Here is a video Kamala Harris released two days before the 3rd November, 2020, Presidential election...
Kamala is comparing EQUALITY, which means "Equality of Opportunity" (or TRUE EQUALITY) to EQUITY, which is a totally different thing.
EQUITY means equality of OUTCOME. That means ensuring that (to quote Karmala) "We all start at the same place" and "We all end up at the same place."
And who make this happen ? The answer is the State. The State organizes it through centrally - planned social engineering.
This idea killed between 120 and 140 million people in the 20th century. It happened in China under Mao Zedong, in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin and in Cambodia under Pol Pot, in Vietnam after the fall of Saigon in 1975, and the list goes on.This happened because the concept of EQUITY is inherently ANTI-HUMAN. The nature of the human condition is that human beings are uniquely different individuals. They do not start out at the same place, and it is absolutely not desirable for a government to force them all to end up at the same place. It means having the "Stasi" knock on Albert Einstein's door and tell him his science is too good, and he's got to stop writing it (OR ELSE) because everyone can't reach the same level. Or having State goons, in the 16th century, tell Shakespeare he has to quit writing immediately because the government's social engineers can't get EVERYONE ELSE in England to write as brilliantly as he does. And if he doesn't stop, he'll be arrested and trialled as an INSURGENT.
On the 26th of January, an illegitimate President who is afflicted with dementia - the amazing "Blow Hole Joe" Biden, a crimally corrupt POS - signed four Executive Orders directing the implementation of policies to advance "RACIAL EQUITY". (NB: "Blow Hole Joe", of course, didn't have a fucking clue what he was putting his signature to because he has enough trouble already knowing where the hell he is, what day it is, or wiping his own ass, to ever possibly get his head around a concept like EQUITY and its drastic implications for social policy). The "Racial Equity" referred to on the four EOs means "Woke" communism "on-steroids." "Woke Ideology" is grounded on Critical Race Theory (CRT). And CRT is basically a profoundly racist theory that claims ALL whites in America are White Supremacists, just like the Klan - and that they always have been racists and always will be racists - BECAUSE they have fair-coloured/White skin (SERIOUSLY).
Aren't you glad you voted Democrat in 2020 ?
Kamala is comparing EQUALITY, which means "Equality of Opportunity" (or TRUE EQUALITY) to EQUITY, which is a totally different thing.
EQUITY means equality of OUTCOME. That means ensuring that (to quote Karmala) "We all start at the same place" and "We all end up at the same place."
And who make this happen ? The answer is the State. The State organizes it through centrally - planned social engineering.
This idea killed between 120 and 140 million people in the 20th century. It happened in China under Mao Zedong, in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin and in Cambodia under Pol Pot, in Vietnam after the fall of Saigon in 1975, and the list goes on.This happened because the concept of EQUITY is inherently ANTI-HUMAN. The nature of the human condition is that human beings are uniquely different individuals. They do not start out at the same place, and it is absolutely not desirable for a government to force them all to end up at the same place. It means having the "Stasi" knock on Albert Einstein's door and tell him his science is too good, and he's got to stop writing it (OR ELSE) because everyone can't reach the same level. Or having State goons, in the 16th century, tell Shakespeare he has to quit writing immediately because the government's social engineers can't get EVERYONE ELSE in England to write as brilliantly as he does. And if he doesn't stop, he'll be arrested and trialled as an INSURGENT.
On the 26th of January, an illegitimate President who is afflicted with dementia - the amazing "Blow Hole Joe" Biden, a crimally corrupt POS - signed four Executive Orders directing the implementation of policies to advance "RACIAL EQUITY". (NB: "Blow Hole Joe", of course, didn't have a fucking clue what he was putting his signature to because he has enough trouble already knowing where the hell he is, what day it is, or wiping his own ass, to ever possibly get his head around a concept like EQUITY and its drastic implications for social policy). The "Racial Equity" referred to on the four EOs means "Woke" communism "on-steroids." "Woke Ideology" is grounded on Critical Race Theory (CRT). And CRT is basically a profoundly racist theory that claims ALL whites in America are White Supremacists, just like the Klan - and that they always have been racists and always will be racists - BECAUSE they have fair-coloured/White skin (SERIOUSLY).
Aren't you glad you voted Democrat in 2020 ?