Judgement: Zimmerman is guilty!!!!


Verified User
After hearing the story from day one, I KNEW Zimmerman was lying about his version of the events. And he was lying because HE KNOWS he did something he shouldn't have done. I tried putting all the pieces together but still something was missing...There was always contradicting evidence. That is until now.....

I was listening to the 911 call over and over, and started to think, that MAY be Zimmerman. It is clear it is only one voice. Then it occurred to me......If that really is GZ? Why would he be screaming help me??? BOOM! The missing piece of the puzzle.

GZ sees TM. GZ starts to pursue TM. TM starts to sprint away(his GF's account supports this). He believes he lost him and stops running(no need to hide). It is clear its B.S. that GZ was looking for a street sign in an ally to a neighbourhood he lives in. GZ is in hot pursuit. He catches up(his GF's account supports this.) Some words are exchanged. TM states "why are you following me?" GZ says "what are you doing here." Now here is where it starts to make no sense.

TM punches him while on the phone? Does he drop the phone and crack him in the face? How can a 165 lb guy with no fight training knock down a guy with a single punch? AND with a Jab(left fist) assuming he was right handed. You know how hard that would be?

This is what happened. GZ racially profiled TM for no reason other then the fact he was black. He followed him aggressively. Had a history of aggression and racial profiling. Catches up to him. Tries to grab him and hold on to him so another "asshole" doesn't get away.

They start fighting it goes to the ground. GZ hits his head on the pavement/or TM smashes his head on the pavement. They grapple. GZ uses his MMA training to get himself on top(the defense witnesses admit he was training for grappling and not much boxing). He's trying to hold him down and asking for help(back-up), help me, help me!

GZ either receives the punch when he is on his feet, but HIGHLY unlikely he was knocked down. OR he could have received a hit while he was on top, and Trayvon Martin was trying to free himself.

GZ is the one on top throwing the mma style punches he was trained with.

See? We were all convinced that GZ was on the bottom because of one witness that I believe to be full of it. John Good! MOST witnesses say the guy on top had a WHITE shirt. Zimmermen had a light shirt(and a jacket) on and TM had a black hoodie! Another witness said the larger man was on top, and finally,Selma Mora stated she ran outside right after the gun shot and seen GZ on top straddling a dead TM. How did he get on top so fast? I thought he dragged TM's body away from the sidewalk, where he was allegedly getting his head banged? Note that the body was no where near the sidewalk.

And that he was able to sit him self up and say you got me after being shot point blank in the heart???? B.S.!!!!!

Considering that GZ had the gun near the back of his side, it would have been impossible for trayvon to see let alone reach for it. GZ was on top. Took out the gun to probably stop TM from Squirming. TM at this point was scared for his life and trying to break free(probably trying to sit himself up.) GZ panics and shoots him. Then GZ rolls him over, this is why TM's hands were underneath the body and that is what GZ was doing on top of the body.

There are no holes in this story. I believe it to be the closest to the truth and TM's girlfriend's story perfectly alines with these events.

TM's prints are NOT on the gun and you think that if GZ shot him in the heart, he would have bled all over GZ's shirt!

GZ could have easily reached for his gun on top. Took it out of the holster, while he had his victim pinned. It was probably GZ that had his opponent pinned with his knees on his arm pits, because he is the shorter guy and he would have to have moved up for better positioning to the head. Probably an MMA move.

Final verdict? GZ is guilty, Guilty, Guilty. I suggest he do 5 years!!! Especially for being such a lying weasel. And all the legal experts protecting GZ? They KNOW he is guilty and they should be ashamed of themselves!!!!
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Thanks a lot for the thread title. Next time, a statement that this is your opinion, would be nice, so that I don't get my hopes up, eh?

No fight training? From what I understand and read in his texts TM was hugely experienced and an amateur MMA participant.

Your whole thing falls apart with the GZ had MMA training thing, it was the opposite.
There are all sorts of holes. There are no signs that Trayvon was struck. Trayvon wore a medium to light grey hoodie. It was not dark. Zimmerman had a red jacket not a light color.
No fight training? From what I understand and read in his texts TM was hugely experienced and an amateur MMA participant.

Your whole thing falls apart with the GZ had MMA training thing, it was the opposite.

Texts mean shit. Kids like to talk shit. It's clear that TM was not the aggressive type by his actions that night. Would a guy that loves to fight try to avoid a confrontation? NOT!! I'd like to see you prove he was a hugely experienced MMA fighter. Text messages dont mean much.

On the other hand it is a PROVEN fact that GZ was taking MMA training! for what? 16 months? That's a lot of push ups and sit ups! PLUS he stated GZ was doing weight training on his own, and that witness reed/root testified that he was training in grappling!!!!

But nice try.
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There are all sorts of holes. There are no signs that Trayvon was struck. Trayvon wore a medium to light grey hoodie. It was not dark. Zimmerman had a red jacket not a light color.

NOPE! Check out the hoodie. Its dark.

Then check out GZ at the cop station white to light grey t-shirt with a red and black Jacket.
Texts mean shit. Kids like to talk shit. It's clear that TM was not the aggressive type by his actions that night. Would a guy that loves to fight try to avoid a confrontation? NOT!! I'd like to see you prove he was a hugely experienced MMA fighter. Text messages dont mean much.

On the other hand it is a PROVEN fact that GZ was taking MMA training! for what? 16 months? That's a lot of push ups and sit ups! PLUS he stated GZ was doing weight training on his own, and that witness reed testified that he was training in grappling!!!!

But nice try.

Well, smart fighters do try to avoid fighting. They understand the difference between the octagon and the street. They also tend to have a high sense of sportsmanship.
NOPE! Check out the hoodie. Its dark.

Then check out GZ at the cop station white to light grey t-shirt with a red and black Jacket.

Ok, I was wrong abouth the sweatshirt. I had seen him in a lighter looking one. May have been a different one or maybe it was the photo.
Well, smart fighters do try to avoid fighting. They understand the difference between the octagon and the street. They also tend to have a high sense of sportsmanship.

Not the guys that I know. Unless they are intimidated in some way, they are usually quick to scrap. You wont see them sprint away from a confrontation. That's for sure. Unless they are outnumbered or something. And they will do whatever it takes to win the fight. Even dirty. That's street fighting. I'm still waiting for Domacles to prove he was a hugely experienced MMA fighter
There is still the issue that there are no signs that Martin was struck. However, maybe George reversed him and shot without ever throwing any blows. There is not enough proof of it though.

What's most important, Imo, is whether Zimmerman's claims are credible and I don't think they are.
There is still the issue that there are no signs that Martin was struck. However, maybe George reversed him and shot without ever throwing any blows. There is not enough proof of it though.

What's most important, Imo, is whether Zimmerman's claims are credible and I don't think they are.

Who said anything about Martin being struck? GZ grappled his way to the top. There is proof. We have 3 witnesses(that I know of) maybe more that say GZ was on top. Only John Good stated he seen TM on top, throwing MMA style punches and then acknowledges he never actually seen punches thrown. There goes his credibility.
I'd also like to mention when he mentioned to the nurse he was taking MMA training he also stated he was seeing a psychologist.....hmmmmmmm. For what? Another glimpse into his state of mind. They should have tested him for drugs too!!!He sounds like a paranoia victim!!