Juan Wiliams=Faux News LONE Beacon of Truth!


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Someone willing to tell the truth about the ACA and insurance companies...

Insurance cancelled? Don't blame Obama or the ACA, blame America's insurance companies

Liar! Pinocchio! Deceiver!

With all the charges flying against President Obama in the on-going effort to stop ObamaCare it’s time for a reality check.

Having failed to kill the Affordable Care Act in Congress by shutting down the government the opposition is currently taking delight in charging the president with lying to the public when he said anyone who likes their current healthcare plan will be able to keep it under the new law.

If you are one of the estimated 2 million Americans whose health insurance plans may have been cancelled this month, you should not be blaming President Obama or the Affordable Care Act.

It turns out that some people in the individual care market – about 5 percent of the overall insurance market -- are having their insurance policies cancelled.

It is estimated that half of those folks will get better coverage for a lower price. Some people will even get subsidies to help them pay the lower price.

But some people losing their current policies [and being offered better coverage] are going to have to pay a higher price. Taking crocodile tears to a new level, ObamaCare opponents are now rushing to their defense and calling the president a liar.

These critics include Republican politicians who did not vote for ObamaCare; these are Republican governors who refuse to set up exchanges to reach their own citizens; these are people oppose expanding Medicaid to help poor people getting better health care; these are people who have never put any proposal on the table as an alternative fix for the nation’s costly health care system that leaves tens of millions with inadequate medical coverage and tens of millions more totally uninsured.

The fact is if you are one of the estimated 2 million Americans whose health insurance plans may have been cancelled this month, you should not be blaming President Obama or the Affordable Care Act.

You should be blaming your insurance company because they have not been providing you with coverage that meets the minimum basic standards for health care.

Let me put it more bluntly: your insurance companies have been taking advantage of you and the Affordable Care Act puts in place consumer protection and tells them to stop abusing people.

The government did not “force” insurance companies to cancel their own substandard policies.The insurance companies chose to do that rather than do what is right and bring the policies up to code.

This would be like saying the government “forces” chemical companies to dispose of toxic waste safely rather than dumping it in the river.

Or the government “forces” people to drive with intact windshields and working brake lights.

How dare they “force” drivers to pay money to get those things fixed if they are broken?

One of the most popular and important provisions of the Affordable Care Act is setting basic minimum standards of medical insurance coverage. Here are some of those standards:

- Your insurance company is no longer allowed to cancel your policy if you get sick

- Your insurance company cannot deny you coverage or charge you more if you have a pre-existing health condition

- Your insurance company must allow you to keep your children on your plan until they turn 26 years old or get a job that provides health insurance.

- Your insurance company cannot impose lifetime caps on you health coverage.

- And perhaps most relevant to current discussion about insurance companies canceling substandard policies, your insurance company must cover what are called “essential health benefits.”

What are “essential health benefits?”

They are clearly defined on HealthCare.gov:

“Essential health benefits must include items and services within at least the following 10 categories: ambulatory patient services; emergency services; hospitalization; maternity and newborn care; mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment; prescription drugs; rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices; laboratory services; preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management; and pediatric services, including oral and vision care.”

That’s right.

If you are rushed to the hospital in an ambulance, the ACA says your insurance company has to pay for the ambulance ride.

If your son or daughter has a bout with depression or suffers from panic attacks, the ACA says your insurance company needs to pay for their medicine and treatment from a mental health professional.

People should be angry that their insurance companies were not paying for these humane, common sense benefits all along.

It baffles me that people are directing their anger at the ACA which rights these terrible wrongs.

The Hartford Courant newspaper reports that the CEO of Aetna insurance made $36 million last year plus several millions more in stock options.

They also report that the CEO of Cigna cleared a cool $12.5 Million plus stock options.

The American health insurance industry is one of the most profitable in the history of the world. Before the ACA, they made money by finding any excuse, any loophole to deny coverage to the sickest and most vulnerable people in our society.

Rather than being vindictive and canceling policies under the pretext of ObamaCare, the insurance companies should be thanking their lucky stars that they do not have to contend with a public option or a single payer system. That is what the law allows in every other modern industrialized democracy.

