't the only third party. I'm all in favor of the Green, American Freedom, Socialist, Constitution, Unity, or even the Modern Whig parties -- or hell, all of them -- getting on the ticket.

The problem with Libertarianism is that it's deeply, powerfully flawed. Go to the library and check out a book called Trust Us, We're Experts. It's not even a political book -- it's a book about advertising. But when you get to the end, you'll understand that Libertarianism cannot ever work in the modern media environment.

Hell, go to the library and read just about any book on the founding of this country, and you'll find that classical liberalism (which we now call libertarianism) did well for us early on, at least.

Let's try that again.

Libertarianism isn't the only third party. I'm all in favor of the Green, American Freedom, Socialist, Constitution, Unity, or even the Modern Whig parties -- or hell, all of them -- getting on the ticket.

The problem with Libertarianism is that it's deeply, powerfully flawed. Go to the library and check out a book called Trust Us, We're Experts. It's not even a political book -- it's a book about advertising. But when you get to the end, you'll understand that Libertarianism cannot ever work in the modern media environment.

Now try responding intelligently to what was actually said.
So, eventually we'll have to lean in the direction when modern solutions to economic problems continue to yield recessions and debt.
The problem is that putting power in the hands of private entities leads to corporations that are slaves enough to profit that they're more than willing to lie, cheat, and literally kill people in order to increase their next quarter's profit. You hear that a lot, but it's not until you see just how far they've bent us over a barrel -- by reading a book like Trust Us, We're Experts -- that you realize the degree to which the Libertarian ideal of free enterprise is actually fucking over the entire country.

I'm all about enterprise -- I'm an entrepreneur -- but the moment you reach a state of being where corporations with enough money to actively manipulate the government and media exist, you create problems that Libertarianism is philosophically completely unable to cope with. Another alternative has to be found, and I have a feeling it's going to be one that the old-money conservatives really aren't going to like. Either that, or we're all going to die when they discover that Monsanto's latest GMO experiment has fucked with our hormonal balance enough that the entire next generation is born gay.
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Clarke Gable once caused a decrease in t shirt sales when he removed his shirt in It Happened One Night and didn't have one on. The public is pretty fucking stupid and impressionable, as you can see. This is never going to change, and people are really just getting what they deserve for choosing to be so retarded.
On the other hand, if Monsanto did manage to turn an entire generation gay, imagine the explosion in art and literature we would experience! Better celebrity actors, too.
The gramm leach bliely act which bill Clinton signed into law had broker rules in it that the Bush SEC refused to ever implement.

For 8 long years these broker rules were gamed and only implemented a week after Bush GOT on national TV to announce he broke the world wide economy

SEC Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers

Eight Years After Passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Key Provisions Will Now Be Implemented


Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2007 - Ending eight years of stalled negotiations and impasse, the Commission today voted to adopt, jointly with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), new rules that will finally implement the bank broker provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The Board will consider these final rules at its Sept. 24, 2007 meeting. The Commission and the Board consulted with and sought the concurrence of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Thrift Supervision.
Timing and Temporary Exemption

As adopted, Regulation R provides banks with a transitional exemption until the first day of their first fiscal year commencing after Sept. 30, 2008. This will give banks time to make any necessary changes in their systems and compliance programs and should ensure that banks have time to come into compliance with the Exchange Act provisions relating to the broker definition. This exemptive rule will become effective on the date that the Commission's current order expires, Sept. 28, 2007.

Bush had to stand in front of the nation just days before these rules went into actual effect to tell the American people the economy was about to fail.

Most Americans were stunned
Hey, JPPeeps:

Just some simple questions for everyone, because I think it might spark some interesting conversations.

1) What do you think is the single greatest problem in America today?

2) What are you most direly afraid will happen within your lifetime?

3) Do you have kids?

4) Do you plan to have kids?

5) What single entity is most responsible for the state of the world economy? Why?

6) What are the three things most wrong with American values today?

For me:

1) Corporations and government are beyond 'in bed' with eachother; they have commingled into an unholy union that can no longer be surgically separated; they must be razed to the ground and rebuilt from zero up.

2) My greatest fear is that nothing will prove powerful enough to upset the status quo and everything will continue exactly like it has been since 1979.

3) Yes.

4) Yes.

5) Bill Clinton, for not vetoing the repeal of Glass-Stegall.

6) a) People have fully fallen for the two-party trap and it's impossible to get a third perspective to have any traction with the public.

6) b) Libertarians still exist despite the mountains of evidence that, like communism, it only works on paper.

6) c) See my signature.


1) What do you think is the single greatest problem in America today?

Too many takers who think they have a right to other peoples property and not enough makers.

2) What are you most direly afraid will happen within your lifetime?

I am afraid it has already happened, the utter destruction of the last bastion of liberty; The United States of America

3) Do you have kids?


4) Do you plan to have kids?

Not anymore

5) What single entity is most responsible for the state of the world economy? Why?

Central banks that are printing money hand over fist; devaluing their currency and impoverishing the middle class and the poor.

6) What are the three things most wrong with American values today?

1) Too many takers

2) Not enough free markets

3) Government interference in too many aspects of American lives
3) Do you have kids?

4) Do you plan to have kids?


This Obama fan says "yes" to both questions.