Kamala said we should not use the term Radical Islamic Terrorist


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During a speech Kamala told us to not use the term radical Islamic terrorist. OK Kamala Hamas the monsters that attacked innocent civialians at a music festival and slaughtered them and attacked civilians in their homes brutally murdering over 1200 people and took 250 hostages what do you call them? This woman can never become President she is an idiot.

About 1:10
Unlike you- she doesn't applaud the slaughter of 18,000 children along with 21,000 other civilians .
Come back when you eventually see your sub-human pseudo-Jews for what they are.
During a speech Kamala told us to not use the term radical Islamic terrorist. OK Kamala Hamas the monsters that attacked innocent civialians at a music festival and slaughtered them and attacked civilians in their homes brutally murdering over 1200 people and took 250 hostages what do you call them? This woman can never become President she is an idiot.

About 1:10
I thought Obama was all in on using that terminology.
Kamala Harris............" We cannot say Radical Islamic extremists anymore"........But we can of course say " Radical Right wing extremist, MAGA Radical republican , and Far right White Christian extremist" :rolleyes: Fuck her and all that support her. Bring it on bitches,....anytime you feel froggy go right ahead and jump. You have no clue what actual extreme is.
Kamala Harris............" We cannot say Radical Islamic extremists anymore"........But we can of course say " Radical Right wing extremist, MAGA Radical republican , and Far right White Christian extremist" Fuck her and all that support her. Bring it on bitches,....anytime you feel froggy go right ahead and jump. You have no clue what actual extreme is.
If Americans were going to measure up we would not be where we are.
If Americans were going to measure up we would not be where we are.
This is absolutely TRUE. The left has successfully used our own inherent goodness and wish for peace against us. But just as in the early days of the war for independence eventually a line gets crossed where things have gone too far. ONLY then do people wake up and engage. It is found in the D O I in fact. Here it is specifically.....

"and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
No, that's the genocidal Jews using Palestinians. There's already a thread on it. You lost. Forgetful, aincha.
We all know the cowardly Hamas hide behind their own women and children.

You have no evidence that Jews use Jews as human shields.
Unlike you- she doesn't applaud the slaughter of 18,000 children along with 21,000 other civilians .
Come back when you eventually see your sub-human pseudo-Jews for what they are.
Hamas which are RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST slaughters little children.