Israel, and the simple truth

Alik Bahshi

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Alik Bahshi

Israel, and the simple truth

"The simple truth is rarely pure
and never simple"

Oscar Wilde

Civilization experience shows that all human intervention in nature, proved wrong. Human society is also part of nature, and though the man carries the possibility of a comprehensive art, civilization developed on their own, independent of human laws. One historical formation gave way to another without meaningful participation focused on a man, that is not created first ideology social structure, which is then followed humanity. Philosophers and historians had only to establish the fact of the transition from the slave system to the feudal system and then to capitalism without theoretical justification of the inevitable emergence of a future formation.

In the late 19th century, in addition to other major discoveries in the natural world have been offered two ideologies (Communism and Zionism), which, though not proved valuable in terms of philosophy in relation to the first or general social significance for a second, but that left a significant mark in the history of that have been implemented in practice.

One - Karl Marx considered inevitable replacement of capitalism by the Communist era as a new social system, a kind of earthly paradise for mankind. Attempting to put this ideology into practice was made in Russia duress claim the destruction of the Russian intelligentsia and active business executives. Experiment over the society was no less bloody than the era of medieval obscurantism, lasted 70 years, with the entry of the world proletarian revolution club, and ended in failure. It should be noted, originally initiated the experiment were mainly representatives of Jewish, then they are also becoming dissidents, and ran out of the country they have created a "communist paradise".

I do not want a detailed discussion of the error of the communist ideology, but, in my opinion, the main reason for its failure was that it was intended to create a new man, a certain individual communist type, based on the absurd assumption that the environment and the conditions of education could change the very nature of man. Therefore, the ideology of communism and praised to the skies by schemers Science Academician Lysenko, rejecting genetics, calling her a capitalist pseudoscience.

Another - the ideology of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, was less global in nature and involves the goal of creating a state for the Jewish people. It was assumed that Jews from around the world will gather in one place in the world. Incredible and in some cases even funny, if you search for the territory of the future Jewish state considered and South America, and Africa, and the Crimea, before settling on Palestine. However, it should be noted that instead of Crimea Stalin singled out for the land of the Jews in the Far East, where he organized the Jewish Autonomous Region. This fact suggests that the idea of Zionism took place and one of the leaders of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia, most of whom were Jews. With high probability we can assume that if a confrontation between Stalin and Trotsky (Bronstein) up to take the last, to be Jewish Crimea republic.

In the end, after considerable financial costs and diplomacy after quite a large time span, including two World Wars and the Holocaust, Zionism, the idea became reality the UN decision to allocate part of the territory of Palestine for the Jewish state. However, the program of Zionism was not performed in full, because it is not able to gather all the Jews in Israel. The Jews did not want to leave the safe countries for the promised land of Israel and mostly settled Jews from Eastern European countries, North Africa and the Middle East, based on all possible assistance to the Jewish organizations to encourage repatriation, if it is at all possible to use the term. The fact that the Jews are all those who believe in Judaism, but this does not mean that the Jews are ethnically one people. European Jews are different from Moroccan Jews, not only in appearance and traditions, but also the mentality, in fact, even in Israel, their faith had not united, if we take into account that they are praying to everyone in their synagogues. Well, about the Ethiopian Jews, and can not speak. For example, the Khazars, before accepting Islam a short time were Jews, so what do they have ceased to be the Khazars. Therefore, the word "repatriation" is not the same as back home. It's like as if to say "repatriation of Christians." Well, where should they be repatriated? However, in the first approximation, the Crusades can also be interpreted as the repatriation of European Christians to the homeland of the Faith in the promised land.

But let us leave aside these arguments and look at the facts, because only they reflect reality: the state of Israel exists, and it is strong economically and it is even more strongly in the military, compared with the surrounding Arab countries. Here it is necessary to take into account the very important fact that the magnitude of Israel so he and dependent on a single, but a powerful ally - the United States, an ally, without whose help it is difficult to imagine the possibility of the existence of the Jewish state. The fact that the well-known reasons, since the formation of Israel was at war with the Arabs and introduced half a century ago, the martial law has not been canceled today. Obviously, such a small country like Israel can not so long alone against hostile environment and America's role as an ally invaluable.

However, the policy is pragmatic and therefore a reasonable question that America wins the friendship with Israel, can cause confusion and bewilderment. Is there a clear answer, what specifically has positive dividends America, being in the military and political alliance with Israel. Sometimes the arguments in favor of an alliance, they see that, they say, Israel is an outpost of democracy in the Middle East. But can a country with no constitution, the country in which there is no separation of executive and legislative powers, the country in which religion is not separated from the state, the country with socialist principles of management, when major financial and manufacturing facilities are in the hands of the state, and, finally, the country carrying out the policy of apartheid to a part of its population, to be called democratic? And if a principled approach to this issue, the outpost of democracy in the Middle East is not Israel, and Turkey. Reason Union of America and Israel is a completely different plane, and explains a significant share of the participation of American Jews in the financial and, as a consequence, the political life of the country. It is thanks to the Jewish lobby Congress of the United States is spending a lot of funds from the state budget to help Israel, supported by the military and political patronage. U.S. taxpayer money to these disappear into the sands of the Middle Eastern, not bringing any benefit America. Furthermore, as a belligerent ally, America is putting himself under enemy attack. Permanent war between Israel and the Palestinians crossed the ocean and the tragedy of September 11 is the result of the bloody Middle East show, which put the Jewish lobby on American money. For the Jewish lobby interests of Israel is more important than the interests of America. Blocking perfectly valid UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel's occupation of Arab territories, the United States is forced to use the policy of double standards. With the decision to crack down on al-Qaeda, begins continuous string of policy failures of President Bush, because of all that had taken the American president, it is not commendable.