You should be blaming your insurance company because they have not been providing you with coverage that meets the minimum basic standards for health care.

Because *WHO* says so?

The government did not “force” insurance companies to cancel their own substandard policies.

So you're arguing that people would have continued to pay for the old policies *AND* pay the penalty for not fulfilling the individual mandate?


Moronic, but moronic usually is interesting.

Yes, my in-laws insurance got cancelled, because they did not think when they signed up for their policy they did not need maternity coverage. They are both in their 70's.

Someone willing to tell the truth about the ACA and insurance companies...

Insurance cancelled? Don't blame Obama or the ACA, blame America's insurance companies

Liar! Pinocchio! Deceiver!

With all the charges flying against President Obama in the on-going effort to stop ObamaCare it’s time for a reality check.

The fact is if you are one of the estimated 2 million Americans whose health insurance plans may have been cancelled this month, you should not be blaming President Obama or the Affordable Care Act.

The government did not “force” insurance companies to cancel their own substandard policies.The insurance companies chose to do that rather than do what is right and bring the policies up to code.

So if you had the time to read the bullshit spin by Zippitydoda, you might as well read the truth too....

Ok...so lets have that 'reality check'....I'll add the translation in red for pinheads like desh and dude and some others....

New York Times
WASHINGTON — President Obama bowed Thursday night to mounting criticism (admitted) that he had misled (lied to) the American people about the health care law, apologizing to people who were forced off their health insurance plans by the Affordable Care Act despite (that bears repeating by the Affordable Care Act)despite “assurances (lies) from me.”

In an interview with NBC News, Mr. Obama said that he did not do enough to ensure that the law did not force the termination of insurance policies that people like because they do not meet the law’s new coverage requirements. (meaning, the law DID FORCE the terminations of policies for the stated reason)


The lies are numerous...subtle, but effective in the deceptions they are meant to convey...
and it is refreshing to see zippy now watching Fox ...(where the news is FAIR AND BALANCED)
So if you had the time to read the bullshit spin by Zippitydoda, you might as well read the truth too....

Ok...so lets have that 'reality check'....I'll add the translation in red for pinheads like desh and dude and some others....

New York Times
WASHINGTON — President Obama bowed Thursday night to mounting criticism (admitted) that he had misled (lied to) the American people about the health care law, apologizing to people who were forced off their health insurance plans by the Affordable Care Act despite (that bears repeating by the Affordable Care Act)despite “assurances (lies) from me.”

In an interview with NBC News, Mr. Obama said that he did not do enough to ensure that the law did not force the termination of insurance policies that people like because they do not meet the law’s new coverage requirements. (meaning, the law DID FORCE the terminations of policies for the stated reason)


The lies are numerous...subtle, but effective in the deceptions they are meant to convey...
and it is refreshing to see zippy now watching Fox ...(where the news is FAIR AND BALANCED)

Once again the point you totally ignore because it destroys your entire argument is that it wasn't Obama that canceled these people's insurance policies.

It was the INSURANCE COMPANIES themselves.

NO ONE but the greedy insurance companies are to blame for people losing their insurance.

Funny how all you can do is parrot the same pathetic oft repeated lie while ignoring the truth right in front of you like the good little partisan hack does!
So Obama's apology was on behalf of the insurance companies?

Obama's apology was an attempt to placate that tiny minority of the population so filled with hatred for the man they wouldn't believe anything he said regardless of the subject.

Obama understood he was never going to convince that narrow-minded segment of the population of the truth, so he stepped up like a man apologized and accepted some responsibility...effectively shutting down the Right's sad little whine fest.
Once again the point you totally ignore because it destroys your entire argument is that it wasn't Obama that canceled these people's insurance policies.

It was the INSURANCE COMPANIES themselves.

NO ONE but the greedy insurance companies are to blame for people losing their insurance.

Funny how all you can do is parrot the same pathetic oft repeated lie while ignoring the truth right in front of you like the good little partisan hack does!

Try it again fool.....get someone to explain to you if your reading comprehension is so lacking...

