Laugh @ leftists with Legion

The Legion comedy thread, starring the legendary grand buffoon, which is non-other than Legion.

I'm not one of the leftists who were shocked to find out that Beijing Biden dutifully declaimed that Communist genocide is a "different cultural norm".
Legion is the Joke....

Come on now, we're would we be without "copy and paste's" inanity?

One would have to hang around a bowling alley bar all afternoon to attain the wisdom he offers in a singe session, besides, he keeps us all updated on whatever Drudge and the right wing bloggers have to offer
Legion, you're an entertainer

Bill Maher is an entertainer.

I'm not one of the leftists who were shocked to find out that Beijing Biden dutifully declaimed that Communist genocide is a "different cultural norm", and I'm not pencil-necked Adam Schiff who had to be schooled by an entertainer on the exodus from Calipornia, the DEMOCRAT-dominated progressive paradise.
Come on now, we're would we be without "copy and paste's" inanity? One would have to hang around a bowling alley bar all afternoon to attain the wisdom he offers in a singe session, besides, he keeps us all updated on whatever Drudge and the right wing bloggers have to offer

Oddly, I didn't cite any right wing bloggers.

Did someone at the bowling alley bar you apparently hang around in tell you that Matt Drudge is "right wing", Anchovies?
Oddly, I didn't cite any right wing bloggers.

Did someone at the bowling alley bar you apparently hang around in tell you that Matt Drudge is "right wing", Anchovies?

No, just a source funded by the Koch Brothers (Campus Reform)and then another by a noted propaganda site (Prague U), yeah, no winger bloggers, but that not far removed from winger bloggers
Bill Maher is an entertainer.

I'm not one of the leftists who were shocked to find out that Beijing Biden dutifully declaimed that Communist genocide is a "different cultural norm", and I'm not pencil-necked Adam Schiff who had to be schooled by an entertainer on the exodus from Calipornia, the DEMOCRAT-dominated progressive paradise.

Legion, you do give Bill Maher considerable competition without trying; being a comedian just comes natural for you.
No, just a source funded by the Koch Brothers (Campus Reform)and then another by a noted propaganda site (Prague U), yeah, no winger bloggers, but that not far removed from winger bloggers

Genetic fallacies from a genetic defective.

Was anything cited incorrect, Anchovies?

I'll understand if you don't know, of course.
Legion, you do give Bill Maher considerable competition without trying; being a comedian just comes natural for you.

Think so?

Do you have anything to say about Beijing Biden dutifully declaiming that Communist genocide is a "different cultural norm", and pencil-necked Adam Schiff being schooled by an entertainer on the exodus from Calipornia, the DEMOCRAT-dominated progressive paradise?
Mr. Potato Head is retooled

Hasbro Toys created confusion Thursday when it announced that it would drop the “Mr.” from the brand’s name in order to "be more inclusive" and so "all could feel welcome in the Potato Head world.”

It also said it would sell a new playset this fall without the Mr. and Mrs. designations that will let kids create their own type of potato families, including two moms or two dads.

GLAAD, an LGBTQ advocacy group, applauded the more inclusive Potato playset.