JPP liberals favorite pope excommunicates priest supporting female clergy, gay rights


on indefiniate mod break
That's right, the JPP liberals favorite most awesome SUPER COOL TOTALLY REVOLUTIONARY OMG THE BEST POPE EVER says NO to lgbt rights and women clergy.

On the heels of Pope Francis' groundbreaking remarks faulting the Roman Catholic Church for being overly focused on homosexuality and abortion, news has emerged that the pontiff ordered the excommunication of a priest who advocated for women's rights and gay marriage.

Reynolds had been shut out because he was publicizing his views that women should be ordained as priests. The Archdiocese also said Reynolds was removed for holding unauthorized communion ceremonies.


duped again.
Now if only they would grow the balls to get rid of John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi and a few others that claim to be Catholics.....

Christiefan and some others.? can't half Catholic.
Now if only they would grow the balls to get rid of John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi and a few others that claim to be Catholics.....

Christiefan and some others.? can't half Catholic.

With a judge like you on JPP, who needs a conscience?

Man has the right to act in conscience and in freedom so as personally to make moral decisions. "He must not be forced to act contrary to his conscience. Nor must he be prevented from acting according to his conscience, especially in religious matters."[SUP]53

[/SUP]- charity always proceeds by way of respect for one's neighbor and his conscience: "Thus sinning against your brethren and wounding their conscience . . . you sin against Christ."[SUP]57[/SUP] Therefore "it is right not to . . . do anything that makes your brother stumble."[SUP]58

and before anyone tries to twist the reasoning, here it is straight from the churches mouth:

So where's the beef? He quit the official church to form his own sect. He broke his priestly vows.

"He resigned from his parish in 2011, and started a group called Inclusive Catholics, which holds regular meetings in Melbourne."
and before anyone (christie) tries to twist the reasoning:

Archbishop Hart also told other priests in the archdiocese by letter that Fr Reynolds’s excommunication was because of his public teaching on the ordination of women”, which are grounds for automatic excommunication.
they didn't decide to excommunicate him until he started saying women should be clergy. this is what they church said from their own mouths.

i wonder if this is the first time you've ever disagreed with the huffpost.

sorry your pope is just another chump who fooled you.
The only way I'd be fooled is if the church had changed the official positions on gay marriage and female ordination. The church changed nothing, the priest made his own decision on what to teach.

"A Victorian Catholic priest who spoke out against the church's positions on gay marriage and women becoming priests has been defrocked and excommunicated.

Former Western Port parish priest Greg Reynolds was this week presented with a letter from the Vatican, informing him that he had been removed from the priesthood and excommunicated from the church. Mr Reynolds said he first fell out of favour three years ago when he voiced his support for women being allowed to become priests, contrary to the church's official stance.

He resigned from his parish in 2011, and started a group called Inclusive Catholics, which holds regular meetings in Melbourne. Mr Reynolds has also spoken out in favour of gay marriage.

He said he had expected to be removed from the priesthood, but had not expected to be excommunicated. "I'm a bit annoyed, if not angry, at the process or lack of process," Mr Reynolds told AAP on Saturday.

A spokesman for the Melbourne Archdiocese said the excommunication was ordered by Pope Francis. The spokesman said the excommunication was ordered because of Mr Reynolds' public teaching about women being ordained, as well as holding communion when he was not authorised to act as a priest.

Mr Reynolds said he plans to continue his work with Inclusive Catholics, but was undecided about whether he will fight to have the excommunication overturned.
Excommunicated priest Greg Reynolds celebrated illicit Mass at which Communion was given to a dog

There's been much theatrical outrage at Pope Francis's decision to excommunicate Fr Greg Reynolds, an Australian priest who supports women's ordination and gay marriages. But let's look at the charges against Reynolds a bit more carefully. According to the National Catholic Reporter, a letter of protest to the Vatican contained an incredibly serious accusation:

The letter, a copy of which NCR obtained and translated, accuses Reynolds of heresy (Canon 751) and determined he incurred latae sententiae excommunication for throwing away the consecrated host or retaining it "for a sacrilegious purpose" (Canon 1367).

What can that mean? This report from the Melbourne Age last year fills in the gaps. At one of Reynolds's illicit Masses,

A first-time visitor arrived late at the Inclusive Catholics service in South Yarra with a large and well-trained German shepherd. When the consecrated bread and wine were passed around, the visitor took some bread and fed it to his dog.
Apart from one stifled gasp, those present showed admirable presence of mind – but the dog was not offered the cup!

Even Andrew Sulllivan thinks this is going too far:

I don’t know anyone who believed that Francis had just junked canon law, or had somehow come to believe that violating the Eucharist was something the Church should ever tolerate. I have never written or believed that.

Violating the Eucharist (or allowing it to happen) automatically places the culprit outside the Church. In this case, rarely has an excommunication been so richly deserved. And it is utterly beyond my comprehension that some Catholics should argue otherwise.
well maybe the Church is taking Baby Steps, like that movie...anything is an improvement - might get out of the Dark Ages soon.
Meaning the pope is still hamstrung by the dogma, I like the guy, but the Catholic Church has light years to go; at least they are moving away from the draconian past.
i take it christie will continue to ignore that the impetus of them excommunicating him was talking about ordaining women. To christie, this part simply doesn't exist at all. the guy has been running his own show for 2 years, they only excommunicated him when he started preaching this other stuff. I mean, they literally said, clear as day excommunication was because of his public teaching on the ordination of women”,


public teaching on the ordination of women


public teaching on the ordination of women.


public teaching on the ordination of women.

Pope francis happily excommunicated this man.
sorry, dude, I've never called this pope "super cool totally revolutionary the best pope ever"

I did.

But I was talking about this one ...

That's right, the JPP liberals favorite most awesome SUPER COOL TOTALLY REVOLUTIONARY OMG THE BEST POPE EVER says NO to lgbt rights and women clergy.


duped again.

I'm not bored enough to look into this, but for future reference, the pope never said gay marriage is ok. He simply followed the Bible in trying to be a "lead by example" kind of guy instead of a "cast stones" kind of guy. Sadly, one of the most controversial things the Bible has ever stated is "Women should not talk in church".

I think the Liberals (if you mean Liberal equality and freedom) are happy about this pope because they know what the Bible says. They know it's a sin and we all sin, we only sin differently. They are just happy a law is being lifted that forces Christian perspective onto people with law.
Whats your point......your posts are irrelevant a waste of our time to reading.....

The man was excommunicated....period....for the stated reasons....reasons as serious as the fallacy teachings of Pelosi and Kerry....they don't belong
in a Church whose doctrine they refuse .
they didn't decide to excommunicate him until he started saying women should be clergy. this is what they church said from their own mouths.

i wonder if this is the first time you've ever disagreed with the huffpost.

sorry your pope is just another chump who fooled you.

He was most likely being investigated by the Vatican before Francis was pontiff. Excommunication is a serious matter and one that takes time.
The only way I'd be fooled is if the church had changed the official positions on gay marriage and female ordination. The church changed nothing, the priest made his own decision on what to teach.

"A Victorian Catholic priest who spoke out against the church's positions on gay marriage and women becoming priests has been defrocked and excommunicated.

LOL, not exactly something I'd expect from a Victorian priest. :)