kids shooting kids

Deadly unintentional shootings by children increased 43 percent in March and April compared to average gun deaths during the same two months over the last three years, according to data analyzed by advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety. The "alarming uptick" coincided with the time span that gun sales were surging during coronavirus lockdowns.

Gun safety advocates have feared that with schools closed and children experiencing boredom and isolation in quarantine, kids would be at an increased risk of finding unsecured guns in their homes. Those concerns have only increased with historically high gun sales in March and April. Now, they say, the data suggests that their fears are becoming a grim reality.

"We know that there are risks to having guns in the home, and with the surge in gun sales in the last two months, it could create more opportunity for kids to gain access to guns and unintentionally hurt themselves or someone else," said Shannon Watts, founder of Everytown's anti-gun violence volunteer network Moms Demand Action. "The numbers show there's been an increase in these horrible shooting tragedies during the time the pandemic was at its peak."
From my hometown:

What's that saying? "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of 2 year olds, it is it's natural manure"? Something like that.

What is your proposal? Make all children wards of the state if their parents can't pass an IQ test? Forced sterilization of people who shouldn't have kids?

From your link: "Clarksville police said an unsecured handgun lead to the accidental shooting and death of a 2-year-old boy on Wednesday night."

Would either of you two give a shit if one kid pushed the other kid off the stairs? Into a pool? Where does parental responsibility begin and your desire for an authoritarian state begin?
Deadly unintentional shootings by children increased 43 percent in March and April compared to average gun deaths during the same two months over the last three years, according to data analyzed by advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety. The "alarming uptick" coincided with the time span that gun sales were surging during coronavirus lockdowns.

Gun safety advocates have feared that with schools closed and children experiencing boredom and isolation in quarantine, kids would be at an increased risk of finding unsecured guns in their homes. Those concerns have only increased with historically high gun sales in March and April. Now, they say, the data suggests that their fears are becoming a grim reality.

"We know that there are risks to having guns in the home, and with the surge in gun sales in the last two months, it could create more opportunity for kids to gain access to guns and unintentionally hurt themselves or someone else," said Shannon Watts, founder of Everytown's anti-gun violence volunteer network Moms Demand Action. "The numbers show there's been an increase in these horrible shooting tragedies during the time the pandemic was at its peak."

Now cue the RWNJs screaming about their rights to have unsecured weapons lying around.
What is your proposal? Make all children wards of the state if their parents can't pass an IQ test? Forced sterilization of people who shouldn't have kids?

From your link: "Clarksville police said an unsecured handgun lead to the accidental shooting and death of a 2-year-old boy on Wednesday night."

Would either of you two give a shit if one kid pushed the other kid off the stairs? Into a pool? Where does parental responsibility begin and your desire for an authoritarian state begin?

Not a thing wrong with requiring homeowners to keep their guns secured and/or with trigger locks. If a shooting happens due to an unsecured weapon, make it a misdemeanor offense; if a death occurs, it's a felony.

There, you can have your damn guns *and* more meat for the privatized prison system. lol
Now cue the RWNJs screaming about their rights to have unsecured weapons lying around.

It's called "childproofing".
When my cousins come to visit with all their kids, I have to go around and make sure none of the guns can shoot.
Pull bolts, magazines, unload, whatever. I leave nothing to chance. And they really have never seen any of my guns.
That's just in case. Bullets and the guns are not in the same place when kids are coming around.

It was different when my cousin's parents were alive.
"This is the gun cabinet, don't mess with it."
You can see the guns, and the bullets are in the drawer underneath, but we never messed with them unless it was hunting time.
Now cue the RWNJs screaming about their rights to have unsecured weapons lying around.

No one is screaming that. The gun owner was as careless as someone leaving kids in a running car or unwatched by a swimming pool. Just because the words "gun" or "shooting" are involved, it's the LWLs who are screaming about their rights to ban all guns.

If that's not true, then what is this thread about except the tragic death of a two-year old and grieving parents?

Every death is a tragedy. The key is to reduce needless deaths, not use their little bodies as soap boxes to push political agendas. Or it should be, but obviously the OP disagrees.
Police: Two-year-old boy dies after being accidentally hanged by pull cord for blinds
HPD: 2-year-old girl dies after being ejected from vehicle during crash
2-year-old boy dies after babysitter allegedly crashed her car, never reported it to police
Christmas Day tragedy as toddler is killed in quad bike accident
Not a thing wrong with requiring homeowners to keep their guns secured and/or with trigger locks. If a shooting happens due to an unsecured weapon, make it a misdemeanor offense; if a death occurs, it's a felony.

There, you can have your damn guns *and* more meat for the privatized prison system. lol

Agreed. Arrest and imprison the father, put the mother and the other kids on welfare. Democrats can call it a win!

Even Texas has laws on securing weapons and other dangerous items from children. It's called civic responsibility.
It's called "childproofing".
When my cousins come to visit with all their kids, I have to go around and make sure none of the guns can shoot.
Pull bolts, magazines, unload, whatever. I leave nothing to chance. And they really have never seen any of my guns.
That's just in case. Bullets and the guns are not in the same place when kids are coming around.

