Jurys online posts to be examined

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Attorneys for Jodi Arias want all jurors picked for Arias' upcoming retrial to reveal if they have a Twitter account.

Kirk Nurmi and Jennifer Willmott filed a motion asking the judge to require all jurors “to disclose any Twitter accounts, if any, that they may have and/or any Twitter handles, if any, that they may use to the court prior to the commencement of the upcoming retrial as disclosure of this information is essential...”

The attorneys argue they want to make sure the jury is not communicating about the case through Twitter.

Once picked to serve on a jury, a judge will typically instruct the entire jury that they are not allowed to use their phones, the internet, or social media to talk about the case or do any research on it until they’ve been excused as a juror.

But in the motion, Arias’ attorneys argue that while a juror might not tweet information about the case, they could still receive a tweet containing details about the trial.

In the motion, Arias’ attorneys claim Juror 17, Tara Kelley, who was picked as an alternate on Arias' last trial, had been using Twitter and had contact with a member of the media via Twitter.
