There is a difference between pointing out unChristian-like behavior, and casting judgement on someone and their faith. Examining the fruit is somewhat a judgement, but it doesn't cast judgement. This illustrates the subtle difference between me telling Lummox he apparently doesn't know how a true Christian should behave, and Maineman telling me I am a fake Christian. Although judgements have to be made in both cases, one is a judgement of fruit, the other is a judgement of soul. We are not supposed to judge a person's soul, that is God's place. I can't tell you that you are "not the right kind" of Christian, I can witness to you and share my own understandings of what the "right kind of Christian" is, and I can observe your actions and make the determination you bear rotten fruit, but I can never speak for what is truly in your heart, or the relationship between you and God.
Dixie said...
"The RR doesn't preach intolerance of Jews and Infidels, or anyone else."
Uscitizen, this is going to shock you, but I agree, you are somewhat right. Most of what I posted was regarding the killing of innocents, but Jesus made it clear, we are supposed to love life, and not destroy it. There are exceptions made for people guilty of killing innocent life, they are condemned to death by stoning, and this is apparently acceptable to God, Jesus never spoke out against it, and it's found throughout the Bible.
If we could convert the entire world to Christianity, and all live the message of Jesus, there would be no more wars or need for wars. Unless you are willing to try and convert the entire world population, I'm afraid wars are an unfortunate fact of the human condition. It would also be great if our government conducted itself like Jesus, I'm sure you and the Atheist crowd would just love that, but if we adopted such policy as a nation, our fate would likely parallel that of Jesus, and we would be crucified as a nation in short order.
So, while I wholeheartedly agree, Jesus would not approve of us killing innocent people in war, there isn't a whole heck of a lot we can do about it. We can stand up and demand our country not fight wars, but then, we are denying that our enemies are committing the sin of killing the innocents, and ignoring our responsibility to stop it, if we can.
But you spent the whol thread "judging what is in other's hearts":
1) DIXIE: “There is a difference between pointing out unChristian-like behavior, and casting judgement on someone and their faith. Although judgements have to be made in both cases, one is a judgement of fruit, the other is a judgement of soul. We are not supposed to judge a person's soul, that is God's place….I can never speak for what is truly in your heart, or the relationship between you and God.”
2) DIXIE, first post in thread: “I've been doing a little research on the Muslim faith, and I believe I am starting to understand why so many pinheads seem to almost side with the Muslims against the civilized world. It's because Islam is the Religion of Pinheads! Yes, it's true!
Much like the Liberal Left, Muslims will consistently talk out of both sides of their mouth, they will maintain that Islam is a 'religion of peace' and at the same time, call for violence and jihad against those who disagree with them…
It is amazing, when you compare Muslim radicals with Liberal radicals, how much their ideological traits are similar. “
amazing post dix, But there is someting Christians can do about it, not support it. If you support the war and it is a sin, then you sin too.
Jarhead, there are several things I should point out. First, I am not a member of the Religious Right, I support their right to express their political voice, just as I support the right of homosexuals, blacks, women, Hispanics, etc. to have a political voice as a group. Because I might happen to agree with points these groups might make, doesn't mean I am a part of those groups.
Secondly, my pointing out the parallel between Liberalism and Islam, is not intolerance. To be 'intolerant' is to 'not tolerate' something. I have tolerated pinheads for years, when I get the AK-47 out and start popping you idiots in the head, THEN I will have become "intolerant" to pinheads. You should spend a little time at and see if you can't learn what these big words mean, before you go shooting off your ignorant mouth.
There has never been an abortion clinic bombing that the RR condoned and didn't condemn. A good comparative example would be the KKK and Christianity, the Church never condoned or approved of what the KKK did in their name, and shouldn't be held responsible for the actions of a few.
Perhaps we need a thread pointing out the paralells between Liberals and Christ.....
Acording to the Jewish church of his time Christ was very liberal. So liberal and radical in fact that the Jews had him crucified....
but we killed many innocent people in removing this tyrant, so are we any better than he was ?
"The sin, is the intentional taking of innocent life, with malice."
Absolutely, wouldnt you say that a 500 lb bomb falling in your house was a bit malicious, since you had done nothing at all to the person responsible for dropping the bomb.
"Jesus never spoke out against it (stoneing someone to death)"
Gospel of John 8:7
Ever heard of the phrase "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
Who said it????
Nice try at getting out of it EINSTEIN...
"...Jesus never spoke out against it, and it's found throughout the Bible." - your direct quote... you were discussing the biblical practice of stoning people!
Einstein you failed to acknoledge the ownership of you when I said...
Blaiming Islam for what Al Queda does Its the same as blaming Christians for the Behavyor of the KKK.
You know, I hear this argument made often, and somehow, I just can't picture Jesus condoning abortion on demand, taking 'God' out of the pledge, or marching in the Gay Pride parade. Maybe he would, but I just don't see it. Jesus was tolerant of sinners, he befriended a prostitute, he spent much of his life healing the outcast and accepting the ones society had turned its back on. In that regard, Jesus was liberal, but it was only in regard to his tolerance. Liberals accept these things, not out of tolerance, but out of a willing acceptance of things the Bible speaks out against and sometimes forbids. Jesus never believed it was acceptable to allow people to do as they pleased, and not get involved, just mind his own business and let them do as they wished with no consequence. He was a big proponent of personal responsibility, something totally foreign to most liberals.
One of the great misconceptions liberals have in this argument, is through attempting to apply worldly political attributes to Jesus, the Son of God. This was a perfect man, a human without sin, he wasn't a liberal, conservative, libertarian, or anything other than the Son of God. If anything, Jesus would have condemned labeling each other with preordained ideology, and establishing our beliefs on that basis. He would have most likely said, forsake your political affiliations and follow the word of God always, that is the only true guide in life.