lets compare riots


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now there was a riot this year that was mainly conservatives and there was a murder involved some damage to the capital and some police officers hurt it was wrong no doubt about it.

But there were dozens and dozens of riots by liberals with massive looting of businesses and some will never reopen , thousands of cops injured 47 people murdered, statues destroyed old people attacked a woman in a wheel chair attacked , people dragged out of their cars and beaten , rapes people told to get out of their homes , well over a billion dollars in damages , flags burned public and private property destroyed.
over 14000 arrested .

simple fact is the democrats have proven they are a menace to society and a true danger to innocent people . now they will all come to the rescue of the democrat rioters and say its not true , I would like to see just one be honest and admit how much damage the blm riots actually did to then nation and say they were wrong like I did to the capital riots , but we know that's unlikely to happen .
now there was a riot this year that was mainly conservatives and there was a murder involved some damage to the capital and some police officers hurt it was wrong no doubt about it.

But there were dozens and dozens of riots by liberals with massive looting of businesses and some will never reopen , thousands of cops injured 47 people murdered, statues destroyed old people attacked a woman in a wheel chair attacked , people dragged out of their cars and beaten , rapes people told to get out of their homes , well over a billion dollars in damages , flags burned public and private property destroyed.
over 14000 arrested .

simple fact is the democrats have proven they are a menace to society and a true danger to innocent people . now they will all come to the rescue of the democrat rioters and say its not true , I would like to see just one be honest and admit how much damage the blm riots actually did to then nation and say they were wrong like I did to the capital riots , but we know that's unlikely to happen .

Pretty sure those rioters don't care about politics, just Nikes and big TVs.
Pretty sure those rioters don't care about politics, just Nikes and big TVs.

So in other words......Just pretty much common thieves and typical dirtbags trying to get something for nothing. Not anything about a greater goal or anything honorable. Yep.....pretty much what I thought.
So in other words......Just pretty much common thieves and typical dirtbags trying to get something for nothing. Not anything about a greater goal or anything honorable. Yep.....pretty much what I thought.

There are usually lootings after hurricanes and earthquakes and such strike. Anything can be use as an excuse to loot. So yeah there's no greater goal or anything honorable.
So in other words......Just pretty much common thieves and typical dirtbags trying to get something for nothing. Not anything about a greater goal or anything honorable. Yep.....pretty much what I thought.

This man is a legend.

now there was a riot this year that was mainly conservatives and there was a murder involved some damage to the capital and some police officers hurt it was wrong no doubt about it.

But there were dozens and dozens of riots by liberals with massive looting of businesses and some will never reopen , thousands of cops injured 47 people murdered, statues destroyed old people attacked a woman in a wheel chair attacked , people dragged out of their cars and beaten , rapes people told to get out of their homes , well over a billion dollars in damages , flags burned public and private property destroyed.
over 14000 arrested .

simple fact is the democrats have proven they are a menace to society and a true danger to innocent people . now they will all come to the rescue of the democrat rioters and say its not true , I would like to see just one be honest and admit how much damage the blm riots actually did to then nation and say they were wrong like I did to the capital riots , but we know that's unlikely to happen .

Yeah, but Trump's riot was the best one. Let's see the Lefties match this one!:

Pretty sure those rioters don't care about politics, just Nikes and big TVs.

BLM is all about politics. They are trying to make America a better , fairer place. That is a great goal that America is crying for.
The Trump rioters were trying to destroy the American experiment with no idea what would have happened if they succeeded. We would not have allowed Trump to walk in and declare himself king. The reaction would have been a lot stronger than you kiddies would have thought. It was another stupid rt wing move.
BLM is all about politics. They are trying to make America a better , fairer place. That is a great goal that America is crying for.
The Trump rioters were trying to destroy the American experiment with no idea what would have happened if they succeeded. We would not have allowed Trump to walk in and declare himself king. The reaction would have been a lot stronger than you kiddies would have thought. It was another stupid rt wing move.

BLM is racist, I thought that was wrong!?
now there was a riot this year that was mainly conservatives and there was a murder involved some damage to the capital and some police officers hurt it was wrong no doubt about it.