If not for close ties with Israel, America would have no problems with the Arabs. America has been and is a major problem with the Russian. Moscow, using the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Arab countries trying to attract to their side, to change in their favor the strategic situation in the Middle East, the main supplier of oil to the West. Even today, the idea strangle strategic adversary fuel shortage still burn in the minds of Kremlin strategists. By the way, here we note that in the case of Israel and the Arabs pacifying Russian finally lose hope in the plan. And here's the paradox: real peace between the Arabs and the Jews do not want either Russian or Jewish law, in spite of fierce mutual hatred. Verily, from love to hate - one step.

In my view, the main factor hindering peace between Israel and the Arabs, is the overseas patriotism of American Jews, who created the Jewish lobby in Congress, have an impact on U.S. policy toward the Arab-Israeli conflict, and political life in Israel. Far from the real situation in Israel, they support the aggressive intentions of the Israeli right in terms of the obstacles a Palestinian state and the annexation of the territories of neighboring Syria and Lebanon; It is important to note that in its aggressiveness towards the Arabs Jews of America have surpassed themselves Israelis. Over the last 10 - 15 years of Israeli society become more left markedly, despite the fact that it poured nearly one million immigrants from the Soviet Union, which is 99 percent completely ardent opponents of the state providing Palestinian Arabs. For a complete understanding of the need to consider a very important detail, which is that, unfortunately, Soviet Jews have imperial worldview, which they had acquired in the USSR and, weighed down by this luggage, went to other countries. This fact seems at first sight phenomenon, but quite understandable. If the presence of a Russian imperial ideology, as a state-forming people (creative discovery Russian nationalists in linguistics), is not objectionable, Soviet Jews have acquired it as a result of the revolution and the USSR. The fact that the Jews perceived the Soviet Union as a whole, for they were not the indigenous people to the territory habitat. In addition, Jews were pioneers of the socialist revolution, and in the majority of the leaders of the Communists. Using the slogan "Workers of the world unite", they managed to unite the people of the empire who believed in a "bright future of communism." The truth of the people who came to power, mostly, say no ethnic Russian proletarians and was not even there! If we consider that in the minds of the Russian people, except imperial ideology is present and Russian chauvinism, which was pointed out by Stalin so loved by the people, it is certain that other nations of the empire meant the unenviable role of younger brothers. In these circumstances, the Soviet Jews were cementing this nation of the Soviet Union, which had an impact on their world, which they retained, leaving the country collapsed.

Following interesting fact: despite strong patriotic feelings and love for Israel, Soviet Jews flocked to America, and, oddly enough, in Germany, the country that because of certain historical events, it would seem difficult to choose the Promised Land. By the way, it is possible, if not for the Holocaust, it could not have taken place and the Jewish state in Palestine. It is hard to blame the people who want a better life, which is all one, for lack of patriotism, if we take into account that for most of them, Israel is the homeland for which worth risking the well-being and even lives. The place where the faith was born, does not always coincide with the concept of homeland. For example, remember once again the Khazars, who took a short while Judaism. For them, Israel is certainly not way side could not be home, however, did not they and the Arabs to accept Islam.

To redirect the flow of Jewish immigrants to Israel, where he is vital to change the demographic situation developing in the future not to the state as a Jewish, World Jewish Congress managed to get from America to Israel release 10 billion dollars for the reception of immigrants from the Soviet Union and thus close America. So there was a Great Aliyah 90s, came to Israel about a million Jews. Many of them still later moved to the United States and Canada, not only maintaining patriotism, but even more showing thus
aggressive intentions towards the Palestinians, calling from overseas staying in Israel for stronger military actions against the Palestinians. For example, former Russian-language Israeli journalist, once in New York, literally climbs out of the skin, strongly urging Israelis not to conduct peace negotiations with the Palestinians and not to leave the occupied territories. Yes, from a distance everything seems easier and immense courage, especially when your militant calls that lead to nowhere, should exercise more.

More than half a century, continuing Arab-Israeli conflict, which sometimes unintentionally become and neutral countries, as scores between Jews and Arabs are reduced wherever possible, across borders and fighting techniques. Taken hostage, abducted planes explode hotels in Buenos Aires, and Istanbul, undermined cars and handsets. Like a funnel tightened in depth reduction of the country, whose people do far from the Middle East conflict. For example, the Afghan people have fallen victim to this conflict, because Bush is in pursuit of bin Laden, started a war against the Taliban, which are quite far from the explanation of the relationship between Arabs and Jews. If we take into account that there is no Pashtun border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, it is theoretically theater of war could spill over into Pakistan. But I think before that it will not come, because Bush does not have at this time a fatal mistake. Destabilize the nuclear power - a very dangerous idea.

