Kat Kerr Claims a Talking Scroll in Heaven Will Soon Expose Massive Voter Fraud

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
From the fucked up goyim files

Self-proclaimed “prophetess” and “weather warrior” Kat Kerr spoke at One Accord Christian Fellowship Church in Orlando, Florida, Sunday, where she continued to insist that Donald Trump is the rightful president of the United States. Kerr knows this, she claimed, because a talking scroll named “Justice” had been opened in Heaven when Joe Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20 and will soon expose the massive voter fraud that she claims was responsible for stealing the election from Trump.

Kerr was among the various “prophets” who guaranteed that Trump would be reelected, and she remains adamant that her prophecies were accurate, despite the fact that Biden is now president.

From the fucked up goyim files

Self-proclaimed “prophetess” and “weather warrior” Kat Kerr spoke at One Accord Christian Fellowship Church in Orlando, Florida, Sunday, where she continued to insist that Donald Trump is the rightful president of the United States. Kerr knows this, she claimed, because a talking scroll named “Justice” had been opened in Heaven when Joe Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20 and will soon expose the massive voter fraud that she claims was responsible for stealing the election from Trump.

Kerr was among the various “prophets” who guaranteed that Trump would be reelected, and she remains adamant that her prophecies were accurate, despite the fact that Biden is now president.


The Goy are in your head,....fake Jew boy.
From the fucked up goyim files

Self-proclaimed “prophetess” and “weather warrior” Kat Kerr spoke at One Accord Christian Fellowship Church in Orlando, Florida, Sunday, where she continued to insist that Donald Trump is the rightful president of the United States. Kerr knows this, she claimed, because a talking scroll named “Justice” had been opened in Heaven when Joe Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20 and will soon expose the massive voter fraud that she claims was responsible for stealing the election from Trump.

Kerr was among the various “prophets” who guaranteed that Trump would be reelected, and she remains adamant that her prophecies were accurate, despite the fact that Biden is now president.


From the fucked up goyim files

Self-proclaimed “prophetess” and “weather warrior” Kat Kerr spoke at One Accord Christian Fellowship Church in Orlando, Florida, Sunday, where she continued to insist that Donald Trump is the rightful president of the United States. Kerr knows this, she claimed, because a talking scroll named “Justice” had been opened in Heaven when Joe Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20 and will soon expose the massive voter fraud that she claims was responsible for stealing the election from Trump.

Kerr was among the various “prophets” who guaranteed that Trump would be reelected, and she remains adamant that her prophecies were accurate, despite the fact that Biden is now president.


Unfortunately, there's no shortage of crazies to spew out this half baked demented shit, and there's no shortage fools to suck-up this shit.
yes we do look down at you and yours :laugh:

Really? Were not the ones living in a country the size of a postage stamp surrounded by hundreds of millions of people who would love nothing better than to rip you apart until you are all dead and gone. In fact,....if not for us.......... you dont even get to exist.
From the fucked up goyim files

Self-proclaimed “prophetess” and “weather warrior” Kat Kerr spoke at One Accord Christian Fellowship Church in Orlando, Florida, Sunday, where she continued to insist that Donald Trump is the rightful president of the United States. Kerr knows this, she claimed, because a talking scroll named “Justice” had been opened in Heaven when Joe Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20 and will soon expose the massive voter fraud that she claims was responsible for stealing the election from Trump.

Kerr was among the various “prophets” who guaranteed that Trump would be reelected, and she remains adamant that her prophecies were accurate, despite the fact that Biden is now president.


trump worshippers are just spooky.