Lawmakers Who Upheld NSA Phone Spying Received Double the Defense Industry Cash


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The numbers tell the story — in votes and dollars. On Wednesday, the house voted 217 to 205 not to rein in the NSA’s phone-spying dragnet. It turns out that those 217 “no” voters received twice as much campaign financing from the defense and intelligence industry as the 205 “yes” voters.

That’s the upshot of a new analysis by MapLight, a Berkeley-based non-profit that performed the inquiry at WIRED’s request. The investigation shows that defense cash was a better predictor of a member’s vote on the Amash amendment than party affiliation. House members who voted to continue the massive phone-call-metadata spy program, on average, raked in 122 percent more money from defense contractors than those who voted Wednesday to dismantle it.

Overall, political action committees and employees from defense and intelligence firms such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, United Technologies, Honeywell International, and others ponied up $12.97 million in donations for a two-year period ending December 31, 2012, according to the analysis, which MapLight performed with financing data from OpenSecrets. Lawmakers who voted to continue the NSA dragnet-surveillance program averaged $41,635 from the pot, whereas House members who voted to repeal authority averaged $18,765.

Of the top 10 money getters, only one House member — Rep. Jim Moran (D-Virginia) — voted to end the program.

The numbers tell the story — in votes and dollars. On Wednesday, the house voted 217 to 205 not to rein in the NSA’s phone-spying dragnet. It turns out that those 217 “no” voters received twice as much campaign financing from the defense and intelligence industry as the 205 “yes” voters.

That’s the upshot of a new analysis by MapLight, a Berkeley-based non-profit that performed the inquiry at WIRED’s request. The investigation shows that defense cash was a better predictor of a member’s vote on the Amash amendment than party affiliation. House members who voted to continue the massive phone-call-metadata spy program, on average, raked in 122 percent more money from defense contractors than those who voted Wednesday to dismantle it.

Overall, political action committees and employees from defense and intelligence firms such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, United Technologies, Honeywell International, and others ponied up $12.97 million in donations for a two-year period ending December 31, 2012, according to the analysis, which MapLight performed with financing data from OpenSecrets. Lawmakers who voted to continue the NSA dragnet-surveillance program averaged $41,635 from the pot, whereas House members who voted to repeal authority averaged $18,765.

Of the top 10 money getters, only one House member — Rep. Jim Moran (D-Virginia) — voted to end the program.

That's the way it works in Washington, to quote Spinal Tap, money talks and bullshit walks. Although on Capitol Hill it tends to take a taxi as walking is too slow.
military industrial complex.

Ike tried to tell you and the right has done nothing but call it lies for decades
its hasn't you asshole.

lying doesn't make it so.

I have touted Ike many a time in my life to right wingers and they ALL tell me what an asshole he was.


the military industrial complex he spoke out about.

Now you don't like it because?

they paid off some dems.

gee you think that money should be all going to republicans.

This is just more proof your party is so fucking lost even your big money guys have given up on your stupid asses and are buying dems instead.
so the military industrial complex was NOT sleeping with the republican party?

haliburton making fucking BANK off of Bush wars didn't happen?

republicans supporting wars at insane levels wasn't real?

fucking idiot
The republican party has voted to give the military money ev en they said they didnt need.

Fuck you right wing people will lie about ANYTHING
military industrial complex.

Ike tried to tell you and the right has done nothing but call it lies for decades

Except for Amash and Paul or Ike?

right. lets ignore any of the lefts complicity in it. that works well for us.

No, let's join the fight in making this some stupid partisan bitch fest and/or wait until Jesus returns or someone we can become suitably deluded into believing is perfect, saves us all.
the republican party has been stead fastly opro military industrial complex all my life.

Remember in the sequester that was the ONLY money they didnt want cut
The reason the military industrial complex prefers republicans to give their money to is that they hold the same historically failed ideas.

those same ideas fuck the people.

now the Republican party is so worthless the military got cut so the military said fuck the worthless Rslets buy dems now.

Rs are easier to buy when they are acting close to sane.

they LOVE the idea of CEOS owning all the power and government being too weak to protect the people.

Now they are pissed because they screwed their own pooch so bad even the money people are walking away from them and their inability to get anything done
Except for Amash and Paul or Ike?

No, let's join the fight in making this some stupid partisan bitch fest and/or wait until Jesus returns or someone we can become suitably deluded into believing is perfect, saves us all.
i've tried for a few years now to drag you over to independence and freedom, but y'all prefer ideological slavery to the establishment instead. so don't go all high and mighty on me now if you're still going to believe that the left is all about freedom.
nothing but slosh and bullshit.

bring some facts to bear to prove your historically failed ideas are not complete failures