Leftist hypocrisy in the news


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Fauxcahontas Says Legislative Filibuster Has 'Roots in Racism' Although Her own Tribe Uses It. Ugh!

Fauxcahontas, a longtime opponent of the filibuster, said on Thursday that the procedural measure is “racist.”

“The filibuster has deep roots in racism, and it should not be permitted to serve that function, or to create a veto for the minority. In a democracy, it's majority rules,” Fauxcahontas told Axios.

DEMOCRATS’ glaring hypocrisy on the use of the filibuster is not lost on Senate Republicans. The now-majority party was happy to utilize the filibuster measure to torpedo legislation endorsed by Republicans, including GOP Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) police reform bill, the Justice Act.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) reminded DEMOCRATS of their previous support of the filibuster, when convenient, to deny Republicans debate on legislation.

What hypocrisy is, is starting threads and banning half the people on the board from participating, yet claiming victory.
What hypocrisy is, is starting threads and banning half the people on the board from participating, yet claiming victory.

Who's banned from this thread?

I don't recall "claiming victory", either.

Are you sure you aren't retarded?
Hollyweird: We Take Diversity As Seriously As We Take Sexual Harrassment


The richest irony coming from the 2021 Hollywood award show season is the ongoing revelations behind the entertainment industry's culpability on every single issue it's spent the last decade lecturing ordinary Americans about.

You know the drill. You tune into the Oscars and you want to escape with a little Hollywood glamour and see which films and actors are to be celebrated this year with a golden statuette, and not ten minutes into the program (usually shorter if they forgo a cheesy musical opening and go right to the monologue) you're inundated with a liberal lecture disguised as comedy.

Your politician or political party of choice is misrepresented and mocked, and the glittering audience of millionaires with carbon footprints the size of Sasquatch all laugh at -- or worse, sanctimoniously lecture you about -- who you dare to vote for or why you dare to support your party.

Every speech must be laden with righteousness and moral preening about what the individual actor has been able to accomplish through their divine gift of progressive insight and caring. Added to the tempestuous rhetorical stew is not-so-subtle condemnation of the neanderthal fly-over yokels who continue to flex their white supremacy at the ballot box but still buy tickets for the very films that keep these morally superior artistes draped in Chanel and Gucci.

Quite the racket these folks have... all for dressing up and playing make-believe.

Of course, the punchline in this entire pantomime is that, while lecturing us over the past several decades about our "war on women", Harvey Weinstein was waging his own war on women on a daily basis. And everyone in the room at these awards shows knew about it. And they awarded him their golden statuettes.

In that same spirit, the past several years have seen a movement toward richer diversity by pointing out that Hollywood is of white people by white people and for white people, and the awards shows have been the greatest example of this discrimination. White studio heads hiring white actors to play roles that win them awards at the white shows.

And what did these white actors and directors and writers and producers say when they took their statues and gave their speeches? They condemned you, Mr. and Mrs. Middle America, for your racism. That's right, you who served in the armed forces, the most racially integrated institution in America where merit, not diversity, is rewarded; you're the racist according to Lilly-white Hollywood.

This brings us to this year's award season. When it comes to hypocrisy, give everyone in Hollywood the EGOT for the latest news. So far, we've only had one awards show. It's always the first one: The Golden Globes.

And, the big news (although, let's face it, it isn't really news) is that the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, the organization that votes on and awards the little statuettes in this contest, is whiter than the cast of "Friends."


Over the past month it has become apparent that the media, in a desperate attempt to replace Donald Trump as an inspired subject of political scorn, have settled upon Tucker Carlson as their replacement target.

The primetime Fox News fixture has dominated the outrage headlines of late, over any number of ridiculous claims.

Taylor Lorenz declared she was violently attacked because he spoke her name out loud on the air, and CNN recently claimed that his segment about European countries blocking one of the Covid vaccines made him an anti-vaxx voice who wanted his audience to die.

Right on cue, over at HBO, John Oliver joined in the fray.

Oliver, who hails from The Daily Show, occupies that comfortable strata of former host John Stewart, where he is either to be taken as a serious pundit, or when called out as being incorrect on a matter is permitted to segue over to ‘’I’m just a comedian’’.

He dedicated his entire ‘’Last Week Tonight’’ episode Sunday evening to Tucker, and it was resoundingly applauded by those on the left.

Oliver so impressed that at CNN, John Berman even stole his ‘’Just asking questions’’ schtick the next day.

But in looking at the episode you come away with two conclusions; the claims he makes are backed up more by insistence than evidence, and what he holds up as proof shows more evidence of racism in the character of Joe Biden.

Leftist youth influencer outed as a racist homophobe


Condé Nast parted ways with the incoming editor of Teen Vogue, Alexi McCammond, after an uproar over racist and homophobic social-media messages she posted a decade ago.

The decision comes less than two weeks after the company announced that the 27-year-old McCammond, formerly a star political reporter for Axios, was coming in to lead the publication, which has made a name for itself in recent years through its coverage of politics, race and gender.

Soon after she was appointed to the job March 5, McCammond’s social-media history, specifically offensive tweets about Asian-Americans, began recirculating online. Other tweets used the terms “homo” and “gay” in a derogatory fashion.

McCammond is Black.
