Japan Has Decided To Commit National Suicide Rather Than Switch.

philly rabbit

Verified User
Japan, it's population peaking at 128 million in 2010, will lose 25 million by 2050. A fifth of her population will disappear and one in six Japanese will be over 80. Japan's medium age will rise from 45 to 55. And these projections assume a rise in the fertility of Japanese women that is nowhere in sight. In March 2010 the birth rate in Japan had fallen to 1.09 children per woman and if current trends continue, Japan's population will fall to 95 million by 2050, from about 127 million now, a loss of 32 million people. At this rate, a fourth of the nation will vanish in four decades. With as much as 40 percent of it's population over 65 years of age, no matter how innovative the work force, Japan will simply be too old to compete.

Noting that births in Japan in 2008 were 40 percent below what they were in 1948, fertility, migration and mortality trends are propelling Japan into a degree of aging that is usually the work of science fiction. Japan's fertility level has been below replacement levels since the 1970s. Japan has become the oldest nation on earth.

Japan's immigration policy hasn't budged one iota being a 0 immigration policy. Go to a Japanese consulate and tell them that you want to immigrate to Japan and they will literately laugh at you. Japan is for Japanese, they will tell you. The Japanese are turning their collective backs on westerners who keep telling them to open their borders and repopulate themselves with immigrants. The Japanese appear to be prepared to accept their fate, a dying population and declining nation, rather than adopt the American solution to it's ever aging population, replacement of her departing native born with millions of immigrants.

The Japanese will not commit to the cultural disintegration of their people by following the west's lead and advice. They'd rather die than switch.
So you want to be like the people who bombed Pearl Harbor, aren't Christian, and have vending machines with used panties?
South Korea and Singapore are both in the same population decline boat and like Japan they refuse to repopulate with immigrants. The west and their solution of cultural disintegration doesn't let none of these countries open their borders to immigrants from loser third world countries in order to survive.

The Japanese aren't impressed at all with open borders western immigration population solutions because their own culture is much more important to them than their survival.
Japanese shouldn't be allowed within American bidders, they shouldn't be granted American visas, their companies shouldn't be allowed to do business here. Let them rot and die, and when they're all gone a worthy people can take their place.
Japanese shouldn't be allowed within American bidders, they shouldn't be granted American visas, their companies shouldn't be allowed to do business here. Let them rot and die, and when they're all gone a worthy people can take their place.

You mean like Muslims?

They don't want any third world losers from third world loser countries, their immigration policies remain at 0. They'd rather die than switch.
Only Americans are incapable of understanding Japan.
Japan will survive admirably by concentrating on socially responsible government. It's never a matter of not enough to go around in a fucked up capitalist system like the US's, it's a matter of the wealth needing to be distributed to the people of the country. Japanese government is smart enough to know that and have the will to make it happen.

Just imagine how every American could be living even in these lean times if 'they' started to demand a piece of their pie too!
1948, fertility, migration and mortality trends are propelling Japan into a degree of aging that is usually the work of science fiction. Japan's fertility level has been below replacement levels since the 1970s
Why the high mortality, and low fertility rate? "Migration" is that immigration, or expatriation?
Why the high mortality, and low fertility rate? "Migration" is that immigration, or expatriation?

If you're interested in rising above the hate rhetoric of this forum then you need to know something about Japan. Don't ever think that they are stupid enough to do what's not good for them.

Japan has obviously looked closely at the failed path of extremist capitalism and also at the path of socially responsible capitalism and chosen the only wise course for survival.

America will follow but slowly at first. Obama was even a bigger threat to the right than was ever expected he would be.
If you're interested in rising above the hate rhetoric of this forum then you need to know something about Japan. Don't ever think that they are stupid enough to do what's not good for them.

Japan has obviously looked closely at the failed path of extremist capitalism and also at the path of socially responsible capitalism and chosen the only wise course for survival.

America will follow but slowly at first. Obama was even a bigger threat to the right than was ever expected he would be.

America is finished because America WILL NOT secure their borders and WILL NOT enforce their own immigration laws and both political parties want amnesty for illegal alien criminals and votes. America cannot serve as a rescue center for third world immigrants, it can't afford to keep them.

Japan knows it and the siren song from the west to open their borders is being totally rejected by the Japanese despite their own ever aging population that cannot keep up with it's ability to survive and continue to grow.
It's hillarious the Philly is supposedly pro 'Scots-Irish' but against immigration. He's a traitor even to his own traitorous 'people'.
This topic got 0 response. I am shocked.

The third world invasion is being held off by Japan and other countries like Singapore and South Korea because these countries have seen what's happened to countries like the U.S., Britain, and France and all three of the former countries are dying of old age but would rather do that than switch.
This topic got 0 response. I am shocked.

The third world invasion is being held off by Japan and other countries like Singapore and South Korea because these countries have seen what's happened to countries like the U.S., Britain, and France and all three of the former countries are dying of old age but would rather do that than switch.

Many Japanese men are looking for wives in South East Asia because Japanese women want European men.
Many Japanese men are looking for wives in South East Asia because Japanese women want European men.

Is that so? That's interesting.

Your country is being strangulated by third world immigrants which has turned half of London into Baghdad to change the topic.
I think we should give him his own little padded cell to be all he can be :)

The Scots Irish helped to build America and establish it's cultural base.

As a lesbian you keep taking white men's jobs from them with affirmative action while you keep supporting third world invaders so you can keep building your centralized government.
........... that's the difference.