Legalization Wins Big on Election Night 2013

The Dude

Legalization Wins Big on Election Night 2013

The movement to legalize and regulate adult marijuana use continued to gain momentum last night, as voters in four separate cities overwhelmingly approved citywide ballot measures eliminating criminal and civil penalties for adults who possesses the plant.

Portland's Question 1 claimed victory on election night, making Portland the first city on the East Coast to legalize possession of up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana for adults over 21. Question 1 was approved by nearly 70% of the vote, with only around 30% voting in opposition.

"I'd like to thank NORML Communications Director Erik Altieri and the NORML organization as a whole for their efforts supporting our initiative to legalize marijuana in Portland," said Representative Diane Russell (D-Portland), "Together, NORML and our allies helped send a clear message to Maine and the nation that it is time for a new approach to marijuana. The overwhelming approval of Question 1 was a victory for science, common sense, and liberty."

In addition to Portland, three localities in Michigan (Ferndale, Jackson, and Lansing) all voted in support of marijuana legalization today by huge margins. The three areas had similar proposals to remove criminal and civil penalties for personal possession of up to 1 ounce of marijuana.

Ferndale won by the largest margin with 69.2% of voters approving the measure. Jackson approved their ordinance with 61% support and only 39% opposed and Lansing passed theirs with 63% support.

"These votes in Michigan, along with the resounding vote in Portland, Maine illustrate that not only are the American people considering moving towards legalization of marijuana, they overwhelmingly are demanding it," stated NORML Communications Director Erik Altieri, "Politicians must open their eyes to the political reality that legalization has arrived and is supported by a massive majority of voters. If they continue to drag their feet on the issue, we will take it to the people wherever possible, and we will win."

2014 is shaping up to be an even busier year for marijuana law reform than 2013, with statewide ballot measures being planned in several states and dozens of pieces of legislation being prepared for introduction. Help us keep up the momentum and fight onward toward legalization nationwide by joining NORML or making a donation today.

Together, we will legalize marijuana.
Gambling once faced this opposition, now tax dollars have it supported in many places!
I will be a medicine man once decriminalized
It's retarded now that he's not facing reelection, he doesn't do all he can to decrim.
It would be criminal if he doesn't remove schedule I
Im hoping he does.

the more legalizing that happens like this the more reasons he has to say its what the people want
I'm watching crime shows and guys who plead guilty are getting 15 years for murder in poor hoods.
With millions smoking pot it's blasphemous to jail someone for selling pot longer than a murderer.
A few months ago the cons were on here screaming about how they were the progressive party on this issue, FALSE!
they are the cheating party,

this issue brings out the very voters they try hard to disenfranchise in elections
they flop like fishes on the deck to the tune their captian plays them.

they are the stupid voters who can be manipulated into any stupid fucking thing.

Its why Ronny courted them in the first place
More Than 300 Marijuana Stores to Open in Washington State Next Year

Overshadowed by the recent budget and deficit grand farce in DC, Washington State and Colorado have promulgated the regulations under which marijuana will be sold. This comes in the wake of 2012 referendums that legalized the private growth and use of pot in the two states.

The Seattle Times reported in mid-October that the state Liquor Control Board -- without controversy -- adopted guidelines for cultivation and sales in Washington. Colorado had already set up a framework for implementing the de-criminalization of pot there.

Beyond the social and cultural issues -- and polls -- trending toward the legalization of pot use, the two states will become national models on whether or not the sale of marijuana will lead to sizable increased tax revenue for barebones public budgets.

It is worthy of note that in Washington the Liquor Control Board is in charge of overseeing marijuana legalization. The alcohol industry has generally worked against ending marijuana prohibition. It fears that events such as the Super Bowl will become a pot fueled munchy fest instead of the traditional downing of beer and shots of whiskey and bourbon.

In short, given a presumed somewhat fixed amount of consumer money to spend on getting high, marijuana is likely to cut into liquor industry sales.

In fact, an article in The National Journal claims that big alcohol is fighting back at arguments that marijuana is personally healthier and less destructive to society (think car accidents and violence) than getting drunk: "Marijuana has been giving alcohol a bad name. So contend booze lobbyists, who are getting sick of an ad campaign that makes the claim that pot is safer than their beloved beverages."

Maybe Budweiser has a right to be worried. It could be that in the near future, we might here less of "can you pass me a beer?" and more of "hey, don't bogart that joint."

In Tuesday's off-year election, The New York Times reported that decriminalization initiatives passed by landslide margins in localities around the country, including by 30% in Portland, Maine.


Its the free education that scares them... That would put an end to the ignorance party.

Would it? I love the idea of a free college education for any American citizen that wanted it. (Not that I am volunteering to pay for it at the moment).

But how do we know it would be successful enough to make it worth our tax dollars?

For starters, most of the teaching staff would be mediocre...which is probably fine. But we may end up 'getting what we pay for.'

How do we ensure they get an education worth our paying for it? (we cant even do that in the current public school system)

Then, IMO, people very often do not value what they get for free. They often squander it, waste it. (Most) college students do not have parents overseeing their days, time, homework, grades, etc. What strategies might work to prevent people from wasting space and taxpayer resources by signing up and dropping or just failing?

What type of committment could be required or incentives offered (that didnt cost more $$$)?

Just some food for thought.
You don't need to hold a gun to kids heads!
Only about half of today's students graduate.

Yes but what would the taxpayers end up paying for? Lack of committment? Teachers' time and expensive resources for them to not have to make an actual committment? If you drop out of college, you have wasted your money, or your parents, or a scholarship programs. I guess that's a risk all those parties are willing to take. And there are often consequences for dropping out. Not huge, hence your statement that only about half succeed today in graduating.