Legalization will lead to less of this.


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Investigators searching for answers into what caused the massive wildfire burning in and around Yosemite National Park have made some headway, fire officials said Friday.

Most authorities are mum about the details, but one fire official in Tuolumne County offered a tantalizing clue when he recently told a community meeting that the fire was likely caused by marijuana growers.

"We don't know the exact cause," said Todd McNeal, fire chief in Twain Harte, a town that has been in the path of the flames. But he told a community meeting that it was "highly suspect that there might have been some sort of illicit grove, a marijuana-grow-type thing."

"We know it's human caused. There was no lightning in the area," said McNeal, a former captain with the Sonora Fire Department who has fought fires for 23 years for the Forest Service, the National Park Service and other agencies in the Sierra Nevada.
just sounds like anti-weed propaganda. How do we know it was some douche out in the woods that tossed a cigarette, or didn't put out a campfire?
just sounds like anti-weed propaganda. How do we know it was some douche out in the woods that tossed a cigarette, or didn't put out a campfire?

Maybe it was intended that way but it's really anti prohibition. You don't see people trekking into the wilderness to plant grapes. A legal market in marijuana would not result in these types of problems.
just sounds like anti-weed propaganda. How do we know it was some douche out in the woods that tossed a cigarette, or didn't put out a campfire?

We don't know yet. And may never know. I agree it's a little early to speculate. But I imagine they are going by where the initial start point was and what other things they found in that area - i.e. if they find a lot of melted irrigation lines, it's more likely to be a pot grow than not.

The recent Carstens fire was due to escaped campfire -

But don't think they ever determined who the campers were.