Julianna v. United States dismissed

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
Back in 2015 the MSM was making very poignant noises about Juliana V. US. This was a case brought by teenagers against the US saying they were going to be harmed by the government's lack of doing something about climate change.

Well, back in January 2020 this lawsuit finally had a a stake driven through its heart and was dismissed by the 9th Circuit Court (amazingly) in it's final appeal. The loss by the Gorebal Warming nuts went nearly unnoticed in the MSM as this is not the outcome they wanted or expected.

In a nutshell, the court dismissed it because they would have had to usurp the power of the legislative and executive branches to execute a solution to a ruling in favor of the plaintiffs. That is, the court in essence told the plaintiffs they had to get Congress to legislate a solution rather than have the courts make law from the bench. The decision was 2 - 1 and the dissenting judge, Josephine L. Staton (an Obama appointee), basically stated that the issue was so important--in her view--that the courts needed to intercede and make law out of whole cloth without regard to the legislative process.

“In these proceedings, the government accepts as fact that the United States has reached a tipping point crying out for a concerted response—yet presses ahead toward calamity. It is as if an asteroid were barreling toward Earth and the government decided to shut down our only defenses,”

That was part of her response. As you can see, you can get a law degree and be an idiot. In fact, I'd say when you get a law degree most of the time you end up being an idiot.

Anyway, this is another massive, crushing blow against the Left's war on reason and common sense.
The decision was 2 - 1 and the dissenting judge, Josephine L. Staton (an Obama appointee), basically stated that the issue was so important--in her view--that the courts needed to intercede and make law out of whole cloth without regard to the legislative process.

This should get her disbarred. It won't, but it should.
Back in 2015 the MSM was making very poignant noises about Juliana V. US. This was a case brought by teenagers against the US saying they were going to be harmed by the government's lack of doing something about climate change.

Well, back in January 2020 this lawsuit finally had a a stake driven through its heart and was dismissed by the 9th Circuit Court (amazingly) in it's final appeal. The loss by the Gorebal Warming nuts went nearly unnoticed in the MSM as this is not the outcome they wanted or expected.

In a nutshell, the court dismissed it because they would have had to usurp the power of the legislative and executive branches to execute a solution to a ruling in favor of the plaintiffs. That is, the court in essence told the plaintiffs they had to get Congress to legislate a solution rather than have the courts make law from the bench. The decision was 2 - 1 and the dissenting judge, Josephine L. Staton (an Obama appointee), basically stated that the issue was so important--in her view--that the courts needed to intercede and make law out of whole cloth without regard to the legislative process.

That was part of her response. As you can see, you can get a law degree and be an idiot. In fact, I'd say when you get a law degree most of the time you end up being an idiot.

Anyway, this is another massive, crushing blow against the Left's war on reason and common sense.

We have two prime examples here with Jarhead and McSlobber!