Jesus "Tempts" Republicans With Christianity Matthew 19:21


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
Matthew 19:21~If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.
I notice that he never mentioned "Republicans" and he DIDN'T say "confiscate all you can from productive folks and bribe the vote of the poor with the proceeds thereof with socialist programs."....huh?
Matthew 19:21~If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

I'm amused by the brain dead lefttards presuming that Democrats are not rich selfish bastards. In the last election, the Republican candidate had given more to charity than Obama and Biden's combined income. Yet brain dead Lefttards like you think Republicans are the problem.

But let's dig deeper into the moronic premise of your thread; that our problems stem from a lack of charity on the part of Republicans; I cannot imagine a more retarded premise. This is the worst recovery in modern history and the best we get from the buffoon of a President is Marxist class envy rhetoric and partisan buffoonery that only brain dead asshats can defend.

The problems this nation has would all be solved if we were actually seeing job creation. Unfortunately, every policy this buffoon of a Presidents supports serves to further erode job creation in a slow steady march to big Government welfarism.

This is the Presidency of low income part time job growth and massive deficits and debt creation; a profound failure in anyones books who have more than half a brain. Yet the idiots from the lefttard brigades want to blame the minority party who has only been in the House majority since 2011 yet expected to shoulder all the blame for this malaise and be held responsible for its solutions; but only if they cave to the buffoon President and his ass clown Harry Reid.

It's official; you're a dumbass.
I notice that he never mentioned "Republicans" and he DIDN'T say "confiscate all you can from productive folks and bribe the vote of the poor with the proceeds thereof with socialist programs."....huh?

Again, you don't have a clue what Socialism is. You never took the time to study what it is you only repeat this because your media told you to.
Maybe I should have titled it "tempts all" but this is a political forum site where the Republicans don't want to give to the poor because someone might rape the system and get a free ride, sloth...
Again, you don't have a clue what Socialism is. You never took the time to study what it is you only repeat this because your media told you to.

But isn’t it you who proclaim to be the great political educator? How long must we wait till you educate us on the truth and reality of socialism? Pray-tell us why if “social programs” are not socialism, they call them ”social” programs Oh Swami of all things political.

Oh! That's right, you don't answer questions, you just post leftist horseshit, huh?
Maybe I should have titled it "tempts all" but this is a political forum site where the Republicans don't want to give to the poor because someone might rape the system and get a free ride, sloth...

Republicans and libertarians give several times more to private charity than y'all neo-commie leftist bastards that simply claim to have "given at your government office."
But isn’t it you who proclaim to be the great political educator? How long must we wait till you educate us on the truth and reality of socialism? Pray-tell us why if “social programs” are not socialism, they call them ”social” programs Oh Swami of all things political.

Oh! That's right, you don't answer questions, you just post leftist horseshit, huh?

by that idiotic logic, ice cream socials are "socialist" as well, eh?
All collective actions are "socialist." Some socialism is voluntary and some socialism is mandated and forced on the minions by government.
even though they have the same root, there is a difference between social and socialist. not all social activities are socialist. I thought you would be smart enough to know that.

Just like not everyone that "terrorizes" people is a "terrorist".
One of the strangest changes in Christianity today is the idea that helping another creates dependency. Everyone in life has been helped in some way or another, it is simply part of the human project. Even animals help each other. I'd bet that not one person on here could live alone and create the necessities for life. Today the dichotomy between government v church has made America into a bizarre battlefield where libertarian and conservatives think everything government does can be done better by someone else. Who the someone else is vaguely answered as church or individuals. That so naive a thought has followers shows how people must think a civilized society is an act of magic and not of humans working together. When Jesus comes back with the loaves and fishes all will be a fine, till then it is up to government, churches, citizens to help each other. Seems the normal, Christian thing to do.

"These metaphors for condescending or dismissive behavior are more than just descriptive. They suggest, to a surprisingly accurate extent, the social distance between those with greater power and those with less — a distance that goes beyond the realm of interpersonal interactions and may exacerbate the soaring inequality in the United States."
Do you deny that ice-cream socials are voluntary social/socialist events?

do I deny that ice cream socials are part and parcel of government control of the means of production and distribution? ummmm yeah. I do. I deny that ice cream socials are attended by socialists. absolutely.
One of the strangest changes in Christianity today is the idea that helping another creates dependency. Everyone in life has been helped in some way or another, it is simply part of the human project. Even animals help each other. I'd bet that not one person on here could live alone and create the necessities for life. Today the dichotomy between government v church has made America into a bizarre battlefield where libertarian and conservatives think everything government does can be done better by someone else. Who the someone else is vaguely answered as church or individuals. That so naive a thought has followers shows how people must think a civilized society is an act of magic and not of humans working together. When Jesus comes back with the loaves and fishes all will be a fine, till then it is up to government, churches, citizens to help each other. Seems the normal, Christian thing to do.

"These metaphors for condescending or dismissive behavior are more than just descriptive. They suggest, to a surprisingly accurate extent, the social distance between those with greater power and those with less — a distance that goes beyond the realm of interpersonal interactions and may exacerbate the soaring inequality in the United States."
The bolded part is a strawman lie; that is not what Christianity is saying; want to try again?
One of the strangest changes in Christianity today is the idea that helping another creates dependency.

one of the strangest tactics on the part of the left today is the idea that people will actually believe them when they say Christians do not help others.......they made this attempt even in the last election despite the fact that the candidate put forward by the right not only donated a higher percentage of his income to charity than the two candidates on the left but contributed more than the two of them earned in the year, combined......
Maybe I should have titled it "tempts all" but this is a political forum site where the Republicans don't want to give to the poor because someone might rape the system and get a free ride, sloth...

You have spent a considerable amount of time bitching about fraud...
one of the strangest tactics on the part of the left today is the idea that people will actually believe them when they say Christians do not help others.......they made this attempt even in the last election despite the fact that the candidate put forward by the right not only donated a higher percentage of his income to charity than the two candidates on the left but contributed more than the two of them earned in the year, combined......
Out of guilt ridden conscience