All attempts to crush Palestinian resistance is futile. While Israel had used all possible military action, were not used, except that only napalm bomb. If at least some would be military action by Israel could solve the problem, it would have long been realized. In nature, there is simply no such opportunity to force the Palestinians to give up their freedom. Violence problem is not solved. Moreover, there is a trend threatening putting Israel position both in terms of the political and the military. Only in this way can be interpreted as withdrawal from Gaza and a complete failure in the Second Lebanon. Right camp, killing of Yitzhak Rabin and foolishly rejected the Saudi peace initiative, brings the country to ruin. Without peace with the Arabs, Israel has no future, but the world is becoming more elusive.

In my view, the United Nations made a big mistake by taking a decision on the division of Palestine into two states, without providing them with reasonable safety and giving the Jews and the Arabs themselves to observe the boundary between the Jewish and Arab states. The UN should have foreseen that a confrontation is inevitable and necessary presence of a third force on the line of the boundary section is obvious.

It's time to fix the problem and put the UN troops to Israel, dividing Jews and Arabs on the border, used to be a prescribed solution. Other real option to end the Middle East conflict today, no. However, there is one hypothetical output - is to give the Palestinians equal rights to the Jews, but in order to preserve the Jewish character of the state, it is necessary that the majority of American Jews moved to Israel. By the way, at last, be fully realized goal of Zionism to gather all the Jews in one state. But from that moment there are some tough questions.
If American Jews will move to Israel, they will lose their representation in the government of the United States and Israel certainly lose the traditional support that he owed the Jewish lobby. Withdrawal of Jews from American political life can not affect the political and economic situation of the Jewish state. How to behave like American politicians, freed from the pressure they felt by the Jewish lobby? On the other hand it is doubtful that the Jews, being in Israel, will maintain their financial well-being, which they had in America. The fact that it was achieved in an environment of other people and not the fact that the Jews in the Holy Land to keep the same level of wealth, which they had in the Diaspora.

The peoples of different mentality: - a sort of hereditary constant defining the people, their character, behavior, visual contrast and even the way of life. For example, if you give Roma the ground, say, treat it, let it feeds you, build a house, the word live on it as you see fit. The next morning, you will not find them there. They have a different way of being. They will not do in his "stealing horses."

However, the story does not suffer the fate of the subjunctive interpretation and all goes to the fact that the international community will be forced to enter into Israel international force that will set the state border dividing the two countries. UN must correct a mistake made half a century ago.

It is hoped that Zionism does not suffer the fate of Communism.

"Fate and history is written by the same hand"

Paulo Coelho
Prime example of an anti American, and anti Semitic liberal neo nazi rant!!
To the OP:

It's much better to get your point across in a paragragh or your source, rather than cutting and.pasting the entire.thing.

Give the crowd a teaser filled with your own thoughts...THEN link to where your inspiration came from. was way too long....but if I found what you had to say interesting, I would have gladly clicked.on the link and read the entirety of the.Op-ed.
To the OP:

It's much better to get your point across in a paragragh or your source, rather than cutting and.pasting the entire.thing.

Give the crowd a teaser filled with your own thoughts...THEN link to where your inspiration came from. was way too long....but if I found what you had to say interesting, I would have gladly clicked.on the link and read the entirety of the.Op-ed.

This article in Russian is available here:
Prime example of an anti American, and anti Semitic liberal neo nazi rant!!

You mean something got through the racist censorship! Jesus. what's the childkilling regime occupying Palestine coming to? They'll be letting the natives have their own land and water next!
The Israeli representative in the Security Council, when discussing a resolution on Israel's war with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, was strongly indignant at the truthful words of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres that the Hamas attacks did not happen in a vacuum, the Palestinian people have been subjected to a suffocating occupation for 56 years, they have seen how their lands were swallowed up by settlements. Yes, the Israeli diplomat did not like the truth and aroused outright anger at Guterres, whom he advised to resign, but he forgot that he was not in the US Congress, where the Jewish lobby traditionally has power, but in the UN. It must be said that Blinken, like many others, expressed the need to revive the peace process and create a state for the Palestinians.

But the peace process, which began in October 1991 at the Madrid Peace Conference on the Middle East, dragged on for a long 4 years and died with the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. If now, as Blinken advises, we begin the peace process again, which will drag on for who knows how long and who knows how it will end, then it will only be a waste of time, during which Israel will continue to take away Palestinian land through settlement activity. The UN must correct its mistake and, regardless of the opinion of Israel, send troops to the borders between Israel and Palestine, provided for by the UN resolution in accordance with the presented map.
Who in the hell is going to read that, it is an Internet forum, not a very good one, but definitely not one for endless opinionated dissertations, summarize your point and add the source if one wants to check the source
Who in the hell is going to read that, it is an Internet forum, not a very good one, but definitely not one for endless opinionated dissertations, summarize your point and add the source if one wants to check the source

OK. Find yourself a good forum if this one is bad for you and don’t suffer here.