Latest tragedy in DC

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Family members looking for information about their loved ones can call 202-433-6151 or 202-433-9713.

Partisan hacks looking to troll a tragedy, PM Gerud.

That is all.
Officials continue to search for “potentially” two additional gunmen in a shooting rampage at the Washington Navy Yard, according to D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier.

"We potentially have two other shooters that we have not located,” Lanier said in a brief news conference outside the gates to the sprawling base.

Lanier confirmed that one shooter had been killed, but said that police were still searching for a white male last seen about 8:35 Monday morning wearing khaki military-style clothes and a beret and carrying a handgun, and a black male about 50 years old, wearing a military-style olive, drab uniform who may have been carrying a rifle.,0,6137381.story
DC Police Chief: 12 Dead in Shootings at Washington Navy Yard

And Gerud posts a trolling strawman thread...:palm:
DC Police Chief: 12 Dead in Shootings at Washington Navy Yard

And Gerud posts a trolling strawman thread...:palm:

They changed the news story and it's now about something else.