Islamic extremists kill dozens of students at Nigerian agricultural college


[h=1]Islamic extremists kill dozens of students at Nigerian agricultural college as they slept, school official says[/h]
[h=2]As many as 50 students may have been gunned down in the attack that began at about 1 a.m. Sunday in rural Gujba, said Molima Idi Mato, provost of the Yobe State College of Agriculture.[/h]

POTISKUM, Nigeria - Suspected Islamic extremists attacked an agricultural college in the dead of night, gunning down dozens of students as they slept in dormitories and torching classrooms in an ongoing Islamic uprising in northeast Nigeria, the school's provost said.

As many as 50 students may have been killed in the attack that began at about 1 a.m. Sunday in rural Gujba, Provost Molima Idi Mato of the Yobe State College of Agriculture, told The Associated Press.

"They attacked our students while they were sleeping in their hostels, they opened fire at them," he said.

He said he could not give an exact death toll as security forces still are recovering bodies.

The Nigerian military has collected 42 bodies and transported 18 injured students to Damaturu Specialist Hospital, said a military intelligence official, who insisted on anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the press.

The school's other 1,000 enrolled students have fled the college that is about 40 kilometers (25 miles) north of the scene of similar school attacks around Damaturu town, said provost Mato.

He said there were no security forces stationed at the college despite government assurances that they would be deployed. The state commissioner for education, Mohammmed Lamin, called a news conference two weeks ago urging all schools to reopen and promising protection from soldiers and police.

Most schools in the area closed after militants on July 6 killed 29 pupils and a teacher, burning some alive in their hostels, at Mamudo outside Damaturu.
Northeastern Nigeria is under a military state of emergency to battle an Islamic uprising prosecuted by Boko Haram militants who have killed more than 1,700 people since 2010 in their quest for an Islamic state. Boko Haram means Western education is forbidden in the local Hausa language.

Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau last week published a video to prove he is alive and prove false military claims that they might have killed him in an ongoing crackdown.

Government and security officials claim they are winning their war on terror in the northeast but Sunday's attack and others belie those assurances.
The Islamic extremists have killed at least 30 other civilians in the past week.

Religion of Peace my ass....
Maybe the US should have never decided to make it a war against Islam. Seeking revenge against the 911 perps would have done the job all along. Now the can of worms is opened all over the world. And even with Obama's attempts to close it back up it's not going to happen until it's clearly demonstrated by the US that it's intentions have changed. Not likely with any other president unfortunately.
Nice to see that Al Qaeda is "on the run."

Did they use any Obama-provided arms in this massacre?

I wonder if Al Qaeda and the Mexican drug lords armed by Fast & Furious have an "Obama Gun Club" or something?
Maybe the US should have never decided to make it a war against Islam. Seeking revenge against the 911 perps would have done the job all along. Now the can of worms is opened all over the world. And even with Obama's attempts to close it back up it's not going to happen until it's clearly demonstrated by the US that it's intentions have changed. Not likely with any other president unfortunately.

We faught the Nazis and communists, and we will certainly fight the Muslims. Islam is due for another major beatdown.
Maybe the US should have never decided to make it a war against Islam. Seeking revenge against the 911 perps would have done the job all along. Now the can of worms is opened all over the world. And even with Obama's attempts to close it back up it's not going to happen until it's clearly demonstrated by the US that it's intentions have changed. Not likely with any other president unfortunately.

What did the Nigerians do to the Muslimes?