But there were dozens and dozens of riots by liberals with massive looting of businesses and some will never reopen , thousands of cops injured 47 people murdered, statues destroyed old people attacked a woman in a wheel chair attacked , people dragged out of their cars and beaten , rapes people told to get out of their homes , well over a billion dollars in damages , flags burned public and private property destroyed.
over 14000 arrested .

simple fact is the democrats have proven they are a menace to society and a true danger to innocent people . now they will all come to the rescue of the democrat rioters and say its not true , I would like to see just one be honest and admit how much damage the blm riots actually did to then nation and say they were wrong like I did to the capital riots , but we know that's unlikely to happen .

47 people murdered? You continue to be a pathetic liar, honey bunch
BLM is all about politics. They are trying to make America a better , fairer place. That is a great goal that America is crying for.
The Trump rioters were trying to destroy the American experiment with no idea what would have happened if they succeeded. We would not have allowed Trump to walk in and declare himself king. The reaction would have been a lot stronger than you kiddies would have thought. It was another stupid rt wing move.

I understand that. My point was that those rioters and looters do not care about politics. Why blame them on BLM? I've given a couple of examples that had nothing to do with politics. Unless they want to say that hurricanes and earthquakes were political? LOL.
BLM is all about politics. They are trying to make America a better , fairer place. That is a great goal that America is crying for.

So they are making America better by stealing tv's and cigarettes from small businesses before burning them out? That doesnt sound better to me,....in fact that sounds a lot worse. Are you sure THAT is what America has been CRYING for? :thinking: Something tells me....NO.
Unless they want to say that hurricanes and earthquakes were political? LOL.

Wait,....I thought the N.O hurricane was political, least according to the democrats. Remember.....thats when GWB pointed his evil hurricane making machine at JUST the black communities in N.O. Oh,....and he personally put on scuba gear and blew the levi's to flood em out! :laugh:
The former president fomented a violent attack on the US Capitol during a session removing him from office, on the one hand,

A diffuse and unorganized criminal element exploits opportunity during peaceful and righteous protests against police brutality to loot stores and banks, on the other.

OK, I compared them. Now what?
Wait,....I thought the N.O hurricane was political, least according to the democrats. Remember.....thats when GWB pointed his evil hurricane making machine at JUST the black communities in N.O. Oh,....and he personally put on scuba gear and blew the levi's to flood em out! :laugh:

Actually it was religious. I could be wrong, but aren't hurricanes the reason for gay people? :laugh:
now there was a riot this year that was mainly conservatives and there was a murder involved some damage to the capital and some police officers hurt it was wrong no doubt about it.

But there were dozens and dozens of riots by liberals with massive looting of businesses and some will never reopen , thousands of cops injured 47 people murdered, statues destroyed old people attacked a woman in a wheel chair attacked , people dragged out of their cars and beaten , rapes people told to get out of their homes , well over a billion dollars in damages , flags burned public and private property destroyed.
over 14000 arrested .

simple fact is the democrats have proven they are a menace to society and a true danger to innocent people . now they will all come to the rescue of the democrat rioters and say its not true , I would like to see just one be honest and admit how much damage the blm riots actually did to then nation and say they were wrong like I did to the capital riots , but we know that's unlikely to happen .

Don't hold your breath.
National Guard are still in D.C.
They were doing it wrong. If I had to guess, it was the "stop the steal" people. They were pretty pumped up, and with good reason.
Well, they stole it, and there's not too much we can do about it unless we get wise.
Please hold on while I figure out how to get wise.
Oh! I have plenty of wisdom, that's a figure of speech.
So they are making America better by stealing tv's and cigarettes from small businesses before burning them out? That doesnt sound better to me,....in fact that sounds a lot worse. Are you sure THAT is what America has been CRYING for? :thinking: Something tells me....NO.

BLM did not do that. It was the fellow travelers and some thieves who took advantage of an opportunity. Blaming BLM for what happened would require some proof.
The whole point of the attack by rightys on the capitol was to overthrow the American system I didn't think breaking any amount of store windows can match that,
The plan was to kill the politicians. BLM cannot be compared with that.