Judge rejects request for NSA documents


Staff member
WASHINGTON - The National Security Agency is not required to release details about its secret wiretapping program, a federal judge said Monday.

The People for the American Way Foundation, a liberal advocacy group, sued to obtain records under the Freedom of Information Act. The group sought to find out how many wiretaps were approved and who reviewed the program.

Civil liberties group criticize it as an expansion of presidential power, and a federal judge has said it is unconstitutional. The Justice Department says it is a necessary tool to fight terrorism

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The last time I checked, THE FISA ACT made it illegal to perform electronic survellance on an American Citizen without following a particular framework of obtaining a warrant.

Bush ordered The NSA to BREAK that law. Bush BROKE THE LAW.

AS PER USUAL, right-wingers only "respect the law" when it restricts the activities of those they disagree with.
Law and order (unless said laws restrict my activities) Republicans.

Gotta love 'em.

I haven't seen such a ridiculous example of Republicans WILLFULLY flouting the law (and their partisan cheerleaders lauding them for it) since Ollie North got off on a technicality (something Republicans usually scream bloody murder about.

The very idea that such a group can claim integrity with a straight face defies the normal bounds of human absurdity.