lauterbrunnen switzerland


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present day:



what a beautiful place.

seems like the town completely bans proles.

why am I not living there.
I spent a week in Leibstadt, Switzerland. It's in the piedmont region of the Alps which looks amazingly like southeast Ohio down by the Ohio river. The people were hospitable but very, very reserved. The language barrier accentuated that as most Swiss speak German, French or Italian but not a lot of English. The Swiss economy is one of the most developed in Europe with a very high standard of living and wages but unemployment for young is very high and it is very difficult for foreigners to gain employment there.

On the down side though it was a nice village, they have a nuclear power plant there that's a complete and total eye sore. Leibstadt was no where near as picturesque as these Alpine villages are.




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present day:



what a beautiful place.

seems like the town completely bans proles.

why am I not living there.

Please move there!

I imagine they keep it nice looking through tight zoning restrictions, which might not thrill your libertarian heart.
I already live in one of the most liberal states in the nation and love it. Ultimately there are two types of people... Elites and proles. You can have elite liberals (ma, San fran,) and prole liberals (Detroit). You can have elite conservatives (makers) and have prole conservatives (rednecks). Ultimately I gravitate more towards eliteness than politics. Life is too short for politics. I want to go snowboarding in the alps and smoke weed.
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I already live in one of the most liberal states in the nation and love it. Ultimately there are two types of people... Elites and proles. You can have elite liberals (ma, San fran,) and prole liberals (Detroit). You can have elite conservatives (makers) and have prole conservatives (rednecks). Ultimately I gravitate more towards eliteness than politics. Life is too short for politics. I want to go snowboarding in the alps and smoke weed.
Uhh...yeah, whatever. What's that have to do with living in Switzerland? They're so Eurocentric there that the don't give a rats ass about the American political paradigm. They only care about southern California. The rest of the US is just one big black hole they don't give a rats ass about...unless you have money...lots and lots of money. In their eyes you're a prole, will always be a prole and nothing you can ever do will change their perception of you being a prole. You're an American. That's all the evidence they need that you're a boorish asshole. That's the sort of cultural paradigm you're bucking against in central Europe.
Yes, I predict a war in Greater Germany (also known as the European Union), once the American peacekeepers finally leave.

And 1,000 years from now history will remember the EU as simply a stop gap so that the nations in Europe could rebuild to war with each other again.