It was different when my cousin's parents were alive.
"This is the gun cabinet, don't mess with it."
You can see the guns, and the bullets are in the drawer underneath, but we never messed with them unless it was hunting time.

That's just common sense. It should be a requirement punishable by law if not followed. You don't leave poisonous chemicals, loaded nail guns, lighter fluid and matches, and other dangerous stuff around where kids can get at it.

Some ppl are too fucking stupid to own guns. Or matches.
Agreed. Arrest and imprison the father, put the mother and the other kids on welfare. Democrats can call it a win!

Even Texas has laws on securing weapons and other dangerous items from children. It's called civic responsibility.

Or imprison the mom, whoever was stupid enough to leave the gun around where kids had access.
Or imprison the mom, whoever was stupid enough to leave the gun around where kids had access.

Agreed. OTOH, if the mother went into the house to make a drink and the kid fell in the pool and drowned, should she be treated more harshly or less harshly than forgetting a gun under the pillow or whatever it was? What if the mother was African-American and the gun was for self-defense in a corrupt, crime-ridden city?

The law should be fair and not politically driven just because Democrats favor hammering gun owners and Republicans favor hammering African-Americans in general.

Not a lawyer, so I don't know the penalty for a parent whose carelessness results in the death of their own child. Obviously factors like patterns of carelessness, lack of remorse, criminal history, CPS calls, etc come into play too.
That's just common sense. It should be a requirement punishable by law if not followed. You don't leave poisonous chemicals, loaded nail guns, lighter fluid and matches, and other dangerous stuff around where kids can get at it.

Some ppl are too fucking stupid to own guns. Or matches.

Agreed on dangerous stuff around for kids to access. My point is that just because it was a gun shouldn't be an extra penalty simply because Democrats want to ban guns.
Kids shooting other kids is a byproduct of our terrible weak gun laws. We value guns more than human lives. That is who we are. We have buried 1300 kids a year since forever and many more injured. But at least we have guns.
Deadly unintentional shootings by children increased 43 percent in March and April compared to average gun deaths during the same two months over the last three years, according to data analyzed by advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety. The "alarming uptick" coincided with the time span that gun sales were surging during coronavirus lockdowns.

Gun safety advocates have feared that with schools closed and children experiencing boredom and isolation in quarantine, kids would be at an increased risk of finding unsecured guns in their homes. Those concerns have only increased with historically high gun sales in March and April. Now, they say, the data suggests that their fears are becoming a grim reality.

"We know that there are risks to having guns in the home, and with the surge in gun sales in the last two months, it could create more opportunity for kids to gain access to guns and unintentionally hurt themselves or someone else," said Shannon Watts, founder of Everytown's anti-gun violence volunteer network Moms Demand Action. "The numbers show there's been an increase in these horrible shooting tragedies during the time the pandemic was at its peak."

Agreed. OTOH, if the mother went into the house to make a drink and the kid fell in the pool and drowned, should she be treated more harshly or less harshly than forgetting a gun under the pillow or whatever it was? What if the mother was African-American and the gun was for self-defense in a corrupt, crime-ridden city?

The law should be fair and not politically driven just because Democrats favor hammering gun owners and Republicans favor hammering African-Americans in general.

Not a lawyer, so I don't know the penalty for a parent whose carelessness results in the death of their own child. Obviously factors like patterns of carelessness, lack of remorse, criminal history, CPS calls, etc come into play too.

They have charged parents with child endangerment when their kids fell into unsecured pools, drank unsecured poisons, were attacked by the family dog when left unattended, and so on. I see no difference between that and charging them with a crime for having an unsecured weapon in reach.
They have charged parents with child endangerment when their kids fell into unsecured pools, drank unsecured poisons, were attacked by the family dog when left unattended, and so on. I see no difference between that and charging them with a crime for having an unsecured weapon in reach.

I have no problem with States having child endangerment laws. In fact, I support them doing so. People should be held accountable for their actions be it a mother who carelessly allows their kid to drown or a narcissistic asshole who tries to overthrow the US government.

Negligent homicide is a crime, be it a parent or anyone else.
I did not mention "an extra penalty."

Correct. However, you and I both know why this thread exists. Are you denying there are many, if not a majority, of democrats on this forum who would support an "an extra penalty" where guns are involved?

Typical bullshit response from a RWNJ. Jesus fucking Christ, asshole. You're as bad, if not worse, than the Left Wing fucking assholes.

You're a detriment to protecting the rights of all Americans under the Constitution. You always have been. Why do you hate so much?
Correct. However, you and I both know why this thread exists. Are you denying there are many, if not a majority, of democrats on this forum who would support an "an extra penalty" where guns are involved?

We have many such laws already on the books, and have had for decades. If you display a weapon while robbing a bank or liquor store, your sentence is going to be harsher than somehow who merely presents a robbery note. I haven't noticed any gun fans crying about *that.*