WASHINGTON — President Obama bowed Thursday night to mounting criticism (admitted) that he had misled (lied to) the American people about the health care law, apologizing to people who were forced off their health insurance plans by the Affordable Care Act despite (that bears repeating by the Affordable Care Act)despite “assurances (lies) from me.”

In an interview with NBC News, Mr. Obama said that he did not do enough to ensure that the law did not force the termination of insurance policies that people like because they do not meet the law’s new coverage requirements. (meaning, the law DID FORCE the terminations of policies for the stated reason)
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On behalf of the lying, less than honorable insurance companies because I'm positive those companies didn't apologize to the insured for dumping them.

Guess I should have included YOU too.....read this slowly, let it actually sink in alittle

In an interview with NBC News, Mr. Obama said that he did not do enough to ensure that the law did not force the termination of insurance policies that people like because they do not meet the law’s new coverage requirements. (meaning, the law DID FORCE the terminations of policies for the stated reason)
Because *WHO* says so?

So you're arguing that people would have continued to pay for the old policies *AND* pay the penalty for not fulfilling the individual mandate?


Moronic, but moronic usually is interesting.

Did someone in America actually ask this?
"Because *WHO* says so?"

Obama's apology was an attempt to placate that tiny minority of the population so filled with hatred for the man they wouldn't believe anything he said regardless of the subject.

Really? I'm intrigued.

Who is this "tiny minority of the population" that has managed to seize control of the political discourse in this country, and plaster negative headlines across the front pages of even the most pro-Obama periodicals, and compel even the most pro-Obama toady pundits to acknowledge his dishonesty and incompetence?

Who are the people in this tiny minority, and why has it taken them until the near conclusion of Obama's 5th year in office to finally have their views at the top of the nation's political discourse?
I kinda avoid aca threads
The American people voted the klan down twice by millions on it.
Klan members still don't like blacks.
Once again the point you totally ignore because it destroys your entire argument is that it wasn't Obama that canceled these people's insurance policies.

It was the INSURANCE COMPANIES themselves.

NO ONE but the greedy insurance companies are to blame for people losing their insurance.

OK, let's play around with your point here. Suppose the evil greedy insurance companies continued to sell to the public the insurance policies that did not fulfill the requirements of the individual mandate, with warning of this deficiency written into the policy. At the end of the year millions of people who pay minimal attention to such details will be screaming that they're being forced to pay the individual mandate penalty and were sold insurance that didn't meet the requirements.

And who would Zappa blame at that point? The evil greedy insurance companies of course. So basically, in your scenario there's no way they could have acted correctly. Which is why your fabricated partisan parameters create a flawed premise.

It was the same scenario with the banks and the mortgage crisis. Banks were evil and greedy for not making mortgage loans to the poor, then when they did make the loans they did it in an evil and greedy manner. They were "predatory," selling mortgages with variable rates clearly written into the contract, as selling insurance policies not fulfilling the individual mandate would also be deemed predatory.

Funny how all you can do is parrot the same pathetic oft repeated lie while ignoring the truth right in front of you like the good little partisan hack does!

rather odd that BC/BS was a substandard company selling me a policy that didn't meet my minimum health care needs........I expect it was all because it was a GREEDY non-profit insurance company.......
yeah we know you don't care about the part where they tell us how many people didn't DIE because they now had medical care available to them.

money money money money

not a fucking word about sick kids getting care and cancer patients getting life saving treatment.

fucking sociopaths
yeah we know you don't care about the part where they tell us how many people didn't DIE because they now had medical care available to them.

money money money money

not a fucking word about sick kids getting care and cancer patients getting life saving treatment.

fucking sociopaths

Don't pretend you care about them you greedy sociopath. You don't. Your rental properties will belong to the people soon. Bank on it
jesus you people get stupider every fucking day huh?

Hey you fact adverse brain damaged fool do you remember you are supposed to like capitalism?
So juan never believed people should have been allowed to keep the insurance they had. The government now decides what is good minimum coverage, and now you must be insured for maternity, and drug abuse rehab. The real lie is that they ever believed in choice.